IPA beer: history, difference between APA, types + how to drink

In England and America, India Pale Ale (abbreviated as IPA) is especially popular – Indian light (pale) ale, which accounts for up to 30% of sales or about 150 million gallons of beer per year.

IPAs are predominantly produced by craft breweries. The drink differs from the usual pale ale by a higher content of hops and, as a result, by greater strength and bitterness.

History of IPA

The extra-strong drink owes its appearance to the East India Campaign. The first mention of IPA dates back to 1829.

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, English brewers experimented with the composition of ale supplied to Indian territory for the British military and service personnel.

In the process, it was noticed that the long journey to exotic shores is better tolerated by drinks well flavored with hops. And if at first they shocked the tasters with their strength and pronounced bitterness, then over time the British got used to the strong taste and fell in love with it.

By the end of the XNUMXth century bitter pale ale had become popular not only in the East Indies, but also in Australia, colonial Africa, Scotland and New Zealand. As far as the British market is concerned, here it has even squeezed out other types of beer.

During the First World War, the strength of English ales declined and the IPA faded from the scene for a while.

American version

The drink experienced a new birth in the XNUMXth century, during the era of the craft revolution in the United States. In the American alcohol market, small brewing companies began to actively open, which adopted the traditional British recipe.

This is how one of the varieties of Indian ale appeared – a brighter beer APA (American Pale Ale) with characteristic fruity, coniferous and citrus notes. It is noteworthy that this effect is achieved not by the inclusion of any artificial additives, but by using unusual varieties of hops.

The reference American IPA was Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, brewed in the 1980s in Chico.

Today, virtually every microbrewery in California boasts an original Indian ale brewed with pale malts and an additional hopping step.

Difference between IPA and APA

Unlike the British, Americans do not focus on strength and bitterness, but on aroma and taste. Here you can find strong ale with peach, coniferous, orange, pineapple, melon, grapefruit, mango notes.

The American version has a drier aftertaste, crisp and clean character, the English version has a pronounced maltiness and power.

The production technology is also different:

  1. In England, a pronounced bitterness is obtained by brewing ale with hops from herbaceous, floral, and spicy varieties such as Fuggle and Goldings;

  2. In the USA, fruit-resinous hop varieties Columbus, Chinook, Citra are used, on which the product is infused after cooling the wort.

Types of IPA beer

In addition to the 2 famous classic styles of 5-7,5% ABV Indian ale, there are many other variations:

  1. Double IPA/Triple IPA

    It has a complex taste with pronounced hop bitterness, strong maltiness and residual sweetness.

    It is also characterized by high density and increased strength (8-10%).

  2. Imperial IPA

    A more aromatic version of the “double” ale with a high degree (over 11%).

    Известные марки: Stone Enjoy By IPA, Hill Farmstead Abner, Toppling Goliath King Sue, Alpine Exponential Hoppiness, Other Half All Green Everything, Evil Twin Molotov Cocktail.

  3. West Coast IPA

    Originating in Southern California but spread across the continents, the beer has a juicy citrus flavor and a strong bitterness.

    Лучшие бренды: Pizza Port Solana Beach Swami’s IPA, Lagunitas IPA, Russian River Blind Pig IPA.

  4. Belgian IPA

    This variety is not necessarily produced in Belgium, but is always made with Belgian yeast. It has a pear-banana aroma with tones of cloves and high strength (about 8%).

    Популярные марки: Green Flash Le Freak, Brasserie d’Achouffe Houblon Chouffe Dobbelen IPA Tripel, Allagash Hugh Malone, Stone Cali-Belgian IPA, Flying Dog Raging Bitch Belgian Style IPA, Duvel Triple Hop.

  5. New England IPA

    Vermont-style ale, less bitter, more fruity and drinkable.

  6. Northeast-style IPA

    Northeastern version, softer and juicier, perishable, with hints of pineapple, mandarin, melon, grapefruit, with a cloudy texture and low bitterness.

    Made with an American-Australian hop blend.

    Достойные образцы: The Alchemist Heady Topper, River Roost Mas Verde, Lawson’s Double Sunshine IPA, Tree House Julius, Bissell Brothers The Substance, Trillium Congress Street IPA.

  7. Black IPA/Cascadian dark ale

    “White Crow” among its brethren is a dark version of pale ale.

    It has a charcoal hue, which is given to the drink by burnt malt. Top Brands: Firestone Walker Wookey Jack, Libertine Black Ale, To Øl Black Malts & Body Salts, 21st Amendment Back in Black.

There are other styles of IPA: Session IPA (with a tropical aroma, clean aftertaste and low alcohol – up to 5%), Citrus IPA (with the addition of fruits), Brett IPA (based on a special variety of “wild” yeast), Fresh hop IPA (based on based on freshly harvested green hops).

Also, Indian ale is classified according to the type of malt (rye, wheat, oat). The monohop variant is singled out as a separate group: it is made on the basis of one type of hop, while several varieties are usually used.

How and with what to drink IPA

It is customary to drink Indian ale from special tulip-shaped glasses with a narrow base (spiegelau), but ordinary wine or cognac glasses are also suitable.

As snacks, meat and vegetable dishes, fruits, seafood, aged cheeses, Italian cuisine are considered universal.

When choosing a snack, it is worth starting from the desired effect: spicy, spicy, sweet food emphasizes bitterness; sour, fatty and salty foods soften it.

Interesting Facts

  1. Along with the rise in popularity of the IPA, the new term “hophead” came into use, denoting a hop-obsessed beer drinker.

  2. The hoppy bitterness wears off rather quickly, so strong craft beer is recommended to be drunk as soon as possible.

    For this reason, some manufacturers do not indicate the expiration date on the bottle, but the bottling / hopping date.

Relevance: 17.07.2019

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Types of beer

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