Intimate hygiene wash

Daily hygiene of intimate places is extremely important for the well-being and sense of comfort. The consequence of insufficient care for intimate areas may be the multiplication of bacteria, fungi and pathogens harmful to the human body. Compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of unpleasant symptoms, such as irritation or infections. One of the cosmetics intended for washing intimate parts is intimate hygiene liquid

Intimate hygiene liquid – properties

Intimate hygiene wash has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, thanks to which it can soothe irritation and itching and eliminate unpleasant odors. Intimate hygiene wash can support the internal balance of the vaginal microflora, helping, among other things, to restore the acidity of intimate parts and prevent vaginal dryness. Goal application This type of preparation can also provide adequate moisture and lubricate the skin and mucosa. Thanks to your properties, intimate hygiene fluid can enhance natural protection by preventing the recurrence of infections.

Intimate hygiene fluid – composition

Having properties caring and regenerating intimate hygiene wash should have neutral and natural composition for the skin and, consequently, must not contain ingredients causing allergies, irritation and drying of the skin (SLES, SLS, preservatives, artificial dyes, soap). In lotions for intimate hygiene Agents such as saponins and betaines should be present. However, among natural detergents, you can find synthetic systems based on sugars, both simple (glucose, fructose) and disaccharides (sucrose, lactose). A component of intimate hygiene lotion There are also probiotics, mainly L-lactic acid rods, which play the role of a mild acidulant.

Intimate hygiene wash should be characterized by acidic pH, the ratio of which should be less than 7. Preparations of this type also contain metabolites of Lactobacillus bacteria, which show bactericidal and antifungal properties while promoting the growth of lactic acid bacteria.

Intimate hygiene fluid – pregnancy and puerperium

During pregnancy many women may experience discomfort caused by various types of ailments in the intimate area. The emerging infections may usually be the result of hormonal processes in the body of a pregnant woman, which adversely affect the pH of the vagina. Untreated intimate infections can be a consequence of miscarriages and premature births.

During pregnancy can be used primarily intimate hygiene washwhich contains lactic acid to help eliminate irritation. The application is also of great importance intimate hygiene fluid after childbirth. During the puerperium, when the woman’s body regains its balance, wounds heal, and there is bleeding from the genital tract. Then it is extremely important to wash the intimate areas regularly (with particular emphasis on the place of the sewn incision).

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