Inulin – health-promoting properties and application. Inulin for slimming

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Few people know that inulin is a polysaccharide with health-promoting properties. As it turns out – it not only helps to lose weight, but also has a positive effect on lowering cholesterol and sugar levels. What else is worth knowing about it?

Many people wonder what inulin is. It is naturally occurring sugarwhich belongs to the group of fructans. It is a white powder, a bit like starch, but unlike starch, it dissolves well in water.

What’s more – inulin is not digested in the digestive tract, therefore it acts as a dietary fiber.

Inulin is produced mainly by plants from the Asteraceae family. It can be found in larger quantities in the tubers of chicory, artichoke, dandelion, Jerusalem artichoke, as well as in onions, leek, garlic, bananas and asparagus. You can also consume inulin as a super foods product. Intenson inulin powder can be added to meals and drinks. You can also find it in the Fit & Detox Slimming Elixir Intenson fiber cocktail. We also recommend Pro Natura chicory inulin.

Inulin is polysaccharide with a wide range of properties. Its distinctive feature is above all low calorific value – it is almost ten times less sweet than regular sugar. Inulin has gelling, structure-forming, stabilizing and thickening properties. Sometimes this low-sugar sugar is a substitute for fat.

As it turns out, 1 g of inulin is equivalent to 4 g of fat. Products with inulin content do not lose their value, retain all their valuable properties. What’s more – inulin in a given product improves its taste and texture, and also gives a feeling of creaminess while eating.

It is worth adding that the properties of inulin as a fat substitute mean that it is used in the production of food for people who want to lose weight. In addition, this valuable polysaccharide can also block appetite and make you feel fullwhich, in turn, improves the control of the amount of food consumed. Therefore, products with inulin should be reached by people not only on a diet, but also those who think about proper nutrition and health.

You also need to know that inulin is perfect prebioticstimulating the development of a good intestinal flora. Inulin regulates the number of bowel movements, and reduces the tendency to constipation. In addition, it helps with controlling cholesterol levels.

Inulin also has a positive effect on regulating carbohydrate metabolism. Through the valuable properties of fiber slows down the absorption of sugar from food into the blood i reduces the glycemic index the product you eat. The use of inulin in food is important for diabetics, as it may additionally lower blood glucose levels.

Inulin is found in tubers, rhizomes and roots of plants such as chicory. Parts of this plant are properly processed to form a white powder. In this form, chicory inulin can be purchased in a health food store or bought in the form of tablets in almost every pharmacy. A very interesting solution is also chicory coffee, which can be purchased in a set for the liver along with green tea with prickly pear and herbal tea supporting the work of the liver.

You can find inulin powder at Medonet Market. You can add it to any dish of your choice for a natural prebiotic. Inulin is also included in the Synerbio Saccharomyces Boulardii Viridian supplement, available in packages of 30 capsules.

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