Intoxication of the body in a child

Intoxication of the body in a child

Intoxication is the strongest poisoning of the body. In children, this condition manifests itself most clearly, the toxic syndrome is strongly pronounced. As a rule, such conditions are often affected by children who were born much earlier than the due date, as well as frequently ill babies with weak immunity. In addition, sick children with rickets, with various forms of dystrophy and diathesis, can be included in the increased group. In some cases, intoxication may occur after a serious illness.

Usually the development of this process is acute. First, the baby sharply weakens, is naughty, observes a lack of appetite and diarrhea begins. In extremely rare cases, in addition to weight loss, fainting occurs. The appearance of vomiting is characteristic of toxic intoxication due to various intestinal disorders. Further, signs of significant dehydration of the child’s body may appear, since toxins enter directly into the bloodstream. In this case, the work of both the liver and the nervous system is disrupted. In such cases, a toxic syndrome is diagnosed.

In some babies, when the body is poisoned, facial expressions may be completely absent, the child, as it were, looks into the void. Then, after a certain period of time, reflexes may also disappear, the heartbeat accelerates, and the pressure decreases. The baby practically does not feel pain, and red spots may be visible in places on the bled body. In such situations, calling an ambulance doctor should be as quick as possible. Assistance to such a child is possible only in a hospital setting.

In case of intoxication of the body, it is recommended to refrain from eating food for at least a day. In this case, frequent plentiful drinking in small portions is shown. Self-treatment of such a child in serious condition can cause irreparable harm to health.

The main signs of intoxication in children absolutely coincide with the symptoms in adults. However, the identification of some hidden symptoms is sometimes impossible if the child does not speak well and does not understand what is happening to him. And then, after providing medical care to the hospital, further rehabilitation can already be carried out at home. However, in order not to aggravate the condition of a small patient, it is necessary to discuss the intake of even the most harmless drugs with a doctor.

 you can spend a rehabilitation period.

Intoxication, due to the ingestion of various chemicals into the body, can not only significantly disrupt the vital functions of the baby, but also pose a threat to life. Moreover, the higher the toxicity of a particular chemical, the higher the risk that an insignificant dose will cause poisoning.

Many pharmacological drugs are designed to restore various functions of the body. However, they also cause toxic effects in the wrong doses. It should be noted. that improper storage of a first-aid kit can also cause intoxication of a child. Moreover, a large overdose of conventional vitamin complexes can harm the intestines.

Common food poisoning is the most common in children. They are much more difficult than in any adult, due to certain characteristics of the child’s body. It is no secret that a child is always more sensitive to various toxic substances and dangerous pathogenic microbes. Usually, he quickly absorbs the poison, which spreads throughout the body in a minimum amount of time.

Germs can be found in stale food, on dirty hands and poorly washed toys, and they can also be spread by common flies. Even if an adult does not have symptoms of poisoning, this does not mean that the product is edible. It is worth being more careful, because the younger the child, the more susceptible he is to infections of various kinds and all kinds of poisoning. Try to always feed your child freshly cooked meals, as well as thoroughly washed fresh fruits and vegetables.

Dangerous staphylococcal poisoning causes quite severe intoxication even in large children, because when they enter the body, they multiply and release intestinal toxin. Along with this, severe food poisoning is often provoked by pathogenic microbes – salmonella. They are easily destroyed with proper heat treatment. It should be mentioned that lethal cases of children under 5 years of age are known from intoxication with salmonellosis toxins.

You should also be careful when using modern detergents of chemical origin. Vapors of such products can cause severe burns to the baby’s respiratory tract. Other substances, such as glue, ammonia, vinegar essence, acetone, etc., provoke dangerous consequences in children of different ages. Acid and alkali poisoning is characterized by difficulty breathing and increased salivation. Often there is excruciating vomiting of a repeated nature.

If the storage conditions are not observed, cases of poisoning of children with pesticides are not uncommon. They can enter the child’s body not only through the main digestive organs, but also through the pores of the baby’s skin and through his respiratory tract. Symptoms of such intoxication include nausea and vomiting, headache, severe abdominal pain, as well as itching and skin rashes. In this case, gastric lavage is mandatory.

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