Ions, air vitamins

These small charged particles have the ability to influence our well-being. Negative ions give energy and calmness, positive ions increase stress and fatigue. It is in our interests to multiply the number of the former and neutralize the latter.

An air ionizer is an attribute of modern civilization and a symbol of a high quality of life. We all know about the existence of such devices, and some even use them. Air ionization is used in shower cabins of the latest generation, solariums and even special hair dryers.

breath of life

The first of the researchers who noted the effect of air charged with electricity on the human body was Lomonosov. He made countless experiments with an electrostatic machine – a novelty for the XNUMXth century – and as a result suggested that the air during a thunderstorm is very similar in properties to that which is permeated with artificial electric charges.

Another of our brilliant compatriots, academician Alexander Chizhevsky, became the first scientist to prove the effect of ions of positive and negative polarity on a healthy or diseased human body, animals and plants. “Having built a dwelling, a person deprived himself of ionized air, perverted the natural respiratory environment and came into conflict with the nature of his body. Residents of cities spend 90% of their lives inside buildings and gradually lose their immune forces, get sick and become prematurely decrepit,” Chizhevsky came to such a sad conclusion.

The air is alive and dead

Where to look for useful ions

At the foot of the waterfall: 50 negative ions per cubic meter cm In the mountains: from 000 to 8000. On the seashore: 12. In the forest: 000. Outdoors after a thunderstorm: from 4000 to 3000. In the countryside: from 1500 to 4000. Also: in the sun, near fountains and springs, under the shower. For comparison: the air of city streets contains from 500 to 1200 negative ions per cubic meter. cm

The theory of the issue is as follows: in the air, under the influence of electricity, the redistribution of electrons around oxygen atoms occurs. An atom that has lost one or more electrons is called a positive ion. And having attached one or more electrons to itself, it is negative. Most of all negative ions are high in the mountains, there are many of them on the ocean and sea coast, they are also formed after a thunderstorm, in clean country air, near waterfalls or … in a shower with good water pressure. Every person, once in such places, feels lightness and a surge of strength. “Air ions were called by us “aeroions,” wrote Chizhevsky. – The process of their occurrence – “aeroionization”, their treatment – “aeroionotherapy”. Chizhevsky introduced two more terms that scientists still use today – “heavy” and “light” air ions. The fact is that ions can attach neutral molecules to themselves: if these are gas molecules, then a light air ion is obtained, but if these are liquid or solid molecules, it is heavy. Heavy ions are charged dust, soot, smoke and industrial fumes. At best, they settle on the surface of surrounding objects, at worst – on the inner surface of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Light air ions are involved in gas exchange, enter the bloodstream and affect cellular metabolism.

Magic lamp

Young Alexander Chizhevsky – he was 21 years old – designed an apparatus that was designed to save a city dweller from the dangerous consequences of ion starvation. They became an air ionization unit, the so-called Chizhevsky lamp. According to its principle, all today’s ionizers are created. The device works from the mains, absorbing a meager amount of electricity, and consists of a fan, a generator that produces an electric charge, and a number of needles, on the tips of which light air ions arise. Lamp effect – the air of a mountain resort in a city apartment! As subsequent experiments showed, in rooms with artificially ionized air, a person concentrates more easily, feels better, and gets tired more slowly. Chizhevsky’s followers conducted a number of medical studies, and it turned out that ionized air is able to heal and improve the condition of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, angina pectoris, the initial stages of tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, and asthma. Air ions of negative polarity perfectly dry wounds and burns, are a prophylactic against sore throats, migraines, nervous disorders, insomnia and even irritability.

Inhale good mood

The positive effect of exposure to negative ions is applicable in the treatment of chronic stress, insomnia and depression, says Professor Andras Varga, head of the electrobioclimatic laboratory at the Institute of Hygiene, Heidelberg University (Germany). “In the course of laboratory studies, it turned out that with the help of ionotherapy it is possible to effectively deal with nervous disorders by normalizing the level of serotonin in the body. After 10 sessions of ionotherapy (15 minutes each), 80% of the subjects who previously complained of anxiety and anxiety stated that the unpleasant symptoms disappeared and did not recur between sessions.

Modern ionizers

Fashion for air ionization comes and goes. Over the past few years, the topic of saturating the air with negative ions has again become especially popular in Japan – not for the first and not the second time! Seven generations of domestic air ionizers are direct descendants of the Chizhevsky lamp, although outwardly they are completely different: in the form of a ball, globe, rackets on the wall, reminiscent of a radio receiver, a tape recorder speaker and even a candlestick with a candle. Manufacturers usually advise not to turn on the device for the whole day, but to arrange sessions of 2–3 or 3–4 hours of ionotherapy. Manufacturers do not recommend using a household ionizer in heavily dusty areas. Although large air ionizers capable of healing space up to 1000 sq. m, just promise to effectively fight dust and pathogenic bacteria. There are a lot of ionizers for a car: very small, with Velcro, working from the cigarette lighter socket, eliminating dust, smoke, unpleasant odors and flavoring the air. A small silver ionizer for the refrigerator destroys viruses, bacteria, mold, fills the chamber with the smell of freshness, while food is stored in it twice as long. Finally, the next-generation custom pocket air ionizer promises the wearer an invisible suit, a safe breathing zone that eliminates viruses, bacteria, allergens and smoke.

Natural protection

We can easily increase the number of useful ions in our environment without resorting to special equipment. The easiest way is to ventilate the premises. Humidification also attracts negative ions. In the absence of a special humidifier, you can turn on the water under strong pressure from time to time. But all electrical appliances that we do not use at the moment, it is better to unplug from the outlet, instead of leaving them in standby mode. Of the houseplants, the champion in the production of negative ions is geranium. Among forest plants, conifers are considered the best natural ionizers: spruce, pine, fir, arborvitae, cedars. A walk through the coniferous forest is an excellent remedy for ion starvation.

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