Intuitive nutrition: what it is, principles and benefits

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! Intuitive eating: what is it? I hope this information and video will give a complete and understandable answer.

What is intuitive eating

Intuitive eating is not a diet. It is a lifestyle that millions of people around the world have discovered. Eating by listening to yourself and not to the advice of nutritionists is a sensible philosophy. It makes it possible to feel comfortable and lose weight. At the same time, without denying yourself your favorite products.

This is a way of eating, in which you do not need to limit yourself too much. It is suitable for all people who know how to listen to the desires of their body.

Stephen Hawks

Stephen Hawkes was the first to notice this method. He previously had problems with extra pounds. The doctor has experienced a huge number of different diets. But, everyone knows the fact that from strict diets, kilograms can return with a couple of extra ones.

In addition, strict prohibitions negatively affect the psyche and human health. After these experiments, the doctor invented his own way to get rid of those extra pounds. This is the intuitive eating method.

With the help of this system, he got rid of 22 extra pounds without causing any harm to the body. Therefore, this system is not a diet. This is because at the heart of any diet there are restrictions that can lead to overeating.

Intuitive nutrition encourages you to listen to the desires of your body. If you’re not hungry, why eat? In order to achieve success in the fight against extra pounds, you should adhere to some principles:

Give up diets

It is important to understand that any restriction in your diet can harm the body. Forget about what they write in magazines, you will not get any more diet. The main rule here is respect for the feeling of one’s own hunger.

Intuitive nutrition: what it is, principles and benefits

It is important to give your body the amount of nutrients necessary for its normal functioning. It is extremely important here to learn to hear the body, at the moment when it is actually hungry.

Don’t count calories

In no case should you scold yourself for allowing yourself a pie. You should give your body as much as it asks for. Only by giving up calorie control can you move on.

You shouldn’t forbid your food.

Allow yourself to eat. Any prohibition leads to the fact that there is an irresistible desire to eat just this. Therefore, any prohibition leads to a breakdown. At the same time, a person eats much more than necessary.

Hear that the body is full

In addition to recognizing the real feeling of hunger, you should also hear that you are full. This is necessary in order to prevent overeating.

For example:

  1. Hunger is 0.
  2. Overeating is 10.
  3. Stop at 7.

Think only about food while eating

You should not watch TV, read a newspaper, etc. while eating. This way you will enjoy your meal and prevent overeating.

Emotions should not be seized

Learn to switch without the aid of food. It will not help you get rid of unpleasant feelings. On the contrary, you may become even more upset because you overeat.

Love yourself

Loving yourself is an important motivation. If you cannot love your body, you will not be able to give up dieting.

Love sports

This is not about lengthy workouts. You just need to lead an active lifestyle. You can use morning jogging, sign up for dancing or fitness. But, here it is important to fall in love with the chosen occupation. In no case should you force yourself.

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