Intimate conversations in a relationship

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– For us Poles, when talking about sex, jokes are the best – says sexologist prof. Zbigniew Izdebski. And it is hardly surprising, because nobody teaches us how to talk about this – after all, an essential sphere of life -. Meanwhile, sexuality is not only related to human physiology, but also to personality development, communication and love. That is why I believe that, just as we learn biology or history at school, we should learn about our sexuality in an objective and worldview independent way. At every stage of education, appropriate to age, it is worth providing students with information on this field, also enriching their vocabulary in this field.

It’s easier to fantasize than to talk

As the survey shows, although we fantasize about sex a lot, we realize our fantasies much less often, and even less often we talk about sex. It is easier to fantasize than to talk – says prof. Zbigniew Izdebski. – But it’s good that we fantasize – she adds. – This shows the area of ​​our potential in the sphere of sex, at least in thinking. It must be remembered, however, that not all fantasies can be realized, and not even all of them need to be realized.

What we do not tell the partner

Unfortunately, only 40% of women openly speak to their partner about their sex expectations. Meanwhile, as sexologists say, successful sex helps establish an emotional bond and makes the relationship permanent. – From the point of view of sexology, sexual drive and behavior are the most important when it comes to creating a lasting emotional bond between two people and maintaining it – says sexologist Dr. Wiesław Czernikiewicz.

Unsatisfied women are reluctant to talk to their partner about it. As many as 40% of respondents claim that their partner does not know that they are not having an orgasm.

– Women are ready to have unsatisfied sex in order to maintain a good relationship with their partner. Many live in relationships without paying attention to the quality of their sex life. They seek advice only when something in the relationship begins to fail, when the sense of security related to the possibility of losing a partner is disturbed – says the sexologist, MD. med. Ewa Zarudzka.

What we are not telling our partner about

As many as 95% of men watch erotic movies, but half of them never do it with their partner. 90% have erotic dreams, even more fantasies. And although the vast majority, as many as 70%, fulfill these fantasies (often or sometimes), only 30% tell their partner about them. It is still difficult for men to talk about their sexual needs and dreams. Only every second person openly says what he expects.

Read the full report How do our internet users do it?

Survey data:

The sexual quality test was completed within 6 weeks by 52 men and 814 women:

– almost 60% of men were in the 18-39 age group, another 18% were 40-49 years old, 20% were in the 50-64 age group and 3% were over 65

– only 4% of the surveyed men declared primary education, 49% – secondary, and 47% higher

– 14% of the surveyed men indicated that they are not in a stable relationship, 28% declared that they were not married, and 58% were married

– slightly more than 80% of women were in the 18-39 age group, another 12% – 40-49 years old, 7% – 50-64 years and less than 1% declared they were over 65 years old

– 50% of women declared higher education, 47% secondary, and only 3% primary

– 16% of the surveyed women were not in a stable relationship, 43% declared that they were not married, and 41% that they were married

– the smallest number of men surveyed (14%) came from cities with a population of 50-100 thousand, in the remaining cases each category of the city size was represented by a similar group of respondents.

The Penigra brand is a partner of the Sexual Life Quality Test

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