Intimate infection – symptoms and treatment. Home remedies for intimate infections

Poor diet, taking antibiotics, improper hygiene or wearing artificial, non-breathable underwear are just some of the factors that influence the development of intimate infections. These require a gynecological consultation as soon as possible. Sometimes, however, the visit date is distant and the pain and burning sensation of the vagina do not allow it to function normally. Then it is worth using home methods for intimate infections.

Intimate infection – where does it come from?

An intimate vaginal infection can be caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses in and around the vagina and the vulva (the area surrounding the vagina). Some of the bacteria in the vagina do not cause any health problems – they occur naturally. Unfortunately, the growth of certain bacteria in the vagina can cause unpleasant intimate infections. In addition, taking antibiotics, using tampons, and certain types of contraception can influence the development of an intimate infection.

Products such as soap, bubble baths, intimate hygiene products, and detergents can also irritate the sensitive skin around the vulva and vagina. This can cause symptoms such as itching, but it can also cause an infection at times.

Other intimate infections are sexually transmitted (STI), which means they can be caught through sexual intercourse with an infected person.

If you still want to consult a gynecologist, you can now do it using a convenient online consultation without leaving your home. You can have a consultation at a time and form that is convenient for you.

Intimate infection – symptoms

Depending on the type of intimate infection, symptoms may include:

  1. unusual vaginal discharge, which can be thick and white like cottage cheese, or thinner, white-gray, green, or yellow with a fishy smell
  2. itching or soreness in or around the vagina
  3. pain during sexual intercourse
  4. pain when urinating,
  5. pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis,
  6. bleeding between periods or after sex
  7. warts or ulcers around the vulva (the area that surrounds the vagina).

The above-mentioned symptoms do not always indicate an intimate infection. All women may experience itching around the genitals, and this will not be a sign of an intimate infection. The appearance of vaginal discharge is also normal. The amount and consistency of discharge can change during the menstrual cycle as you age, take birth control pills, or become pregnant. However, an unexplained change in vaginal discharge, along with other symptoms, can constitute an intimate infection.

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Intimate infection – bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition caused by an overgrowth of normal vaginal flora. This is most often manifested by increased vaginal discharge with a fishy odor. The discharge itself is usually thin, gray or white. After being diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, women have an increased risk of acquiring other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and pregnant women have an increased risk of premature birth.

Although bacterial vaginosis is not considered a sexually transmitted infection, the role of transmission is not yet fully understood. The spread of bacteria among individuals through sexual intercourse can alter the natural balance of the bacterial flora in the vagina, and this imbalance appears to lead to the development of bacterial vaginosis.

Typically, this condition is caused by a decrease in the number of normal lactobacilli producing hydrogen peroxide with an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria. Gardnerella vaginalis It is spread between women who have sex with women, either through direct mucosal contact or through shared sex toys.

Historically, bacterial vaginosis has been called Gardnerella vaginitisbecause this bacterium was believed to be the cause of this intimate infection. However, the newer name, bacterial vaginosis, helps highlight the fact that the many different bacteria that naturally live in the vagina can overgrow and cause disease.

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Intimate infection – vaginal yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections (thrush) can cause itching, burning, or abnormal discharge. In many women, inflammation also affects the external genitalia, such as the labia. Sometimes vaginal yeast infections don’t cause any symptoms.

Vaginal yeast infections occur when too much yeast grows in the vagina, leading to inflammation. Yeast is a type of fungus. Along with bacterial infections (bacterial vaginosis), yeast infections are among the most common causes of inflammation of the vagina and the external parts of the female genitalia.

Women are especially at risk of vaginal yeast infections at certain stages of their lives, such as during pregnancy. Other factors that increase their risk include a weakened immune system and taking certain medications.

Common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection include itching, an unpleasant burning sensation, and pain. The membranes lining the vagina turn red with a whitish coating. Symptoms may worsen several days before your period begins. If the inflammation has spread to the external genitalia, areas such as the labia may also be red and swollen.

Vaginal yeast infections often lead to whitish-yellowish vaginal discharge. It can be watery but also looks like curdled milk or cottage cheese. Sex can be painful during an intimate yeast infection. If your urethra is also infected, you may feel pain while urinating.

See: Urethral discharge – what does it mean? Treatment of urethritis in men and women

The causes of vaginal yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections are usually caused by a type of yeast called Candida albicans. It is normal for yeast to live in the mucosa lining the genitals. Usually, however, these are small amounts, so there are no problems with this.

However, the healthy balance of the microorganisms that live in the membranes is sometimes disturbed – for example, by pregnancy or the medications used.

The level of estrogen in the body is especially high during pregnancy. This can upset a healthy balance and increase the likelihood of developing vaginal yeast infection. Taking the contraceptive pill affects a woman’s hormone levels in a similar way to pregnancy. Thus, women who take the pill are also at a higher risk of yeast infections.

