Involuntary plagiarism

Not always the one who uses other people’s ideas does it intentionally. This was shown by a survey conducted by Anne Catherine Defeldre, a researcher at the University of Liege (Belgium).

Not always the one who uses other people’s ideas does it intentionally. This was shown by a survey conducted by Anne Catherine Defeldre, a researcher at the University of Liege (Belgium). 54% of those surveyed claimed to have used someone else’s ideas without realizing it.

In most cases, involuntary plagiarism was born in the creative process. Someone composed poems or looked for a title to the text; someone used someone else’s name for a cocktail, or composed a tune they forgot they heard it on the radio the day before; another survey participant shared with his acquaintance new information that he had learned from him.

Attributing to ourselves the achievements of others (or even our own, forgotten, from past years!), we reinvent the wheel again and again, and each time with the delight of a discoverer.

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