Intoxication of the body with constipation

It is no coincidence that constipation plays a major role among the many serious disorders in the work of an important human gastrointestinal tract. They greatly poison life, both literally and figuratively. Such a rather delicate problem can and should be solved immediately after its appearance. In some cases, it is enough to change your daily diet with the help of a certain diet, slightly adjust the usual daily routine, so that the bowel function is restored again.

Such a pathological condition as constipation is primarily characterized by a dangerous retention of feces in the human body for a period of more than two days. However, many people suffering from this pathology may not even feel discomfort. And if you do not pay due attention to any constipation for a long time, then intoxication is not excluded, in other words, self-poisoning of the body with its own waste products.

It should be noted that with prolonged constipation, all the processes of decay that usually occur in the body are significantly enhanced, which contributes to a rather rapid wear of the mucous membranes of the human intestines. For the normal functioning of the intestinal microflora in humans, healthy mucous membranes are necessary. And with constipation, dangerous dysbiosis inevitably develops.

The longer the human body cannot get rid of the accumulated harmful toxins, the stronger the internal poisoning is noticeable. Normally, the intestines must absorb various useful substances, and then send them to the necessary metabolic processes. If the feces do not leave the intestines, then toxins can enter the bloodstream and dangerous intoxication begins.

It has been proven that many people suffering from this pathology face other skin problems over time. Since the skin is the largest organ that performs an important excretory function. As you know, it is through the dermis that the human body leaves all waste substances. With intoxication, the skin can no longer cope with its direct duties and does not remove toxins. As a result, patients note numerous rashes of a different nature. The skin often becomes more porous and thicker.

Modern dermatologists pay great attention to small rashes on the temples and forehead. Strong peeling of the skin also speaks of problems with the intestines, when there is not enough fluid in the body. To improve the clinical picture, experts recommend that every adult drink at least one and a half liters of clean filtered water per day. In summer, the amount of water should increase to two liters.

In addition to the skin, the liver performs an equally important function in the human body. Constipation is dangerous for a person if there are already problems with the work of the liver. The kidneys clean the blood. They remove toxins through urine that the body does not need. In a person suffering from constipation, urine becomes darker in color, and its smell becomes more pungent. Thus, constipation strikes on all fronts, provoking intoxication of the body.

How to prevent intoxication of the body with constipation?

Since, in the first place, constipation is the result of an improper diet and a widespread sedentary lifestyle, it is quite understandable that in order to prevent intoxication, one should simply avoid constipation. Stress and depression also provoke pathological constipation. In this case, the person becomes irritable.

Many experts recommend changing your daily diet, adding activity and happy moments of joy to your life. To cope with intoxication of the body after constipation, various fermented milk products should be introduced into the daily diet, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits without fail. At night, you need to eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir. The coarse fibers of vegetables and fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which greatly enhances intestinal motility.

When sedentary, it is recommended to do small runs in the morning and evening, or go for walks at a quick pace. A good alternative to walking and running is swimming in the pool. Twice such classes a week are enough for the work of the digestive tract to quickly return to normal. You can also consider options such as yoga, exercise therapy and aerobics. Of course, you need to engage in various exercises after cleansing the intestines, for which it is enough to take modern laxatives.

Do not forget that it is always necessary to lead an active lifestyle and eat right. Once you return to your old habits, constipation will definitely return. Therefore, in order to maintain good physical shape, beauty of the body and good mood, you should always maintain the correct functioning of your intestines.

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