Certain diseases increase the risk of vaginal yeast infections. These include diabetes and other diseases that weaken the immune system. Various medications can also increase your risk of developing this intimate infection – such as antibiotics, steroids, hormone therapy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Other factors that increase the risk of an intimate infection include stress, wearing synthetic and tight clothing, sweating, and the use of non-breathable panty liners or sanitary napkins. These things allow the yeast to develop, leading to inflammation.

Sometimes women get infected from someone else if a lot of yeast enters the vagina from outside – for example, by having sex with a man who has a yeast infection on the glans of his penis.

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Intimate infection – trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a very common sexually transmitted disease caused by infection Trichomonas vaginalis (parasitic protozoan). In women, trichomoniasis can cause unpleasant vaginal discharge, itching of the genitals and painful urination.

Men with trichomoniasis usually have no symptoms. Pregnant women with trichomoniasis may be at higher risk of premature birth. Sexually active people can catch trichomoniasis by having condomless sex with an infected partner.

In women, the infection most often affects the lower genital tract (vulva, vagina, cervix or urethra). In men, the infection most often occurs inside the penis (urethra). During sex, the parasite usually spreads from the penis to the vagina, or from the vagina to the penis.

The parasite is not common to infect other parts of the body, such as the hands, mouth, or anus. It’s not clear why some people with the infection have symptoms and others don’t. It likely depends on factors such as the age and overall health of the person. People with trichomoniasis can spread the infection to others even if they don’t have symptoms.

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What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis?

About 70% of people with an infection have no signs or symptoms. When trichomoniasis causes symptoms, they can range from mild irritation to severe inflammation. Some people develop symptoms within 5 to 28 days of being infected. For others, symptoms appear much later. Symptoms may come and go.

Men with trichomoniasis may notice:

  1. itching or irritation inside the penis
  2. burning sensation after urinating or ejaculating,
  3. discharge from the penis.

Women with trichomoniasis may notice:

  1. itching, burning, redness or soreness in the genitals
  2. discomfort when urinating,
  3. clear, white, yellowish or greenish vaginal discharge (i.e. thin discharge or increased volume) with a fishy smell.

Trichomoniasis can make sex unpleasant. Without treatment, this intimate infection can last for months or even years.

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Intimate infection – chlamydia

Chlamydia is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and is a very common sexually transmitted intimate infection (STI).

This is often called a “silent infection” because most people are unaware that they have it. It can affect men and women of all ages, but is most common in young people (under 25) who regularly change sexual partners.

Chlamydia is spread through any type of unprotected sex with an infected person. Anyone who is sexually active is at risk of chlamydia. There is an increased risk of infection if:

  1. they are young (under 25).
  2. they often have different or multiple sexual partners.
  3. have unprotected sex (without condoms) with someone who has chlamydia.

Most women with chlamydia don’t have any signs or symptoms. However, chlamydia can infect the cervix and spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing:

  1. pelvic inflammatory disease (PID),
  2. chronic pelvic pain,
  3. sterility.

If a pregnant woman has chlamydia, it can spread to her baby during childbirth, causing lung or eye infections.

Women (if symptoms are present) may experience:

  1. vaginal discharge,
  2. burning sensation when urinating,
  3. pain during intercourse,
  4. bleeding or spotting between periods
  5. bleeding after intercourse
  6. lower abdominal pain.

Men with chlamydia usually have no signs or symptoms. In men, chlamydia infects the urethra and can spread to the epididymis, the duct that carries sperm from the testicles.

In men (if symptoms are present), they may include:

  1. discharge from the penis
  2. discomfort when urinating,
  3. sore, swollen testicles.

See: The cervix in pregnancy – what should it look like? What does cervical failure mean in pregnancy?

Intimate infection – treatment

Treatment for an intimate infection will depend on the cause of the infection. In the treatment of an intimate infection, the following can be used:

  1. metronidazole (tablet, cream or gel) or clindamycin (cream or gel) to treat a bacterial infection
  2. antifungal creams or suppositories to treat yeast infections,
  3. metronidazole or tinidazole tablets used to treat trichomoniasis
  4. Estrogen creams or tablets to help heal severe vaginal dryness and irritation associated with atrophic vaginosis.

Try the Home test for intimate infections – pH TEST, which you can buy conveniently and safely on Medonet Market. Thanks to it, you can determine the pH level in your vagina. You can also perform the test prophylactically.

Home remedies for intimate infections

It is important to know that any infection, regardless of its type, requires a gynecological consultation. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe vaginal globules to cure the infection.

Sometimes, however, we are not able to make an appointment for a gynecological appointment within a few days. It also happens that we have to wait up to two weeks for the appointment to see a specialist. Since the symptoms of an intimate infection sometimes make everyday functioning difficult, it is worth using a few home remedies to alleviate them.

To support intimate health, it is worth trying N ° 1 QueenBiotic – a probiotic preparation for women, which maintains the correct bacterial microflora of the vagina. You can buy the supplement at a favorable price on Medonet Market.

For everyday hygiene and care, it is worth using the VAGOFIX Women’s Rinse, which also soothes irritations.

