Ipomoea on the balcony: planting and care

Ipomoea is a climbing annual that can be grown on a balcony. Bindweed is unpretentious, but there are some nuances that you need to know about if morning glory does not bloom on the balcony. The article will be devoted to planting and caring for a plant in the form of a pot culture.

Features of growing morning glory on the balcony

Ipomoea can be grown not only in open ground, but also on balconies and loggias. Plants develop quickly and after a while they will close part of the space. The main thing is to choose the appropriate conditions, choose the right containers and varieties.

It is very good if the balcony is located on the south, west or east side. In this case, morning glory will have enough lighting and heat. When growing climbing flowers on the northern loggias, the plants turn out to be pale, they are very elongated, so a decorative look cannot be achieved. Yes, and flowering will be scarce.

Attention! If there is a desire to grow an morning glory flower on a balcony (as in the photo below, for example), one fact must be taken into account: the vines are thermophilic, a decrease in temperature to +2 degrees will lead to the death of the plantings.

Ipomoea on the balcony: planting and care

What varieties of morning glory can be grown on a loggia or on a balcony

Not all morning glory varieties are suitable for pot growing. That is why you first need to find out which seeds are better to buy. On a balcony or loggia, bindweeds will grow only one season, since they are annuals.

Ipomoea purple

A plant with long (up to 4 m) shoots. The leaves are large, in diameter – from 7 to 10 cm, heart-shaped. They are located quite densely along the entire length of the stems.

Flowers look like funnels, the arrangement is single. In diameter, blue, purple, white buds reach 6 cm. Ipomoea begins to bloom in June. In a balcony, flowering is long.

Ipomoea on the balcony: planting and care

Ipomoea ivy

This morning glory should be grown on slightly alkaline or neutral soils. Shoots up to 4 m long, which allows you to create amazing “curtains” that shade the room from sunlight. The leaves are of medium length, similar in shape to the ivy plant, hence the name. Flowers of sky blue, scarlet, pink or purple look original against the background of green foliage.

One of the hybrids is very interesting – “Roman Kandi”. It has a vinous hue. On the petals – longitudinal white stripes, on the leaves – white spots.

Ipomoea on the balcony: planting and care

Ipomoea Nile

This variety was created by Japanese breeders. The originator is Kaikyo-zaki. This plant has dark green heart-shaped leaves. They have dense pubescence. Whitish-yellow stripes are located on the entire surface of the leaves.

Ipomoea is distinguished by large double flowers of blue, purple, crimson. Each star has white stripes running from the edge to the center.

Ipomoea on the balcony: planting and care

Ipomoea Kvamoklit (cypress vine)

This type of bindweed is valued for carved juicy green leaves. The length of the shoots is up to 5 m. They are so powerful that they are able to climb to any height on their own. Star-shaped buds with long tubes. The color can be red, scarlet, pink or white, depending on the variety. Flowers open early in the morning and after sunset, in the heat the buds are closed.

Ipomoea blue

Despite the decorativeness of the plant, you should not grow it on the balcony in those families where there are small children, as this morning glory contains psychotropic substances.

The plant attracts with unusual sky-blue flowers, powerful shoots. A great option for growing on a balcony or loggia.

Ipomoea on the balcony: planting and care

Planting morning glory on the balcony

Growing morning glory in pots on the balcony is a fascinating activity. Usually, flower growers do not have any special difficulties. The main thing is to choose the right variety. Seeds should be purchased at the store. When buying, you should pay attention to the expiration date of the seed, since after 2 years germination is lost.

Terms of planting

It is advisable to sow seeds for seedlings in late March or early April to get flowering plants. Of course, this is an approximate time, as everything depends on the climatic conditions of the region. It is necessary to plant flowers on the balcony after the establishment of positive temperatures.

When the average daily temperature is +10-15 degrees on the balcony, the flowers can be taken out or transplanted.

Attention! All types and varieties of morning glory have a negative attitude to transplantation, so it is better to grow seedlings in separate cups or cassettes.

Preparation of containers and soil

To grow morning glory on a loggia or on a balcony, you need to take care of the containers. It is better to choose flowerpots that fit at least 3 liters of soil, if one flower is planted in it, or balcony, long boxes in which several bushes are planted.

Since plants do not like stagnant water, holes are made in the bottom of the pot for drainage. Then lay the drainage of small pebbles. After that, the containers are filled with prepared soil.

Curly flower grows in almost any substrate. Sandy soils are the only exception. In this case, black soil or compost is added. If the soil in the garden is fertile, then it is quite suitable for planting. The main thing is that it be loose, air and water permeable.

