Intimate and fungal and bacterial infections. How to deal with recurring intimate infections? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Intimate infections are common diseases of the female genital tract, resulting from the action of bacteria and fungi, leading to changes in the bacterial flora of the vagina. Intimate infections are treated with pharmacological agents supported by an appropriate diet, but recurrences of infections are often observed. One of the first symptoms of intimate infections are itching, burning, vaginal discharge, and a feeling of pressure on the bladder. What is the treatment of intimate infections? We check not only why intimate infections occur, but also whether home remedies can be used to minimize symptoms.

Intimate infections – causes

More than one hundred types of microorganisms can be distinguished in the normal discharge from the genital tract of an adult woman. There are also those that cause disease. However, as long as the bacterial flora is dominated by lactobacilli and is acidic, we should not be alarmed. It is not a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms – bacteria or fungi.

Sometimes, however, lactic acid producing useful strains Lactobacillus they begin to die or lose their activity. Then anaerobic bacteria (incl. Mobiluncus, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma i Gardnerella) can start to multiply, leading to an unpleasant intimate infection. The risk of intimate infections is increased by:

  1. Taking antibiotics; 
  2. Pregnancy; 
  3. Menopause; 
  4. Diabetes; 
  5. Hormonal disorders; 
  6. Noticeable vaginal dryness; 
  7. Bacterial infections that occur within other organs; 
  8. Stress; 
  9. Inadequate diet; 
  10. Hormonal contraception; 
  11. Inadequate hygiene of intimate places; 
  12. Frequent change of sexual partners. 

Take care of your intimate health now. At Medonet Market, buy N ° 1 QueenBiotic – a probiotic preparation for women, as well as a VAGOFIX rinse for women.

We can also “catch” an intimate infection in the swimming pool or jacuzzi, so we should not use other people’s towels.

Intimate infections – types

There are two characteristic types of intimate infections:

  1. Bacterial intimate infections; 
  2. Intimate fungal infections. 

Not only adults are exposed to intimate infections, but also children, so everyone should take care of their health and intimate hygiene from an early age. Appropriate preparations specially prepared for a given age group are necessary for this, eg Dermoxen 4Girls – intimate hygiene liquid for girls before puberty. We also recommend:

  1. Intimate hygiene gel for women during menstruation or during pregnancy DermoXEN PRONEEM,
  2. Intimate hygiene gel for dry, irritated and mature skin DermoXEN LENITIVO.

Intimate infections – the most common symptoms

The most common symptoms of intimate infections that should arouse concern include:

  1. Vaginal discharge; 
  2. Baking; 
  3. Pain in the intimate area; 
  4. Itch; 
  5. Change in the appearance (including color) of discharge; 
  6. You feel dry in the vagina. 

When good bacteria are replaced by bad, pathogenic bacteria (there are a thousand times more of them compared to the normal state and only 10% are aerobic bacteria), we talk about bacterial vaginosis (Bacterial vaginosis).

The causes of infections are not fully understood, but it is known that under certain conditions, adverse changes in the vaginal microflora occur faster. This is favored by both the lack of hygiene in the intimate areas and its excess (e.g. overuse of irrigation that deprives the vagina of physiological microflora), rich sex life (abrasions that may give rise to infections, and the colonization of the vagina with foreign bacterial flora) or antibiotic therapy, which is not selective and eliminates strains of friendly microorganisms together with pathogens.

  1. Hormones important for women

By using appropriate measures for daily hygiene, we reduce the risk of developing an infection. Check the products available on Medonet Market:

  1. intimate hygiene gel with oak bark extract and intimate hygiene gel with dandelion leaf extract, which gently care for intimate areas and prevent the multiplication of fungi and bacteria,
  2. Vianek soothing intimate hygiene gel, which helps to maintain the proper bacterial flora of the vagina,
  3. intimate hygiene gel with oak bark extract to soothe irritations,
  4. calendula intimate hygiene gel, which gives long-lasting freshness,
  5. Green Laboratory washing cream for intimate hygiene, which thanks to natural ingredients such as carrot oil, bergamot or calendula extract helps to prevent skin irritation and intimate infections.

