Periodically, for one reason or another, various products rise in the wake of consumer popularity. Interest in them is growing, everyone is studying exclusive properties, trying to acquire this product and put it into practice. Sometimes, as in the case of inulin, such interest is fully justified, because the valuable qualities of this substance make it extremely useful for the human body.
What is inulin and what is it for?
Inulin is a natural polysaccharide with a sweetish taste that has no synthetic analogues. It is found in more than 3000 plants, mainly in their roots and tubers.
Its popularity is due to the valuable qualities of the polysaccharide. Being a natural prebiotic, inulin, when it enters the human gastrointestinal tract, improves intestinal motility, stimulates digestion, provides nutrition and growth of valuable bifidobacteria. Human digestive enzymes are not able to digest inulin, so it fully retains its valuable properties in the digestive tract.
The benefits of inulin
Since the formula of this polysaccharide is close to the formula of fiber, the acidic environment of the stomach is not able to act on inulin. It undergoes partial cleavage in the intestines, where working microorganisms turn inulin into a nutrient medium for their reproduction. Growing colonies of beneficial bacteria crowd out the pathogenic flora, which heals the intestines by stimulating the biochemical reactions of digestion.
The remaining unsplit part of inulin, passing through the intestines, cleanses it of toxins, radionuclides, “bad” cholesterol. This property is actively used by manufacturers, producing many types of food supplements and products designed to cleanse the body.
Other valuable properties of inulin:
Inulin promotes the absorption of useful trace elements necessary for human life: calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus. Thanks to its mediation, the absorption of these minerals increases by 30%, the formation of bone tissue is stimulated, its density increases by 25%, and osteoporosis is prevented.
Inulin is an immunomodulator, increasing the intensity of metabolic processes, increasing the body’s endurance.
Creates the illusion of satiety without adding calories to food, contributing to weight loss.
Perfectly replaces natural coffee without harming the digestion and nervous system.
Gives products a rich creamy taste without increasing their calorie content.
Due to the reaction of lymphoid tissue to the introduction of inulin into the digestive tract, the human immune system is strengthened, as the local immunity of the ureters, bronchial tree, and gastrointestinal mucosa is increased.
The hepatoprotective properties of inulin are to stimulate the repair of damaged liver tissues, which helps in the treatment of hepatitis B and C.

Harm of inulin
This polysaccharide does not have any dangerous properties and is unable to have a negative effect on the human body. Inulin is included in hypoallergenic baby food for infants, passing through several stages of quality control.
The only side effect of this substance is the stimulation of increased gas formation. In addition, inulin is not recommended to be taken with antibiotics, as it reduces the effectiveness of drugs in this group.
What foods contain inulin?
The champion in the content of inulin among cultivated plants is chicory root. It contains up to 20% of this polysaccharide, and up to 70% in terms of dry matter.
List of plants with a high content of inulin:
Dry burdock root – 37-45%;
Elecampane root – 44%;
Dandelion root – 40%;
Jerusalem artichoke tubers – 14-18%;
Garlic – 9-16%;
Leek – 3-10%;
Onions – 2-6%;
Tubers of dahlia, narcissus, hyacinth, scorzonera, oat root – 10-12%;
Rye – 0,5-1,5%;
Barley – 0,5-1%;
Bananas – 0,3-0,7%.
The high content of inulin is recorded in raisins, asparagus, artichokes.

Inulin from Jerusalem artichoke
Most of the inulin offered to the consumer is made from Jerusalem artichoke tubers. For this, varieties with a high content of this polysaccharide, bred with the help of breeding work, are used. For the production of inulin, a sparing technology is used that preserves its valuable properties as much as possible. The output is a concentrated powder with a high content of polysaccharide.
Jerusalem artichoke is a unique plant, the tubers of which do not accumulate nitrates in themselves in any way of cultivating the crop. This plant is able to process toxic substances into safe compounds.
In addition, the plant contains a large amount of iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, manganese, silicon, zinc. A balanced mineral composition enhances immunity and strengthens human health. This unique plant is especially useful for patients with diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and metabolic disorders.
All these valuable qualities are preserved in inulin preparations obtained from Jerusalem artichoke. For those who care about the harmony of their figure, it will be useful to know that Jerusalem artichoke inulin slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates. Complete absorption of calcium from food, improvement of the intestinal microflora – all these properties are characteristic of the drug, produced in the form of tablets or powder. To cover the daily requirement, you need only 1-2 teaspoons of inulin per day.
Instructions for use of inulin
Dietary supplement Inulin is available in the form of powder, crystals, tablets of 0,5 g each. It is a 100% unmodified polysaccharide in its natural state. Its structure completely repeats the structure of a living cell. 100 g dietary supplement Inulin contains 110 kilocalories.
chronic hepatitis,
Fat metabolism disorders
Prevention of colon cancer.
The drug is taken in courses with a break between them of 1-2 months. The course requires 3 bottles of Inulin.
Tablets – 1-2 pcs. 3-4 times a day;
Powder – 1 tsp each. before meals (1-3 times a day).
Before use, the crystals and powder are dissolved in any liquid – in water, kefir, juice, tea. Of course, it’s best to consult your doctor first. But even with long-term use of side effects from taking bioadditives are not observed.
