
Intuition, if it is not an irrational process, but simply a folded reasoning, can be developed quite well. How? Let’s think together, remembering those whose intuition is usually better developed.

Intuition is more developed among specialists

Women are more specialists in interpersonal relationships than men, and they have a better intuition about what is happening and will happen in a relationship. An experienced psychologist or male psychiatrist is better at predicting the behavior of others than a young girl — just experience works. Experienced aircraft designers can, without calculations, just by looking at an aircraft, say what its flight prospects are.

Gain experience, become specialists, and it will be easier for you to give an expert opinion “offhand”, to give realistic forecasts.

Intuition is more developed in those who have developed imaginative thinking

The situational behavior of people is easier to predict based on scenario, figurative thinking, rather than logical thinking. Develop imaginative thinking, and you can more easily predict people’s behavior.

Intuition is more developed in people who are physically liberated

At a minimum, physical constraint, tension, enslavement reduces the possibility of intuition. It is in connection with this that intuition does not work for some overly enslaved, fettered specialists with remarkable discursive thinking. Learn to relax and work without tension, liberated, and your ability to intuition will increase.

Intuition helps empathy

Empathy is the imaginary feeling of being in the body of another person. Empathy is developed, in particular, on Synton’s Communication Mastery.

Intuition also helps:

  • knowledge of non-verbal
  • adjustments,
  • the ability and habit to put oneself in the place of another person.

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