Infection is not equal to inflammation, but it can lead to it. The main symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are clear symptoms – bad smell, vaginal discharge visible on underwear, swelling and redness of the vulva.

Worth knowing

We are not able to determine on our own what really caused the disease – multiplied pathogenic bacteria or fungi (especially as both types of infections can occur simultaneously), so you should visit a gynecologist.

The imbalance in the vaginal microflora creates ideal conditions for the development of fungi (yeasts of the species most often attack Candida albicans). When they enter the body, we become carriers. You can get infected very easily – in a swimming pool, in a public toilet, from a sexual partner.

To strengthen the bacterial flora and prevent the development of an intimate infection, try the Azeol AF fungal infection probiotic.

Learn the symptoms of Candida albicans infection

An improper diet (high carbohydrates) and the associated high blood sugar level have a very large influence on the development of mycosis of intimate parts. The mechanism is simple – vaginal mucus is largely made up of blood-borne substances. If there is sugar in it, yeast can easily multiply (most often it goes there from the large intestine).

  1. Sugar – a silent killer. What diseases does it cause?

When there are a lot of fungi, and our immune system is too weak to defend against them (after illnesses, as a result of stress and exhaustion), a fungal infection most often develops. Typical symptoms of an intimate fungal infection are severe itching of the intimate area and a characteristic discharge with the consistency and color of cottage cheese.

However, it may happen (most often in chronic conditions) that vaginal mycosis (also known as thrush) shows symptoms very similar to those caused by a bacterial infection or is asymptomatic. That is why it is so easy to make a mistake in diagnosis and, consequently, incorrect treatment. And any infection, both fungal and bacterial, that continues over time, can cause a number of health complications.

To find out if the cause of your ailment is actually a fungal infection, order Candida Albicans Intimate Advice Mailing Test and check it.

Intimate infections and complications

When a neglected or poorly treated intimate infection of the vagina and vulva becomes latent, it becomes an insidious and very dangerous disease. Without giving any clear signals, it spreads through the mucous membranes to further sections of the genital tract. It most commonly affects the cervix, vestibular gland, urethra and bladder. When the fallopian tubes become inflamed, the matter becomes even more serious – adhesions form that can make it difficult or even impossible to get pregnant. On the other hand, pregnant women who develop mycosis or bacterial vaginosis insidiously are at risk of miscarriage, premature birth (rupture of the membranes) and infection of the newborn.

  1. How to recognize a miscarriage?

The conclusion is simple: no, even seemingly trivial, inflammation of the intimate areas should not be taken lightly – awaited or treated on its own. And it is best when we turn to a gynecologist for help at the first disturbing signals.

Karnosil Intim-gel will help in the treatment of vaginal infections – a vaginal gel that soothes ailments and helps to maintain an appropriate pH in it.

Intimate infections – doctor’s diagnosis

During the first visit to the gynecologist, the patient will be referred for examination. They allow, among others determine the type of infection (e.g. bacterial or fungal), determine which species of the pathogen has attacked us and choose the drugs to which the given microorganisms are most sensitive (the so-called antimicogram is, among others, the basis for the treatment of mycosis). The most popular is the so-called microbial smear from the vagina (otherwise the study of the biocenosis or the degree of vaginal purity). It consists in the microscopic assessment of the secretion collected from the patient and the diagnosis of the microorganisms present in it. Additionally, a culture is made (along with culture), which allows to detect bacteria and fungi residing in the vagina.

  1. Prophylactic examinations for women – why is it worth doing them regularly?

Recently, more and more often a more complex examination of the vaginal ecosystem is performed to diagnose the type of intimate infection. It consists in determining the pH with a litmus paper or a special bacteriological test, assessing the smell of vaginal discharge (a characteristic “fishy” smell appears in the case of a bacterial infection), confirming or excluding the presence of yeast cells or trichomoniasis in microscopic examination. Also under the microscope, the smear is checked for the presence of hedgehog cells (these are epithelial cells covered with bacteria like spines), which indicate a developing bacterial infection.