Manufacturers of inulin
Orto Prebio
This drug is positioned by the Belgian manufacturer ORAFTI as the most advanced prebiotic, the only one of its analogues that protects the colon throughout its entire length. The dietary supplement contains acacia resin and oligofructose, which gives the powder a sweetish aftertaste.
Several hundred medical studies have been devoted to the positive effect of the drug on the state of the digestive, immune and skeletal systems. It is widely used in 75 countries in Europe and America. With the help of Ortho Prebio, the beneficial intestinal microflora increases its concentration by 10-12 times in 5-10 days. This positive effect can be judged by the change in the characteristics of the stool and the reduction of discomfort in the intestines.
Ortho Prebio can be used during the correction of body weight, as it promotes rapid satiety and prevents overeating.
Dysbacteriosis caused by treatment with antibacterial drugs;
Atopic dermatitis;
Chronic fatigue;
stress, depression;
Allergic manifestations, asthma;
Decreased immunity after diseases of the respiratory system;
Joint diseases
irritable bowel syndrome;
Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Positive effect of Ortho Prebio:
Helps prevent constipation;
Reduces the likelihood of occurrence and severity of intestinal infections;
Activates fat metabolism;
Prevents the development of “travelers’ diarrhea”;
Removes heavy metals, radionuclides, toxins from the body;
Contributes to the prevention of cancer and inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract;
Increases the effectiveness of concomitantly taken probiotics.
Due to the sweet taste, the drug can be added to drinks, cereals, pastries, dairy products or taken in isolation.
Adults – 1 tsp. twice a day for the first 10-14 days, then 1 tsp;
Children – the recommended dose is 2-3 times less.
Ortho Prebio has no side effects even when the dosage is significantly exceeded. Rarely, increased gas formation may occur.
Inulin Forte
The drug is a tablet consisting of dry powder of Jerusalem artichoke and wheat bran.
The composition of dietary supplements Inulin Forte includes:
essential amino acids,
Micro and macro elements (iron, calcium, silicon, copper, zinc, manganese),
B vitamins1, B2, C
The effect of the drug:
Stimulates metabolism;
Reduces satiety threshold while eating;
It has a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system;
Promotes tissue regeneration in the treatment of peptic ulcer;
It is used for effective cleansing of the body.
Bioadditive Inulin Forte has no contraindications for use except for pregnancy and lactation. The recommended frequency of administration is 2 tablets 3 times a day with meals. They are washed down with water or juice, jelly, compote.
The composition of this drug, produced by the Ukrainian company Inulan Limited, includes inulin and powder from the gynostemma plant. The bioadditive normalizes and coordinates the activity of the immune, reproductive, digestive, cardiovascular systems due to the high content of saponins.
Gynostemine action:
Neutralizes the effects of stress and depression;
Is a hepatoprotector;
According to Japanese researchers, reduces the likelihood of cancer cells;
Normalizes lipid metabolism;
It is used in Asian countries for weight loss in obese people and weight gain in asthenics and athletes;
Normalizes blood sugar levels;
Prevents the development of complications of diabetes.
The dietary supplement contains inulin, carotenoids, saponins, trace elements (selenium, magnesium, zinc, calcium).
The drug is used to normalize cholesterol levels, improve metabolic processes and accelerate metabolism. The bioadditive regulates body weight, has hepatoprotective properties, improves digestion, and is taken to prevent cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
The composition and useful properties of the components:
Inulin – removes toxins, normalizes the level and composition of bile acids, improves digestion;
Budra ivy – helps to evacuate small stones and sand from the gallbladder and bladder, has cleansing properties;
Linden ordinary – reduces blood viscosity, relieves spasms, has a choleretic, calming effect, stimulates the separation of bile and urine;
Dandelion officinalis – tones the tissues of the gallbladder, stimulates bile formation,
Horsetail – improves immunity and speeds up metabolic processes, stimulates hematopoiesis, lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.
Inulin for weight loss
Weight loss is due to the fact that inulin directly affects carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It binds triglycerides, fatty acids and “bad” cholesterol. Its effect on the liver is expressed in the regulation of fat metabolism and increased activity of liver enzymes.
The cells of the human body, freed from ballast and toxins, more actively absorb useful substances. The level of sugar in the blood decreases, along with it the body weight decreases. This process does not happen in a short time, it can take from 2 to 3 months to achieve a significant result. Diet and exercise can help speed up weight loss.
The use of inulin creates a feeling of satiety and reduces appetite due to the fact that it envelops the intestinal mucosa without increasing the level of sugar and insulin in the blood.
Exceptionally low calorie content combined with a pleasant taste make inulin a valuable component of any weight loss diet.
Contraindications to the use of inulin
Inulin does not cause side effects and has no contraindications.
Inulin price
Inulin from Jerusalem artichoke tubers in tablets can be bought at a price of 375 to 510 rubles per 100 pcs. with a dosage of 0,5 g.
BAA Inulin Forte Evalar is offered to consumers from 249 rubles per 100 pcs.
Inulin powder produced in the USA (Ortho Prebio), the online store offers 1200 rubles per package.