Hypersensitive, introverts need solitude and calm to reflect and recharge their batteries. They are not always well regarded in society because they are considered too serious, too reserved, too lonely … However, their qualities are invaluable, including in a professional context.
What is an introverted person?
The terms introversion and extraversion denote attitudes towards the world and oneself. They were proposed by Carl Gustave Jung. In 1911, he described introversion as “the detachment of the libido from the objects of the outside world and its reflux towards the inner world of the subject”. For him, it is the source of their energy that mainly distinguishes introverts from extroverts: introverts prefer to draw their energy from their inner worlds, their thoughts, feelings and ideas, while extroverts draw it. in external spheres, during activities, in relation with others.
For Carl-Gustav Jung and other psychologists, these character traits are biological. Studies seem to confirm this hypothesis.
Introverts are said to represent 30 to 50% of the population.
Introvert: the signs
Introverted people are discreet, need calm and solitude to recharge their batteries. They present a certain number of character traits: they prefer to listen than to speak, prefer to talk about deep subjects than trivial subjects, they think a lot, are observant. They are also very sensitive people.
On the other hand, being an introvert doesn’t necessarily mean being shy. The shy person is anxious when they relate to others, while the introverted person may be at ease in society. She just speaks up when needed.
Take advantage of the qualities of introverts
Introverted people have real qualities related to their need to be alone and to think differently. Far from being loners who are disinterested in others, introverts turn out to be people who can be counted on. Because of their listening skills, observation and reflection, they are useful supports. As these people are reliable, attentive and loyal, they are good friends.
If introverts do not engage in a large group or in general with strangers, on the other hand, most like to talk about deep things that concern them or those close to them. You just have to gain their trust to know their inner self.
Introverted people, an asset at work
Human resources professionals are now giving back their place to introverted subjects, after having long put the spotlight on extroverted personalities.
They thus confirm the phase of Pierre Bergé concerning Yves Saint-Laurent “Beware of introverts, they are the ones who run the world”.
The character traits of introverts make them good professionals. Why ? Introverted people take time to think things through, develop action plans, and speak up wisely. In addition, his empathy and listening skills make him a good recruiter and a good manager.
Thus, there are more and more articles devoted to the strengths of introverted people for success in professional life.