You can now buy a home test for intimate infections – pH TEST. It is available on Medonet Market at an affordable price. Intimate infections often accompany pregnant women. To cure them, it is worth doing a test for intimate infections. We recommend a test kit for a mother-to-be – home cassette tests, which includes a test for intimate infections, pregnancy and ovulation tests.

Such an accurate multi-stage diagnosis requires time and patience, both from the doctor and the patient. However, it should not be abandoned. Scientists say there is no better way to determine the causes of intimate infections. And without proper diagnosis, they cannot be effectively treated, but serious complications can occur.

You can now order a diagnostic urine sample test for intimate infections. Medonet Market offers a urogenital shipping package that analyzes a urine sample for common pathogens.

Infections of intimate places and home methods

Due to the recurrent nature of infections in the intimate areas, we should first go to the gynecologist, with whom we will discuss possible home remedies that will help us minimize vaginal itching or burning, and not to aggravate the infection. To support pharmacological treatment, we can decide to:

  1. Bath with baking soda; 
  2. A herbal soup with the use of dried herbs; 
  3. Globules with vitamin C. 

Intimate infection – how to deal with it at home?


The success of the treatment is guaranteed primarily by the professional medical care of a gynecologist, therefore the proposed methods should not be the basis for treating infections of the intimate area.

Intimate infections do not only affect female genitalia, but also men, who are most often infected with bacterial infections. The first symptom that should be alarming is persistent itching in the intimate area.

Most often, a urologist diagnoses urethritis or mycosis of the penis. Regardless of the cause of the infection, you should go to a doctor who will diagnose the problem and indicate the appropriate treatment of intimate infection in men.

  1. When is it worth going to a urologist?

To avoid recurrent intimate parts infections, follow these seven rules:

  1. Simultaneously with gynecological treatment, it is worth taking blood tests for diabetes and anemia. If there is a hemorrhoidal disease, it must be treated. All these diseases contribute to the formation of intimate infections.
  1. In the case of vaginal mycosis, when it is also advisable to treat the sexual partner, these recommendations should not be ignored.
  2. Remember not to stop the therapy and take the full dose of medications prescribed by your doctor. Shortening the treatment time leads to relapses and may result in drug resistance.
  3. There are a few hygiene and lifestyle recommendations to follow (you can discuss this with your doctor). It is inadvisable to use soaps with an alkaline pH, with the addition of active chemicals, wearing thongs, synthetic tight underwear, abuse of tampons and panty liners. Let’s pay attention to how we use a towel (always separate and frequently changed) and toilet paper – you should wipe the perineum from front to back, so as not to transfer bacteria or fungi from the area of ​​the anus to the labia.
  4. Let’s change the diet, if so far it was dominated by sugar-rich products. Beware of dietary pitfalls, such as drinking plenty of fruit juices to avoid urinary tract infections. They usually contain so much sugar that they can contribute to yeast infection.
  5. If you are using hormonal contraception, you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of switching to another (non-hormonal) method of contraception.
  6. Avoid risky and adventurous sexual behavior (condom – obligatory!). Our sexual partner should thoroughly wash the genitals before intercourse, otherwise the bacteria accumulated under the foreskin can easily enter the genital tract. To reduce the risk of infection, it is good to urinate after intercourse, which will flush out the microbes accumulated in the vagina.

In the daily care of intimate areas, it is worth using Gentle intimate wash with Anthyllis blueberry and marigold extract, which you can currently buy at Medonet Market at a promotional price.

Intimate infections in numbers

  1. Only one in three or four women who use over-the-counter antifungal preparations actually suffers from fungal vaginosis or vulvitis.
  2. Candida albicans is responsible for the development of vaginal and vulvar mycotic infections in 90% of cases. Hence the other name of mycosis – candidiasis or candidiasis.
  3. Most pathogenic bacteria start to multiply in the vagina when its pH value exceeds 4. Trichomoniasis increase in number at pH 5-6, and yeasts and Escherichia coli when the pH value reaches 5,8-7,8.

To determine if your vaginal pH is at the right level, take the Intimate Infections Panel Test you can buy from Medonet Market.

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