Invag – action, indications, contraindications, side effects

Invag is a vaginal gynecological probiotic, recommended for the treatment of vaginal discharge and other vaginal inflammations, restoring the balance of the vaginal bacterial flora, and also used as an adjunct in antibiotic therapy. Invag capsules received a positive opinion of the Polish Gynecological Society. In addition, the bacterial strains included in the preparation are most often found in the microflora of Polish women, making it an effective and perfectly matched cosmetic.

InVag globules – what are they for?

InVag are vaginal globules whose task is to restore or supplement the proper pH of the vaginal bacterial flora. The capsules are recommended primarily to women after the puerperium, during menopause, during antibiotic therapy, in the treatment of vaginal discharge and during the imbalance of the bacterial microflora of the vagina. The color of the capsule is white. There are 7 of them in the package.

The active substance of the drug is live lactic acid bacteria. They belong to the group of lactic acid bacteria or lactic acid bacteria. Their beneficial effects on the body have been known for hundreds of years. They produce compounds that help restore the vaginal microflora or maintain it in a proper condition. The presence of lactobacilli in the epithelium prevents harmful microbes from reaching them.

InVag – what ingredients do they contain?

InVag contains the following ingredients:

  1. live lactic acid bacteria (25% Lactobacillus fermentum 57A, 25% Lactobacillus plantarum 57B, 50% Lactobacillus gasseri 57C),
  2. skimmed milk powder,
  3. sucrose,
  4. sodium L-glutamate,
  5. mannitol,
  6. lactose monohydrate,
  7. magnesium stearate,
  8. gelatine,
  9. titanium dioxide.

InVag is recommended to be used in diseases and cases such as:

  1. disorders of the vaginal flora – appear when the vaginal pH is not within the normal range between 3,8-4,2. This means that the bacteria in the bacterial flora do not produce enough lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. The cause of the disease may be the use of antibiotics, hormonal changes, too frequent use of intimate hygiene products and many sexual contacts with different partners.
  2. vaginal discharge – this is a discharge that is emitted abundantly from the vagina. It is distinguished from normal secretion by an unpleasant smell. The causes of vaginal discharge are, for example, wearing tight underwear or underwear made of artificial materials, vaginal infections, trichomoniasis and mycosis. If left untreated, the condition can damage the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries.

InVag helps prevent urogenital infections. It can also be used prophylactically when the balance of the vaginal flora is disturbed due to the use of contraception and improper hygiene of intimate parts. It also supports the treatment of vaginitis and during and after antibiotic therapy, with antifungal and / or antibacterial drugs.

InVag – contraindications

The drug should not be taken by women who are allergic to any of its ingredients. The presence of severe disorders of the immune system will also be a contraindication. During the treatment, side effects may occur, e.g. urge to urinate, pollakiuria, redness, swelling of the labia, lower abdominal pain, cervical redness, itching, burning, discharge, cold, headache.

InVag – side effects

InVag, like any drug, can have side effects. Clinical trials have been performed in adult women and no serious side effects have been reported. Nevertheless, there were some moderate or mild conditions. Common side effects (1-10 in 100 patients) are:

  1. frequent urination,
  2. urge to urinate
  3. cold,
  4. vaginal discharge,
  5. baking,
  6. itching
  7. lower abdominal pain
  8. edema,
  9. redness of the labia,
  10. edema,
  11. spotting,
  12. headache.

InVag – precautions when taking the drug

The lactic acid bacteria contained in the preparation are sensitive to clindamycin, gentamicin, tetracycline, ampicillin, penicillin and chloramphenicol. Concomitant use of the globules and one of the above-mentioned substances may interfere with the effect of InVag. In addition, the drug is less effective when interacting with spermicidal preparations that contain nonoxynol-9 and with sulfamethoxazole (a bacteriostatic antibiotic).

Vaginal discharge – what is worth knowing about this condition?

