Introducing home remedies for warts! Some will surprise you
Introducing home remedies for warts! Some will surprise youIntroducing home remedies for warts! Some will surprise you

Warts are caused by the HPV virus, which is the same virus that causes genital warts. Warts are certainly quite an unsightly problem, usually quite difficult to eliminate. Not only do they often appear in painful places, but they also look like small, grayish growths that sometimes appear singly and other times in small groups. As if that wasn’t enough, warts are contagious and usually appear on the hands and feet. If you are fighting the problem of warts and you care about natural, effective remedies, we have several ways that you can use at home!

  1. Squeeze the juice from the stem of celandine on the wart and cover it with a plaster. Repeat this every day.
  2. Make a poultice of crushed garlic clove and cover it with a plaster. Do this three to four times a day.
  3. Twice a day, lubricate the wart with dandelion stem milk.
  4. Use pharmacy preparations with salicylic and lactic acid, which are applied to the wart every day. These types of methods require patience, the treatment usually lasts from 6 to 8 weeks. Wart medications are often corrosive, so it’s a good idea to apply petroleum jelly or clear nail polish to the healthy skin (around the wart) for protection.
  5. Try home wart freezes that make the wart fall off in 10 or 14 days.
  6. Stick a piece of textile tape on it, do not move it for ten days. After this time, remove the tape and wipe the wart with a pumice stone, then reapply the tape and repeat all these steps until after 3-6 weeks the problem disappears. This is because the lack of light and air causes the “death” of the wart.
  7. If you prefer, you can use clear nail polish instead of tape, applying a thick layer to the wart. This method works on the same principle as the previous one.
  8. Wash the skin covered with warts thoroughly with soap and water, then put a cotton pad soaked in apple cider vinegar on them, bandage the whole thing (including the cotton ball) and leave it like this overnight. After 4-6 weeks of repeating this process, the warts should disappear.
  9. Apply a cotton pad soaked in lemon or tea tree oil directly to the wart. Repeat this treatment twice a day for 2 or 3 weeks.
  10. Cut the milkweed stalk in such a way that milk flows out of it. Rub it on the wart twice a day and the treatment will only last a week.
  11. Apply a slice of potato to the warts. It’s best to bandage it and leave it overnight, repeat this procedure until the wart falls off.
  12. Buy special vitamin E capsules. Rub the problem areas with a capsule cut in half, then apply a bandage. Do this 3 times a day for 2 or 3 weeks.

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