Intimate peeling
Косметические несовершенства в области бикини могут доставить немало дискомфорта женщинам. А, например, для моделей или танцовщиц гиперпигментация — угроза карьере. Спасти ситуацию и вернуть уверенность в себе поможет интимный пилинг

Aesthetic gynecology and intimate cosmetology are gaining more and more popularity: they are becoming more accessible, a lot of information is appearing, new methods are being developed.

Сегодня женщинам доступна хирургическая подтяжка и коррекция, контурная пластика половых органов, лазерное лечение и омоложение, химический интимный пилинг и другие варианты. Но многие женщины по-прежнему не только стесняются, но и боятся излишних вмешательств в зоне бикини.

We will analyze with an expert what intimate peeling is, what it is for, its pros and cons, as well as the approximate cost of the procedure.

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What is intimate peeling

This is a cosmetic procedure during which dead cells and keratinized tissues are removed, due to which the skin is renewed and becomes lighter.

Chemical peeling in the intimate area (no matter how scary it may sound) can be an excellent alternative to popular hardware procedures.

At the heart of this or that agent (or a complex of substances) are acids. Their action is aimed at softening and progressive “dissolution” of dead skin cells, as well as reducing the production of melanin.

Tyrosinase inhibitors – hydroquinone, arbutin, rucinol, glabridin – work with “color correction”, as well as kojic, ascorbic, azelaic acids¹. An exfoliating effect is provided by AHA acids (mandelic, glycolic, lactic and others), as well as retinol (one of the forms of vitamin A).

Interesting facts about intimate peeling

Indications for useHyperpigmentation of the skin, decreased tone and elasticity of tissues, scars and skin irregularities
Application frequency14 days between treatments or once a month (approximately)
Effect durationSeveral months to 2 years
EffectLightening and smoothing of skin tone, activation of collagen synthesis, strengthening and increasing tissue turgor, moisturizing and rejuvenating effect
ПротивопоказанияAge up to 18 years, pregnancy and lactation, inflammatory and other diseases of the genital organs, hypersensitivity to components, oncology
Side effectsRedness, swelling, peeling of the skin, irritation (may lead to the development of hyperpigmentation²

Types of intimate peeling

If we consider the extended concept of peeling – the removal of the keratinized layer of the skin, then in this respect chemical peeling is one of its types. Other methods include: scrubbing and hardware peeling (use of cosmetic lasers).

In practice, this concept includes, as a rule, only chemical peeling. We’ll talk about him.

Peelings differ not only in names and combinations of active substances, but also in purpose.


  • осветляющие пилинги,
  • омолаживающие,
  • peelings with brightening and rejuvenating effect.

Benefits of intimate peeling

If chemical peels did not have the expected effect, few women would dare to experiment with acids in the intimate area. But the obvious advantages of this method of combating the signs of aging and hyperpigmentation help ladies subdue fear.

Benefits of a bikini peel include³:

  • painlessness,
  • the speed of the procedure,
  • fast achievement of the effect (a slight lightening may be noticeable after the first procedure),
  • minimal risk of side effects,
  • a small list of contraindications,
  • minimum recovery period (or even its absence).

Also, among the positive aspects, it is worth highlighting its versatility – peeling can be used for almost any skin type and at any age (from 18 years old!).

Some medications help slow hair growth. Another additional effect can be noted: after peeling, the active ingredients of conventional care products that we use daily penetrate deeper into the skin, which means they work better.

Cons of intimate peeling

As part of brightening and exfoliating preparations – acids. These are substances that irritate the skin a priori. Without proper preparation, proper application (with the right concentration of substances), violating the frequency of use or overdoing the peeling, you can face very unpleasant consequences, and even get burned. This is the main disadvantage of intimate peeling – that the procedure requires extreme accuracy.

You also need to take into account that you cannot get a tangible effect from the first procedure – you need to conduct a full course, and then maintain the condition with the help of special care creams and gels.

How is the procedure of intimate peeling

Considering that we are talking about a rather delicate and sensitive area of ​​​​the body, it is extremely important to follow the rules for bikini peeling. Namely, do everything step by step, without neglecting any of the steps.


The day before the procedure, the skin in the anogenital area should be at rest – we do not use scrubs, other exfoliating substances, razors. Depilation is best done 2-3 days before the procedure, and laser hair removal no later than 10 days before peeling. We exclude a fresh tan!

Skin prepared for peeling is clean and healthy, without inflammation and damage. But specific preparation, as a rule, is not required.

Процедура пилинга

The process itself also includes several steps. First you need to clean and degrease the skin, after which a protective agent with a moisturizing effect is applied to the area.

Only then, as a rule, a peeling composition is applied to the skin. How long you need to keep the substance in the treated area depends on the drug. On average, this is 30-60 minutes, but some peels are supposed to take several hours.

After that, the substance is washed off, and the skin must be carefully and delicately dried and treated with a moisturizer.

Important: в рамках одной процедуры активное вещество может наноситься не один и не два раза — все зависит от особенностей кожи.


After the procedure, some ladies, in joy, forget about the need for care. And in vain! Skin needs hydration!

