Intimate gel: a solution to intimate dryness?

Intimate gel: a solution to intimate dryness?

Taboo and yet frequent, intimate dryness can represent an obstacle to a fulfilling sexuality. Fortunately, there are solutions to overcome it, and among them the intimate gel. Lubricating gels make it possible to fight against a lack of vaginal hydration. From the choice of the product to its use, zoom on the lubricating gel.

The causes of intimate dryness

Intimate drought, chronic or exceptional, affects the majority of women in their lifetime. Very disabling, it makes sexual intercourse difficult, due to the lack of hydration of the vagina. Beyond an obstacle to penetration, vaginal dryness can cause pain at the time of the act, but also after: burns, bleeding, itching, urinary tract infections and irritations make the woman suffer. But where does this problem come from?

Menopause, pregnancy and the postpartum period are particularly conducive to intimate dryness. Because hormones are out of order and no longer play their lubricating role. But other factors can be the cause of vulvovaginal dryness.

Among them, the lack of desire: in the absence of sexual arousal, the woman is not lubricated. Taking certain medications, too, can promote a lack of hydration in the vagina. Inadequate clothing, stress or poorly performed hair removal can also be the cause of intimate dryness. 

Intimate gel: a solution against vaginal dryness

Very widespread, intimate dryness is not inevitable: there are many solutions to fight against it in order to allow women to regain fulfilling sexuality and without pain or harmful side effects.

Hormonal treatment to combat intimate dryness.

In the form of an intra-vaginal ring, cream, egg or gel, estrogen-based hormonal treatments are to be introduced into the woman’s vagina at regular intervals. They stimulate the production of hormones that promote natural lubrication, and in this sense represent a long-term treatment. In the same vein, a course of probiotics or hyaluronic acid can be effective. These solutions nevertheless have the drawback of any therapeutic treatment: it requires discipline in respect of the dosage – and sometimes suffers from undesirable side effects.

The preliminaries to promote the natural lubrication of the vagina.

To stimulate sexual desire, partners can linger on foreplay in order to increase the excitement gradually but definitely. This solution may be effective against intimate dryness problems, but its success rate is not optimal.

Soothing herbs and creams to heal.

If it does not prevent vaginal dryness, this solution has the merit of curing it. Many women indulge in sexual intercourse despite a lack of lubrication, and who suffer afterwards. Pain related to irritation caused by the untimely rubbing of the penis on the walls of the vagina. Some herbal creams help relieve pain.

Point lubrication solution, intimate gel is the most used.

Not very restrictive and sometimes a source of a new form of pleasure, the lubricating gel is one of the solutions most used by women who suffer from intimate dryness. Local treatment, punctual and without side effects, it instantly and certainly overcomes vulvovaginal hydration problems. 

Lubricating gel, instructions for use

Lubricating gels are numerous on the market, and freely available in pharmacies or supermarkets. The lubricating gel is applied at the entrance to the vagina and / or on the partner’s penis, at the start of intercourse and throughout if necessary.

Water-based, the intimate gel can be enriched with aloe vera or hyaluronic acid: the virtuous properties of these molecules offer a higher level of comfort as they heal and soothe in addition to lubricating. Enough to solve all the problems associated with intimate drought. The classic intimate gel, affordable, is compatible with the use of a condom or sex toys.

To spice up their sexuality, the couple can also benefit from the aphrodisiac virtues of the intimate gel: scented with chocolate or strawberry, it makes oral sex and cunnilingus all the more fun. Likewise, the heating lubricating gel does more than solve a temporary intimate dryness: it provides new sensations for even more intense pleasure. 

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