Intestinal colitis in adults
Most often, colitis affects men 40-60 years old and women 20-60 years old. This is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the colon. Let’s talk about the disease, deal with a gastroenterologist

What is colitis

Intestinal colitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process that is localized in the large intestine and occurs due to ischemic, infectious or toxic damage to the tissues of the organ.

Depending on the severity of the course of the pathological process and the depth of localization of inflammation, colitis can be:

  • catarrhal;
  • spastic;
  • erosive;
  • ulcerative;
  • diffuse;
  • atrophic.

– According to the course of the disease, acute and chronic colitis are distinguished. Acute colitis is characterized by pronounced symptoms. Often occurs simultaneously with inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis) and stomach (gastritis).

Symptoms characteristic of acute colitis are acute pain, rumbling in the abdomen, loss of appetite, loose stools mixed with mucus or blood, and fever. The main causes of acute colitis can be viral infections, food poisoning, toxic substances, and antibiotics. Chronic colitis usually develops after acute colitis. Occurs with periodic exacerbations. This disease is associated with inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the colon and disorders of its functions.

Chronic colitis is characterized by alternating diarrhea and constipation, pain in various parts of the abdomen, a feeling of insufficient bowel movement, false urge to defecate, nausea, belching, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, rumbling in the abdomen, malaise, decreased ability to work.

The causes of chronic colitis can be poor nutrition, alcohol abuse, as well as other factors that disrupt normal bowel function, says gastroenterologist Olga Smirnova.

Causes of intestinal colitis in adults

There are several main reasons why colitis may appear:

  • The presence of an infection. With colitis, the cause of the reproduction of pathogenic flora on the mucous membrane of the organ may be the use of expired food products. If toxic substances enter the human body, this will cause active reproduction of infections in the intestines. And this, in turn, will lead to colitis. Also, E. coli, salmonella, dysenteric amoeba and others can enter the body. They can also contribute to the development of colitis.
  • Violation of the diet. If a person consumes little fiber (stewed and fresh vegetables, cereals), this can also cause colitis. This also includes the consumption of low-quality products and the intake of certain groups of drugs that lead to disruption of intestinal motility. They negatively affect the intestinal microflora and cause colitis.
  • congenital anomalies
  • Presence of comorbidities
  • Poisoning. When a person is poisoned with something, acute intoxication occurs in his body, and this causes colitis.
  • mechanical irritation. Frequent use of rectal suppositories or cleansing enemas can lead to mucosal damage and colitis.

In order to cure colitis effectively, you need to find the true cause of its appearance.

Symptoms of colitis in adults

  • With colitis, painful sensations appear, which can intensify while walking or running, with mechanical action and various therapeutic procedures.
  • The chair becomes irregular and has an unstable character. The patient appears either diarrhea, or, conversely, constipation. Also in the stool, a patient with colitis may notice blood or greenish or colorless mucous streaks.
  • A person feels constant discomfort due to frequent urge to defecate, which remain false. This can even happen at night. Such urges end with incomplete emptying of the intestines and the release of a small amount of feces.
  • A real “hurricane” can be felt in the stomach.

It is important to eliminate colitis in time, because if it becomes chronic, then the duration of treatment can be significant.

Treatment of colitis in adults

One of the most important principles in the treatment of colitis is diet therapy.

All food consumed should be gentle and easily digestible, this will reduce the burden on the intestines to a minimum and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Due to the fact that colitis causes severe pain, the doctor may prescribe painkillers or antispasmodics. Also, during treatment, the patient may be prescribed antibacterial drugs, the main effect of which is to suppress the process of reproduction of infectious pathogens and completely eliminate them.

Restoring the stability of intestinal peristalsis is possible only with the normalization of microflora. Enterosorbents, artificial enzymes and probiotics allow you to relieve symptoms.

If a person has concomitant diseases, then the treatment will be selected depending on which organ is affected.

Experts urge you not to delay, do not self-medicate and consult a doctor when the first symptoms appear.


In order for a person to be diagnosed with colitis, a thorough diagnosis is carried out. It starts with a face-to-face appointment with a specialist. The attending physician will talk with the patient, during the conversation he will reveal the intensity of the symptoms characteristic of colitis and the frequency of their manifestation.

Next, you will need to pass the following tests:

  • Blood test. It is needed in order to determine the levels of hemoglobin, leukocytes and the concentration of platelets.
  • Fecal analysis. It is required to detect the presence of blood impurities, leukocytes and erythrocytes.
  • Analysis of urine to determine the presence of inflammation.

If necessary, an ultrasound will be done to establish changes in the structure of the intestinal walls and the intestinal lumen. The state of other organs of the abdominal cavity is also examined, which makes it possible to identify the presence of diseases associated with colitis. This will help to prescribe the correct complex treatment in the future.

To establish the degree of changes in the intestine, a contrast irrigoscopy is performed. It involves the introduction of a special substance into the rectum with further x-rays.

Modern treatments

  • Taking antibacterial agents.
  • Reception of adsorbents for removal of toxins.
  • Taking antispasmodics to reduce pain.
  • Reception of enzymes (with insufficient liver function).
  • Taking antidiarrheal drugs or laxatives.
  • Taking pro- and prebiotics to normalize bowel function.

The patient is also shown a strict diet and physiotherapy.

In too complex and serious situations, surgical intervention is possible.

Prevention of intestinal colitis in adults at home

  • A rational and balanced diet with sufficient dietary fiber content.
  • Refuse to take fast food, fatty, refined foods and canned food, as well as minimize red meat (beef, lamb, pork) in the diet.
  • Alcohol is allowed to be consumed in minimal quantities.

“Smoking also has a negative effect on the condition of the intestines,” says the specialist.

Popular questions and answers

Answers to popular questions gastroenterologist Olga Smirnova.

Possible complications of intestinal colitis in adults:
Complications of colitis often develop, as a rule, with untimely seeking medical help.

The specific complication depends on the type of colitis:

● pseudomembranous colitis often develops in antibiotic-associated colitis;

● with ischemic, intestinal gangrene is possible;

● with infectious colitis – sepsis and many other complications. And they are all life-threatening.

What diet should be followed with colitis?
During an exacerbation, you should eat boiled or baked food in a warm form. Fractional meals are required at least 5 times a day, while dinner should be no later than seven o’clock in the evening.

The diet should be dominated by protein foods.

In order to avoid the development of protein-electrolyte disorders, the diet should be designed so that the body receives the required amount of nutrients.

There are a number of foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa: whole milk, alcohol, carbonated water, mushrooms, fatty meats, spices, prunes, dried apricots, salty and spicy foods, raw vegetables, sunflower seeds, legumes, corn.

What is the most effective treatment for colitis?
The method of treatment depends on the cause of colitis: for infectious, antibiotics are indicated, for spastic, antispasmodics and motility regulators, for toxic colitis, namely poisoning, it is recommended to take adsorbents that can bind toxins.

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