Attention! For sowing seeds and growing morning glory on balconies and loggias, you can use ready-made soil for seedlings. Before sowing the seeds, the soil must be spilled with boiling water, to which a few crystals of potassium permanganate are added to prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Landing algorithm

Since morning glory seeds are difficult to germinate, they should be soaked for 24 hours in warm water before sowing to speed up germination.

Rules for growing and caring for seedlings:

  1. The soil in containers is watered with warm water, a deepening is made and seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 1 cm.
  2. After that, a plastic bag is pulled over the container to create a greenhouse effect. This will speed up the shoots. You need to keep the containers in a warm place at a temperature of + 18-20 degrees.
  3. The first sprouts appear after 7-12 days. The shelter is immediately removed, and the containers are put on a well-lit window. If there is not enough light in the room, it is advisable to install a backlight so that the seedlings do not stretch out.
  4. If the seedlings are grown in a common container, then after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, a pick will be required. Since Ipomoea does not like this procedure, you need to choose seedlings with a good clod of earth so as not to damage the root system.
  5. To get a lush bush, at a height of 15 cm, the seedlings are pinched to provoke the formation of new side shoots. At the same time, you need to make supports for the plant so that they begin to cling to them.
  6. Ipomoea seedlings on the balcony (the photo of which is placed below) are watered as needed. But it should be remembered that drying out and stagnant water are equally detrimental to morning glory.
  7. When the temperature on the balcony allows, plants in containers are taken out to windows or stands. Between containers (plants) should be at least 20-30 cm.

Flower care rules

If you have the skills to care for plants in the open field, then there will be no difficulties with balcony plantings. You need to know how to properly water, feed morning glory, protect it from diseases and pests.

Ipomoea on the balcony: planting and care

Watering Schedule

It should be understood that when growing bindweeds on balconies or loggias, natural precipitation does not participate in irrigation in any way. Therefore, Ipomoea should be watered frequently. Usually within a day. You need to water the bushes with warm, settled water. It is necessary to irrigate in such a way that the water does not stagnate, otherwise the root system will rot.

Advice! On hot summer days, the plants must be sprayed to prevent the leaves and buds from drying out.

Ipomoea top dressing

Climbing plants grown indoors are demanding on top dressing, as they quickly take up all the nutrients. That is why mineral fertilizers will be required: potash and phosphorus mixtures. Plantings in pots are fed monthly, combining them with watering.

It is not necessary to overfeed the plants, otherwise they will develop unevenly. In some cases, buds may not appear or the plants will react with yellowing foliage. All mineral fertilizers are diluted in accordance with the instructions.

Warning! In no case should you feed the potted crop with nitrogen fertilizers, as this will provoke an increase in green mass, and not the formation of buds.

Installation of supports

To create a climbing composition, if Ipomoea is grown on a loggia or balcony, supports will be required. They are installed in the center of the pot when the height is at least 15-20 cm. Then, when the seedlings are taken out onto the balcony, you need to stretch the fishing line or twine to direct the stems in the right direction. If desired, instead of threads, you can build a structure from bamboo sticks.

Important! Metal lattices for climbing flowers are not recommended, as they heat up and burn the stems of plants.

How to achieve flowering morning glory on the balcony

In order for morning glory to bloom profusely, you need to properly care for it:

  • watering, spraying correctly and in a timely manner;
  • feed regularly.

Dried buds can not be cut off, as they are not visible because of the greenery.

What problems can arise

Despite the unpretentiousness, novice flower growers who first started growing a crop may experience difficulties:

  1. Rain outside makes the air on the balcony too humid, which can cause the buds to rot.
  2. In extreme heat, the leaves may turn yellow and fall off. On particularly hot days, windows should be shaded.
  3. Petunia should not be planted in the same pot with morning glory, as this plant is an antagonist in relation to bindweed.
  4. Tanks for planting should be chosen deep so that the root system develops well.
  5. Of the pests, the spider mite most often affects morning glory. Indoors, landings will need to be processed with Actellik or Fitoverma.
  6. To destroy aphids, plants are sprayed with Aktara, Karbofos, Fitoverm, Aktellik.

Why do morning glory leaves turn yellow on the balcony

This problem can occur for various reasons:

  • sudden changes in temperature day and night: in the cold earth, rotting of the roots begins;
  • improper watering;
  • too cramped pot, the root system is poorly developed;
  • lack of iron in the soil.

Why morning glory does not bloom on the balcony

Flowering may not start if Ipomoea is overfed with nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, the green mass will begin to grow abundantly. The second reason why there is no bud formation is that the pot is too big. That is why it is advised to choose containers of 3 liters.


Many flower growers are embarrassed that Ipomoea does not bloom on the balcony, no matter what they do. The article has recommendations that will help grow beautiful plants with bright buds.

IPOMEA – climber for vertical gardening on the balcony and in the garden. Planting, care and cultivation

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