Чтобы сохранить эффект и не страдать от раздражения, рекомендуется обрабатывать эту область тела увлажняющими кремами (часто советуют средства на базе алоэ).

In addition, it is important to follow some rules: limit visits to the sauna / bath and swimming pool, do not swim in open water.

How much does intimate peeling cost

It is important to understand the difference between peeling and whitening cosmetics. A cream with a brightening effect is several times cheaper than any intimate peeling, but also much less effective.

В различных косметологиях цены даже на схожие препараты могут отличаться. В среднем, пилинг в кабинете специалиста стоит 2500-12000 рублей, около 15000 рублей с включенным в стоимость уходом.

Also, intimate peeling can be purchased at a pharmacy, a specialized store, and even on the marketplace. Prices range from 900 to 12000 rubles, depending on the brand and the calculated number of applications.

Where is intimate peeling performed?

A similar service is provided by many cosmetology clinics, beauty salons and private specialists in their own offices. But given that intimate peeling deals with sensitive skin of the anogenital area, specific preparations are used, it is better to contact specialists with a medical education who have the appropriate certificates.

And after the course, use creams and other means prescribed by a cosmetologist-dermatologist to consolidate the effect.

Можно ли делать интимный пилинг в домашних условиях

Complexes of acids for lightening and rejuvenating the skin in the bikini area can be bought and arranged for “cosmetology at home”. But where is the guarantee that you will not be able to meet all the conditions, exactly select the number of components and the concentration of active substances?

At home, it is better to limit yourself to a gel or foam for your skin type, and, if you really want to, try a brightening cream. And entrust the procedure of intimate peeling to a professional.

Before and after photos

In order for the skin to become noticeably lighter, and the tone more even, a couple of peeling procedures will not be enough. But many cosmetologists assure that after the first procedure the skin will become a little lighter. You can ask for a photo with examples from the specialist you decide to contact, as they often collect portfolios.

Reviews of specialists about intimate peeling

Many experts are convinced that peeling should not be treated as a regular cosmetic procedure. To begin with, it is important to establish the cause of hyperpigmentation – a dermatologist can help with this.

Почему все так серьезно? В случае, если гиперпигментация вызвана каким-то соматическим заболеванием, то применение пилинга для осветления кожи не только не принесет пользы, но может спровоцировать серьезные осложнения⁴.

Popular questions and answers

Интимный пилинг — еще не слишком распространенная услуга, и наверняка у каждой женщины появятся вопросы по поводу процедуры. Ответы нашего expert Olga Balaban help you navigate the topic.

Что нельзя делать после интимного пилинга?

– It is recommended to abstain from sexual contact (and any friction) for at least two days. You should not visit swimming pools, saunas, solariums, sunbathe in the sun for 2 weeks after peeling.


Laser hair removal is not recommended for 2 weeks after the procedure, and waxing is not recommended for 5-7 days after the procedure.

В какое время года лучше делать интимный пилинг?

– Intimate peeling can be done at any time of the year. The main thing is to follow the rules after it. But, in my opinion, like any other peeling, intimate peeling is best done in autumn and winter.

How often can I do intimate peeling?

– Intimate peelings are performed in a course with the same time intervals. Intensive course – 4-8 procedures with a frequency of 1 time in 2-3 weeks. If pigmentation has existed for a long time, then an additional 2-3 procedures will be required with a frequency of 1 time in 4-5 months.

Is it possible to do intimate peeling with thrush?

– During the period of exacerbation, it is not recommended to carry out any procedures in the intimate area, so as not to cause complications.


During the period of remission, intimate peeling can be done provided there is no irritation on the skin and mucous membranes. If thrush often recurs, then you must first completely cure it, and then you can already perform various procedures in this area.

Are there any age restrictions (up to what age can I do it)?

– With regards to adulthood, there are no restrictions for this procedure. But there are some contraindications for peeling in premenopausal and menopausal periods. These include:

acute diseases, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;

oncology. Especially if it is a disease associated with damage to the genitourinary system or intestines;

The presence of certain bacterial infections, as well as a violation of the microflora of the vagina (bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis);

acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;

rashes in the groin area, in the genital area;

often recurrent herpes. Only in remission can various procedures be performed in this area.

  1. O.Yu. Olisova, E.V. Andreeva. Once again about the problem of hyperpigmentation // Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2014. No. 2. pp. 20-24. URL:
  2. E.V. Ikonnikova, N.B. Korchazhkina, A.G. Stenko. Laser technologies in the correction of non-tumor melanin hyperpigmentations of the skin // Physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation. 2018. Volume 17. No. 1. pp. 19-24. URL:
  3. T. Teterina, I. Apolikhina. Dermatime chemical peels in the aesthetic correction of the intimate area in women // Aesthetic Medicine. 2021. Volume 20. No. 2. pp. 225-229. URL:
  4. D.Ch. Kurbanov. The problem of the prevalence of chloasma and melasma in women // Bulletin of science and practice. 2019. V.5. No. 7. pp. 86-93. URL:

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