
Useful properties and use of morning glory, care and cultivation

Description of morning glory


Ipomoea is an interesting herbaceous plant, the species of which are both annual and perennial. Such a climbing vine has beautiful tubular or funnel-shaped flowers. The rhizome of the plant has a tuberous shape. Ipomoea is native to tropical America. It is widespread not only in Russia, but also in the subtropics and tropics.

The plant can be propagated by seeds. To do this, the seeds should be sown in the ground in the spring. To achieve early flowering, it is necessary to grow seedlings in advance. However, keep in mind that morning glory is hard to tolerate transplants, so save a clod of earth. In culture, it is unpretentious and undemanding to soils. Liana prefers open sunny places, but it will be nice to grow in shady areas. For abundant flowering, regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is recommended.

Whole morning glory leaves have arrow-shaped endings at the base. They are located on long petioles, located alternately on rather strong twisted stems. Strong stems of the plant can wrap around almost any support. Active growth occurs in the summer period, from mid-June to the end of September. The graceful corolla of the flower is formed by delightful fused petals, which is expressed by a pentagonal limb. The fruit is a small seed pod.

Useful properties of morning glory

Dense morning glory tubers are very rich in unique biologically active substances. Often they are used as food, because they taste like sweet, frozen potatoes. No parts of the plant are currently used for medicinal purposes.

The use of morning glory

Thanks to the beautiful stems of the presented creeper, it will help to exquisitely shade any terrace, hiding a certain area not only from direct sunlight, but also from prying eyes. Such a beautiful hedge can take any form. Ipomoea will help to decorate withered trees, which cannot be uprooted. With a sufficiently large volume of soil, the plant will be able to grow in boxes on balconies and loggias. Choose a south or southeast direction for accelerated vine growth.

Planting and caring for morning glory

Sowing seeds should be done in early spring. At home, three seeds per pot are enough. Sprouts will appear in two weeks. After the sprout is well strengthened, it can be dived into a larger pot, where a special stick is installed for support. When transplanting, do not forget to save the root ball of the earth. It is recommended to transplant the plant into a prepared flower bed no earlier than mid-May. The land must be pre-fertilized.

Ipomoea grows incredibly fast in arbitrary directions. It can take any form, depending on your desires. With the help of wire, fishing line or a special net, you can direct the growth of this amazing creeper. The stem can climb the supports up to two meters in height. Moderate feeding stimulates abundant flowering. With large amounts of fertilizer, flowering is suppressed and the foliage develops violently. Watch the soil so that it is not only rich in humus, but also always loose.

morning glory flowers

Under favorable conditions, morning glory will delight with a dense woven fabric of durable stems and flowers. The decorative advantages of inflorescences should be noted. On a stiff curly stem, densely covered with green heart-shaped foliage, interesting flowers are located. They are beautiful large bells. Depending on the plant variety, the shade of the flowers can vary from white to bluish tones. Flowers are simple and double.

Some specimens of flowers can reach 20 cm in diameter. This plant blooms from early July to late October. Since the flowers are especially sensitive to direct sunlight, they close in the afternoon.

Ipomea seeds

Small seeds ripening in a special seed box have good germination. When sown in mid-March, in two weeks very strong sprouts will sprout from them. At home, the seeds should be sown in small pots, and only after the shoots appear, the seedlings can be transplanted into the open ground of street flower beds.

Ipomoea cultivation


A beautiful ipomoea creeper requires quite intense lighting at home. In the garden plot, it develops beautifully in open areas. Some types of plants require protection from the wind. This undemanding flower grows well in almost any soil, but prefers nutritious and loose soils that are well drained. For the correct formation of the shape of the liana, a strong vertical support is required.

When growing, one should not forget about regular weeding and sufficient watering. Ipomoea does not tolerate strong stagnant water in the area or in the flower bed where it is planted. During the period of active growth in the spring, top dressing is essential. With an excess of fertilizers, only the green mass of leaves increases, and flowering becomes scarce. Pests and various diseases are not terrible for the plant.

Ipomoea varieties

In nature, there are 500 species of morning glory. Such herbaceous plants in culture are represented by 25 varieties. Almost all types of this wonderful liana can reach a height of two meters. The diameter of fantastic flowers – bells can be from 4 to 15 cm, depending on the specific species.

Morning glory kvamoklit. This bindweed is native to southern Mexico. This tropical showy annual has a strong reddish twisting stem. On it are heart-shaped three-lobed leaves, each of which has three thin stipules. The length of the flowers does not exceed 2 cm. During the flowering period, each flower changes color from red to creamy white. From a small open throat of the inflorescence, stamens and pistil are visible. Ipomoea quamoclit blooms from the beginning of August until the beginning of November.

Ipomoea purple. Such a perennial vine has low branching strong stems. This species is cultivated as an annual plant. Its stems can reach 8 meters in length. Large three-lobed leaves are located on very long petioles. The short hairy leaves are bright green. The diameter of large beautiful flowers reaches 7 cm. They impress with their bell-funnel shape. On the pedicels are from 2 to 5 flowers that grow in the axils of the leaves.

Flowering purple morning glory begins in July, and ends with the first frost. The flowers are variegated and terry. The fruit of the plant is represented by a rounded box, where there are up to four large seeds. Tropical America can be called the birthplace of this creeper.

Ipomoea terry. This type of plant is a perennial vine, which is cultivated as an annual. The rapid growth of the stems advantageously distinguishes it from other varieties. This vine can reach a length of three meters. On a strong stem are broadly oval or long-leaved leaves. Large funnel-shaped flowers in diameter reach 10 cm. Their color can be from pink to purple. Flowers live only one day, and are open until noon. Color plant from mid-summer to early October.

Ipomoea red-blue. This species is native to America. The presented annual plant has curly branched stems up to 5 meters high. Large ovate leaves are arranged oppositely. Wrinkled plates are on long petioles. Funnel-shaped flowers are collected 3 pieces in small bunches. Their diameter is from 8 to 10 cm. When flowering, the shade becomes purple-bluish. The flowers are open until noon, and in cloudy weather they may not close all day.

Dark elongated seeds ripen in a cone-shaped box. They are able to remain viable for about three years. This bindweed blooms from July to the end of October.

Ipomoea moonflowering. This herbaceous vine has strongly curly stems, the height of which often exceeds 3 meters. Shoots of stems can reach 6 meters. On the stems are heart-shaped leaves, and in the upper part – three-lobed. They create a special opaque cover. Such vine-like stems require particularly strong supports to form a hedge.

For the development of buds, such supports also play an important role. The flowering period becomes longer, and the number of flowers increases. The amazing aroma of these delightful bluebells attracts many insects. The flowering period is more than two to four months. In the open sun, the bud closes quickly from the scorching heat. Ipomoea moonflowering prefers abundant watering and nutritious soil.

Contraindications morning glory

Not identified.

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