
Give yourself permission to eat anything without conditions, work it out in the gym or have a fasting day. This is the basic principle of intuitive eating. At first, it can cause anxiety and resistance, because it seems like a path to chaos and excess weight. Indeed, in modern culture it is believed that nutrition must be “monitored”, as if we suspect it of something, writes psychotherapist Svetlana Bronnikova, a specialist in the normalization of eating behavior.

However, intuitive menu planning is the only way to permanently get rid of bouts of overeating. The fact is that it is not the abundance of products that leads to food without a feeling of hunger, but psychological and physiological discomfort from restrictions. «Dietary» thinking divides foods into useful and harmful. The latter are forbidden and are already attractive for this. In intuitive eating, there are no rules. We develop them ourselves, focusing on sensations, and, oddly enough, over time we begin to increasingly choose products recommended by nutritionists. What is perceived as a free choice does not cause resistance. The book describes tasks that can be done to get rid of «diet» thinking. For example, in order to “legalize” a forbidden product, you need to buy it in huge quantities, put it in a large dish (so that it is impossible to calculate how much is eaten) and make sure that it always remains full. At first, you may eat too much. So be it, but be sure to note how the body feels when you overeat, and continue to eat when you feel like it. Between three weeks and three months, you will stop overeating.

Eksmo, 432 p.

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