Intoxication of the body with cancer

Intoxication of the body with cancer

Chemotherapy is considered the most common way to effectively treat cancerous tumors. This method allows you to influence the development of various malignant tumors through toxins and plant poisons, since these substances perfectly destroy cancer cells. However, at the same time, they also affect the human body itself, which leads to intoxication.

Intoxication is an inevitable part of the only cancer treatment process. All incoming poisons affect the viability of not only dangerous cancer cells, but also the liver, heart, brain, circulatory and endocrine systems as a whole. To date, a whole range of specific actions have been developed that are aimed at quickly reducing the amount of poisons and toxins that enter the patient’s body in one cycle of treatment.

As a rule, taking the necessary poisons to destroy cancer cells is carried out in a special way, gradually increasing the dosage. Usually, by the middle of the process, their number is 30 drops per day, and then a gradual decrease begins to the initial mark. Doctors usually play it safe and give the patient a week break between each subsequent session.

It is this program that allows you to significantly reduce the dosage of poisons in order to fully control the intoxication of the body in cancer. It should be noted that with excessive intoxication, doctors often interrupt the necessary course of treatment, which means that all previous poisonings were in vain.

How is intoxication of the body manifested in cancer?

Usually, in the process of direct treatment of malignant tumors, all signs of poisoning of the body appear, due to the fact that poisons act not only on cancer cells, but also affect the body as a whole, having a detrimental effect on all important systems. It should be mentioned that even in the second stage of cancer, the patient is so weakened that he is susceptible to a variety of diseases. The main problem of the body is the constant lack of oxygen.

Along with this, dangerous cancer cells absorb the largest part of various trace elements and glucose. In most cases, such patients lose their appetite and complain of digestive problems. That is why they lose weight dramatically, look emaciated and very weak.

Severe headaches are characteristic of the second and third stages of cancer. increased susceptibility to stress and depressive states, changes in the composition of the blood are observed, and myocardial dystrophy is also noted. In addition to these general signs of the formation of cancerous neoplasms, each individual patient may show other symptoms of intoxication, depending on where the tumor is specifically localized.

How to reduce the intoxication of the body with cancer?

Along with medical prescriptions, it is possible to get rid of intoxication during and after cancer treatment at home using folk methods. During weekly breaks, you can use special methods of slow cleansing of the body to remove toxins gradually without unnecessary stress on the body. You can prepare healing herbal tinctures, of course, after consulting your doctor.

A decoction of flax seeds is an excellent remedy. You need to take 1,5 tbsp. l. seeds in one glass of boiling water, after 10 minutes of cooking, add 2 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn. You can put a little honey in the broth to taste. Such a remedy should be drunk every 2 hours, 100 ml and a full glass before bedtime.

You can cook not very pleasant to taste, but incredibly effective herbal tea. Well grind 5 pine needles, onion peel from three onions and 2 dry rose hips. The resulting mixture must be poured with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. During the day, this wonderful remedy should be drunk in small portions.

To get rid of intoxication at home, it is recommended to do enemas. For example, to prepare a coffee enema, you need to take 3 tbsp. l. natural coffee in 500 ml of water. Boil the mixture and then strain well. Next, add one glass of plain water and 100 ml of chamomile infusion. Such an unusual enema perfectly stimulates the liver, without affecting the heart. which is important for a weakened body.

You can prepare a milk enema. To do this, take 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tsp tinctures of garlic and 1 liter of whey. Mix these ingredients and heat, just before boiling, remove the mixture from heat in order to preserve the maximum of all useful properties.

In addition to using folk methods of removing intoxication, it is advisable to include in the daily diet the juice of a variety of freshly squeezed vegetables and fruits. Good options for oncology include sea buckthorn, grapefruit and tangerine juices. Since they have high acidity, they should be drunk in diluted or small doses.

In addition to a proper balanced diet, such patients are advised to practice a healthy lifestyle as much as possible, gradually increasing activity. First we start with short walks, then you can add fitness classes in a lightweight form. After the appetite begins to recover, physical activity is increased to a slight increase in sweating. It’s no secret that various toxins are well removed from the body with sweat.

Intoxication of the body during the treatment of cancerous tumors is inevitable. Therefore, you should properly organize your lifestyle, diet and positive attitude. With a strong desire for a speedy recovery, the process of intoxication will be quickly completed.

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