Gel with oak bark for intimate infections

The first step towards getting rid of intimate infections is proper care. However, instead of reaching for perfumed liquids and gels, let’s look for unscented ones with oak bark extract.

  1. Buy now the most effective gel for intimate hygiene with oak bark or gel for intimate hygiene with oak bark extract by Herbapol,

It has been known for a long time that oak bark has anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial and antifungal properties. The gel for intimate hygiene with oak bark will help not only get rid of itching and burning, but also work on the root of the problem, which are fungi and bacteria. Intimate hygiene gel with oak bark extract is offered by the Sylveco brand. It is worth using the product in the morning and evening to always feel fresh and prevent the growth of bacteria. However, remember to dry your intimate areas with a separate towel and change it every day.

Check also Vianek moisturizing intimate hygiene gel, which contains dandelion leaf extract, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and Biolaven intimate hygiene gel with soothing lavender. For everyday care, it is worth using the Green Laboratory washing cream for intimate hygiene, which has anti-inflammatory properties, prevents irritation and the formation of intimate infections. You can also try the Calendula Intimate Hygiene Gel offered by Herbapol.

Bath with baking soda against intimate infections

A bath with baking soda may also be effective in treating intimate infections. Sodium bicarbonate has astringent, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. A bath with baking soda will also restore the natural pH of the vagina, thanks to which we will get rid of vaginal discharge.

  1. If there is no baking soda in your home yet, choose the one that will allow you to prepare a bath that alleviates the symptoms of intimate infection.

To prepare such a therapeutic bath, use warm, but not hot, water in the tub. Pour 1 teaspoon of baking soda into 1 liter of water. You must remember that the bath should not last longer than 15 minutes. Let’s do it twice a week.

Herbal baths for intimate infections

Our grandmothers used herbal soups during intimate infections for a reason. By using them, we can be sure that not only will they help get rid of the ailments, but also will not irritate or aggravate the symptoms of infection, as is the case with perfumed gels and washing liquids.

  1. Choose dried herbs that will allow you to prepare a bath for intimate infections

Pour about 5 liters of hot water into the bucket. Then we throw 50 g of dried herbs into it. For intimate infections, dried chamomile, sage or oak bark will work best. We should wait about 10 minutes for the herbs to brew, and then sit on the bucket so that the evaporating water with herbs warms our intimate parts.

We can also prepare a bowl in a bowl by pouring a few liters of hot water and throwing into it a few bags of herbs. When the water temperature drops to 37 ° C, we can sit in the bowl so that our intimate areas are under the water.

Remember about the daily hygiene of the intimate areas. Order Bioherba Natural Intimate Hygiene Gel, which is safe for the skin, has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Globules with vitamin C for intimate infections

To restore the natural pH in the vagina, it is also worth using vaginal globules with vitamin C. They work simultaneously on bacteria and fungi that cause the infection – so they will work even when we do not know what kind of infection we are dealing with. Often the globules are enriched with hyaluronic acid, thanks to which the mucosa will be moisturized.

  1. Check the offer for vaginal globules with vitamin C that will moisturize the vaginal mucosa

To get rid of an intimate infection, vitamin C globules should be used every day, preferably at night, for a period of 10 days. The globule should be placed deep in the vagina, taking care not to damage the mucosa.

Karnosil Intim-gel – a vaginal gel that is applied in a very convenient way also has soothing properties in the case of intimate infections.

Remember that even if the symptoms subside after using home methods of fighting intimate infection, it is good to go to the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to assess whether the infection has actually been cured or whether we have only got rid of its symptoms.

In order to protect yourself against infection in the future, it is worth remembering a few rules. For cleaning intimate areas, use only fragrance-free cosmetics. These fragrances can cause irritation. It is also worth reaching for a gel with oak bark or green tea, which will protect against infections.

At Medonet Market you will find a soothing intimate hygiene gel Vianek, which perfectly moisturizes and protects against irritation intimate areas.

During menstruation, we should reach for the most natural sanitary pads that will be odorless and not bleached with chlorine. The lack of chemicals will make our intimate zones in better condition, and in addition, we will also take care of ecology – such sanitary napkins are 100%. organic, and thus easily decompose.

  1. Natural sanitary pads without chemicals, unbleached with chlorine

We only choose cotton underwear on a daily basis. This artificial material is impermeable to air, leading to the growth of fungi and, in addition, can cause abrasions and burns, especially on hot days. It is also worth reaching for dried cranberries, which eaten every day will take care of both the urinary system and intimate areas.

It is also worth mentioning one more important point, namely the use of erotic gadgets, the inadequate disinfection of which may contribute to the development of an intimate infection. For this reason, it is worth reaching for an antibacterial and antifungal cleanser, which will also work as a gel for intimate hygiene. Due to the small capacity, it is worth having it on a trip (e.g. camping) where it is easier to get infected.

To avoid contamination during oral or anal sex, we recommend an oral mask that protects against infection by acting as a barrier between the mouth and the genitals or anus.

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