«Intuition: fairy tale or reality?»
1. What do you understand by the word «intuition»?
Daria Ryazanova:
The ability to feel the situation, find exactly your move, your decision faster than the brain starts to analyze everything in a row: necessary, unnecessary, mine, not mine (and in the end it can get confused). Intuition is not wrong.
Kozlov N.I.:
I do not understand anything. More precisely, I understand that something seems to a person, but why — he does not know. But if his “seems” to him seems important, then he calls it not “just seems”, but with the solid word “intuition”.
Vladimir Vinogradov:
The word «intuition» comes from the Latin word intuitio, which was understood as the ability to comprehend the truth by direct observation of it without substantiation with the help of evidence.
In the history of mankind, the meaning of this word was filled with various contents. In the works of Plato, intuition was understood as a sudden insight as a result of the contemplation of ideas as prototypes of things in the sensible world. In a number of philosophical campaigns, intuition was understood as a kind of insight that comes to a person from above. Rene Descartes called intuition the concept of a clear and attentive mind, generated only by the natural light of reason and, due to its simplicity, more reliable than deduction itself. Sigmund Fred saw in intuition a hidden, unconscious first principle of creativity. At present, intuition is mainly understood as a peculiar type of thinking, when individual links of the thought process occur more or less unconsciously, and only the final result of this process is extremely clearly realized.
Many people are familiar with the situation when a solution to a difficult task, a life problem or a difficult choice is suddenly born. This decision comes as if by itself, sometimes in a situation that has nothing to do with the problem being solved. It is this phenomenon that is often called the result of intuitive thinking, or intuition for short.
2. What do you think: is intuition given to a person from birth, or is it a developed skill? Please explain briefly your point of view.
Daria Ryazanova:
I think it does, of course. It’s access to yourself. Only in the process of life, it often “bounces off” at one speed or another, giving way to “necessary”, “expedient”, “but how is this justified?”. Some people keep in touch with themselves. We call them «people with intuition». Other people have forgotten how to trust themselves, their feelings, or even do not know access to them at all. Of course, contact with yourself can be restored. This is what I mainly do in groups and individual meetings.
Kozlov N.I.:
I think it’s a learned skill: to confidently use Nothing, convincingly arguing that it is reasonable and correct. Naturally, each of us, besides the conscious one, has a colossal unconscious or not quite conscious experience, but precisely because this experience is not conscious of us, we never know what quality of this experience is, whether it is wise or stupid, and, moreover, who tells us. Because sometime our experience tells us, and sometime, suppose, the banal fatigue of the body.
To a hungry person, intuition confidently tells: “Go eat, dear!” To a tired person: “It’s time to rest, dear!” At the same time, a reasonable person can, nevertheless, make a decision: “No, it’s wrong to slow down at the eatery, I’ll eat and rest at home!”
Vladimir Vinogradov:
Each person has different inclinations and abilities that can be developed into skills and abilities. Favorable conditions are required for the development of any ability. Plato believed that the ability to intuition involves a long preparation of the mind. We can assume that this preparation includes the practical skill of setting a problem for solution at an unconscious level and the ability to correctly interpret the results obtained. Modern science considers intuition in the context of the unity of the sensual and the rational. The harmonious use of the resources of consciousness and the unconscious helps to achieve optimal results in a variety of practical situations.
3. When was the last time you used your intuition (if ever)?
Daria Ryazanova:
Right now, as I write these lines, an hour ago, when I was working with a client, in the morning, when I left 5 minutes late, because I felt that the bus would also be late. More precisely, almost always, except for short, fortunately, periods of a non-resource state. Then I feel like I can’t hear myself right now. Yeah, I still “feel”, which means that she works here too.
Kozlov N.I.:
I do not use such services.
Vladimir Vinogradov:
In my work as a consultant and coach, my intuition helps me every day. Just as a good car repairman quickly finds a non-obvious malfunction, a psychologist and consultant in a short time must choose those directions and means that will best help the client solve his problems. Developed intuition, based on professional experience, helps me save the client’s time and work out in detail only those areas that are most suitable for a particular person in solving the tasks. Often at trainings there are situations in which decisions need to be made in a matter of seconds. In these cases, intuition is my faithful companion, and logical thinking works great when there is enough time to make a decision and there is an opportunity to carefully work out every aspect of a particular situation. When solving creative problems, I also always resort to intuitive thinking, which helps to find new ideas, unexpected solutions and do it easily, simply and with pleasure.
4. Do you think people need intuition?
Daria Ryazanova:
Of course, but how else to live, what to rely on? Although I wrote and thought: what kind of people? This is the choice of everyone. For example, our country has relied almost in chorus on the course of the party and government for many years. Prior to this, for several centuries, people relied on the postulates of religion, and many have returned to this now. My choice is to rely on myself, on my feelings, my “sense of right”. This is intuition.
Kozlov N.I.:
Well, this is for some people… In a situation where there is not enough data to make a decision and you need to calculate the risks, openly taking full responsibility personally, some people need a buffer mitigating responsibility: “intuition prompt”.
Vladimir Vinogradov:
Most psychologists believe that a harmonious combination of logical and intuitive thinking is a true companion of every successful person. Intuition is necessary for the initial assessment of the situation, decision-making under time pressure, solving non-obvious or creative tasks. Intuition also plays a significant role in personal relationships. I think that it will be useful for every person to establish cooperation with his intuition, regardless of the field of his activity.