Vaginal discharge is a mucilaginous, foamy, or watery discharge. They can be white, pinkish, light brown, yellow or red. They are characterized by an extremely unpleasant smell. Vaginal discharge hampers intimate hygiene and is often abundant. They can be symptoms of serious diseases, so they should not be underestimated. As soon as they appear, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

  1. Reasons for formation

The cause of vaginal discharge is, for example, an imbalance between healthy and harmful bacteria in the vagina. These types of vaginal discharge are yellow or milky in color. The discharge then smells like fish. The disease is accompanied by itching and burning of the vulva. Neglecting treatment may lead to a miscarriage or premature cause during pregnancy.

Another cause of vaginal discharge is cartilage. It is a disease caused by trichomoniasis, which has good conditions for development in the vestibule of the vagina. These types of vaginal discharge are gray in color and have an intense odor. They are also the cause of pain during sexual intercourse. Men are also carriers of this type of infection, but they do not get it.

The cause of vaginal discharge is a thrush called thrush. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse, but yeasts also harbor in towels, bar soaps, and sponges. The first symptoms of the disease are itching, pain in the vagina and labia. In this case, the vaginal discharge is cream-colored and looks like cottage cheese. Their development occurs when a person does not care for the hygiene of intimate parts or uses antibiotics or oral contraception for a long time.

  1. Treatment

The method of treatment depends on the causes that caused the disease. The use of pharmacological agents is helpful, but also frequent washing of the vulva and irrigation. For this, antiviral drugs, antibiotics or antifungal drugs are used. When vaginal discharge is caused by trichomoniasis, then the partner must also undergo treatment.

  1. Prevention

To prevent vaginal discharge, the most important thing is to ensure proper hygiene of the genital tract. The infection can happen to any woman, but usually it affects women with weaker immune systems, women who are chronically ill and who take antibiotics for a long time. Correct intimate hygiene plays a key role in the prevention of vaginal discharge. When washing, it is worth using liquids with a neutral or acidic pH.

  1. When to see a doctor?

Using medications like InVag can help treat vaginal discharge, but there are cases where you should consult your doctor. These include unusual discharge and bleeding. During the examination, the doctor will check the condition of the organs and in some cases will recommend a vaginal and cervical smear. In some cases, you will need further tests, including an ultrasound scan.

Name of the drug / preparation Invag
Wstęp Invag is a gynecological vaginal probiotic, recommended for the treatment of vaginal discharge and other vaginal inflammations, restoring the balance of the vaginal flora, as well as supporting antibiotic therapy. Invag capsules received a positive opinion of the Polish Gynecological Society.
Manufacturer IBSS BIOMED SA
Form, dose, packaging Vaginal globules, not less than 109 CFU (colony forming unit) per capsule, 7 pcs.
Availability category No prescription
The active substance Live lactobacilli: 25% Lactobacillus fermentum 57A, 25% Lactobacillus plantarum 57B, 50% Lactobacillus gasseri 57C
Indication After the puerperium and menopause, during and after antibiotic therapy, during the treatment of vaginitis and vaginal discharge, during the use of contraception, in disorders of the balance of the vaginal bacterial microflora and in order to maintain its proper PH
Dosage One globule is placed deep into the vagina and left overnight. It should be used once a day for a week.
Contraindications to use Allergy to any component of the drug or severe disorders of the immune system.
Warnings Do not use in patients with severe disorders of the immune system.
Interactions The lactic acid bacteria contained in the preparation are sensitive to clindamycin, gentamicin, tetracycline, ampicillin, penicillin and chloramphenicol. Concomitant use of the globules and any of the above-mentioned substances may interfere with the action of Invag. In addition, it is less effective when interacting with spermicidal preparations containing nonoxynol-9 and with sulfamethoxazole (a bacteriostatic antibiotic).
Side effects Urinary pressure and pollakiuria, redness and swelling of the labia, lower abdominal pain, cervical redness, itching, burning, discharge, spotting. In addition, colds and headaches may appear.

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