Intimate hygiene on the top five with a plus

Internet users who take part in the intimate hygiene knowledge test conducted by Onet can really impress with their news. It is only important that they put them into practice on a daily basis!

The knowledge of Poles of both sexes about the intimate hygiene of women is really high. 3729 people took part in the test, of which over 60% answered correctly to at least nine out of ten questions asked. The mean score was 8,6 correct answers. Most of the respondents were, of course, women (there were 2916 of them) – but over 800 men also tried their hand at the test! And they did pretty well. 31% were able to answer at an average level, and 13% gave more correct answers than the mean score for both sexes.

Women aged 40-59 know the most about proper intimate hygiene. It is clearly visible that the higher the education, the greater the awareness – this relationship can be noticed in both women and men.

However, there were no big differences between the responses of people from rural areas, small towns and large cities.

Commonly known symptoms

The question that caused the respondents the least trouble related to the symptoms of vaginitis. As many as 96% of people who took part in the test knew that these symptoms were most often itching, burning, swelling, pain, vaginal discharge. Of course, these are the most common symptoms – but that doesn’t mean they are the only ones. Vaginal inflammation can also manifest itself, inter alia, in pain during intercourse or during urination, redness of the intimate area or an altered, unpleasant smell of vaginal discharge. Whether it occurs alone or in the company of several others, none of these symptoms can be taken lightly! Recurrent and chronic vaginal infections can, after all, impair the work of the ovaries, lead to adhesions in the fallopian tubes and, consequently, even to infertility. The risk of miscarriage also increases in those women who have frequent vaginitis.

Pregnancy under special supervision

It is to be hoped that pregnant women, and those who are planning a baby, know well the importance of private hygiene and will not ignore vaginal mycosis, which develops very often in future mothers. It is favored by pregnancy changes in the immune system and the conditions prevailing in the reproductive tract during pregnancy: higher levels of estrogen in the body and glycogen concentration in the vaginal mucosa. The multiplication of fungi is also helped by the fact that the vaginal reaction, instead of acidic, begins to be close to alkaline. Fortunately, 96% of women and as many as 91% of men taking part in the test on the TvoiLokony portal realize that mycosis can be very dangerous for both the mother and the child. It cannot be treated on its own, with over-the-counter medications, kefir compresses, or taken while waiting in the hope that it will pass after delivery. Immediately after you notice any disturbing symptoms, such as vaginal itching and burning, or a thick, white, cheesy, or lumpy discharge, see your doctor. However, it should be remembered that up to 50% of fungal infections during pregnancy develop asymptomatically. Therefore, among others regular check-ups with the gynecologist are so important! Even if you feel great, you have recently had an ultrasound scan and the morphology you got last week looks perfect, don’t postpone the checkup with your doctor.

Men involved

The knowledge about the symptoms of vaginal infection and the awareness that they cannot be ignored is really great among Polish women and men. But do they also know what to do when the first symptoms of such an infection appear? It seems so. 94% of women and 91% of men realize that in this case, both the woman and her partner are treated simultaneously. The awareness of men is extremely important here! The same number of men and as many as 96% of women realize that when you feel a burning sensation, e.g. after swimming in a swimming pool or lake, it is good to wash the irritated area with intimate hygiene gel, and if it does not help, you have to go to the pharmacy for a probiotic in globules or an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug. Of course, it may not solve the problem either – and then you cannot delay the visit to the gynecologist!

Poles’ knowledge of how to care for intimate hygiene is equally high. The question of how to wash properly was not a problem for women or men: they answered without hesitation that it should not be done with a sponge in which microorganisms can multiply in a moist environment, but with the palm of your hand, using an intimate hygiene preparation. Definitely from the front to the back, and not the other way around – so as not to transfer germs from the area of ​​the anus to the vagina. People taking part in the test agree that it is worth always having intimate wipes with you, and before using the public toilet you must wipe the board or use disposable covers.

Knowledge about the prevention of breast and cervical cancer is also very high – especially among women. 96% of them realize that cytology is the best way to prevent cervical cancer. The same number of women also answered without hesitation that a woman at the age of 35, not belonging to a special risk group (e.g. due to cases of cancer in the family), should undergo cytology once a year, unless the doctor advised otherwise. Among the gentlemen, the responses were also surprisingly good: over 85% of them know how often to have a Pap test! It only remains to wish them and their partners to make use of this knowledge and to remind their wives, fiancées, sisters, mothers and daughters of this research.

Troublesome pH

It does not mean, however, that Poles know absolutely everything about intimate hygiene. Both women (only 60% of correct answers) and men (only 42% of them knew the correct answer) had a big problem with the question of what intimate hygiene should look like in the first days after childbirth. There is still a belief that it is better not to wash your perineum more than once a day, and that you absolutely must not use any intimate hygiene products. There are also people who believe in ‘sitz baths’ in an infusion of herbs. Meanwhile, the guidelines of the gynecologists leave no doubts: After giving birth, you need to ventilate the perineum and wash it as often as possible, after each visit to the toilet and after changing the insert. In pharmacies, intimate hygiene products are available, recommended during the puerperium, and which can prevent infections and accelerate healing during this period.

However, the people who took part in the test had the most problems with the question of what the correct vaginal reaction should be. The correct answer, acidic, was indicated by only 51% of the respondents. Among men, it was only 40%. There were many people who decided that vaginal pH had no effect on a woman’s health. It’s not true! The acidic reaction, not exceeding 4,5 pH, is a natural protective barrier, making it difficult for bacteria and fungi to develop in the vagina. Therefore, the use of ordinary alkaline soap is so dangerous for intimate health; using it for intimate hygiene destroys the natural barrier and increases the risk of infection.

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