The film «The same Munchausen»


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Proximity is a living contact, a meeting of people who love (at least feel) each other. Feeling WE.

Proximity is a deep relationship with the Closest, when they trust the concealed, hidden. See close relationships.

In intimacy, each of the partners is in complete extraversion, not in himself, but in the other. The focus is on something else.

As a rule, intimacy gives a lot of energy, a sense of life, an exchange of sincerity and leads to attachments.

Video from the film «The same Munchausen». At the end of the fragment, the closeness disappears, Martha withdraws from it into herself.

Proximity in Transactional Analysis

Intimacy is a sincere relationship at the Child-Child level without games and mutual exploitation. They are established by the Adult ego states of both parties so that both parties understand the joint contracts and obligations to each other very well, sometimes without saying a single word about it. As this understanding becomes clearer, the Adult gradually leaves the scene and, if the Parent does not interfere, the Child becomes more and more relaxed and more and more free. The actual intimate transactions take place between the two Child ego states. The Adult, however, still remains in the background as an observer in order to make sure that obligations and restrictions are being met. The Adult also has the task of keeping the Parent from invading and ruining the situation. Indeed, the capacity for intimacy depends on the capacity of the Adult and Child to keep the Parent out when needed, but it is even better if the Parent graciously grants permission, or, at best, encourages the continuation of the relationship. The support of the Parent helps the Child to get rid of the fear of intimacy and ensures that he will not be held back by the burden or threat of guilt. See →

Types of proximity according to K. Whitaker

Although the word intimacy is often used, it has the same vagueness as the word love. In fact, there are three kinds of intimacy: delusional intimacy, illusion of intimacy, and real intimacy. See →

Possibility of intimacy

When, between whom is closeness possible? The main conditions for intimacy are mental health, high psychological culture and the habit of development. See →

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