Intestinal colic

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Intestinal colic is a violent and very severe pain caused by the contraction of the smooth muscles of the intestine. Intestinal colic can be caused, for example, by eating the wrong products. The problem often affects infants and is characterized by severe abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Intestinal colic – definition

Intestinal colic is a condition characterized by sudden pain caused by contraction of the smooth muscles in the gut. Most often it occurs as a result of the consumption of stale food by infants. Nausea and vomiting are not uncommon in the presence of intestinal colic. The pain usually subsides on its own, but it sometimes happens that the patient has to take the right position to get rid of unbearable symptoms (it helps to curl the legs or massage the abdomen). Intestinal colic in infants may be the result of hypersensitivity to milk proteins, excessive intestinal gas, or abnormal intestinal peristalsis. Often the cause is the immaturity of the nervous system.

Intestinal colic in adults

As mentioned above, the cause of intestinal colic is the contraction of the smooth muscles of the intestine, which is caused by gases accumulating in the intestinal lumen. In addition, the cause of this unpleasant ailment may also be the stretching of the peritoneal plaque during intense physical exertion (then the pain occurs on the left side of the abdomen). Some people believe that intestinal colic is psychological. Especially infants who are brought up under stress, nervousness or those who observe the nervous atmosphere at home, start to get nervous themselves and then intestinal colic appears.

In addition, in newborns and infants, intestinal colic may result from incorrect feeding or feeding among distracting factors (e.g. TV turned on). This causes the baby to become nervous, cry and swallow too much air.

All the causes of intestinal colic lie in the digestive tract:

  1. diet error,
  2. fecal stones,
  3. a foreign body in the digestive tract (e.g. swallowing a stone or other objects or hard bites),
  4. constipation
  5. food alergy,
  6. irritable bowel syndrome,
  7. intestinal obstruction
  8. gastrointestinal reflux,
  9. e.g. lactose intolerance,
  10. ulcerative colitis,
  11. intestinal diverticulosis,
  12. eating foods that are too hard to digest (fried, fatty, gas drinks, flour products),
  13. digestive problems and deficiency of the physiological flora and the nervous system,
  14. eating quickly, greedily, talking and drinking while eating – causes swallowing a large amount of air and thus intestinal colic.

If you have problems with intestinal colic, try Intestinal Support – Pharmovit Drops Extract, which has anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties, reducing intestinal discomfort.

Intestinal colic in adults – symptoms

The main symptom of intestinal colic is stinging or cramp-like abdominal pain (depending on the part of the intestine where the contractions are occurring). The intestinal spines are accompanied by:

  1. flatulence
  2. nausea and vomiting
  3. tense stomach,
  4. frequent gas emission,
  5. lack of appetite.

Sometimes the pain associated with intestinal colic resembles that of appendicitis, cystitis or cyst torsion. Symptoms that occur should not be ignored.

Intestinal colic in infants – symptoms

Intestinal colic comes on suddenly and is a temporary condition. This ailment does not affect the child’s development and is most common in infants between 3 and 12 weeks of age. It manifests itself:

  1. shouting;
  2. crying;
  3. kicking with feet;
  4. fidgeting;
  5. clenching fists;
  6. flatulence.

Intestinal colic in pregnancy

Intestinal colic during pregnancy gives similar symptoms to those previously described. Often the cause of the complaints is an incorrect diet of a pregnant woman or digestive disorders, leading to the accumulation of gases in the intestines and constipation. Intestinal colic pain appears in a pregnant woman suddenly and suddenly disappears. It can be located on the left / right side or the entire surface of the abdomen.

How To Avoid Intestinal Colic In Pregnancy?

Pregnant women who want to prevent intestinal colic should pay more attention to their diet. It should contain a large amount of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber has beneficial properties: it prevents flatulence, constipation and the formation of intestinal gas. A lot of fiber is contained in products such as fruits, vegetables, coarse-grained groats and whole-grain bread. Pregnant women should avoid eating highly bloating foods, sweets, processed and fried foods.

For the relief of colic pain, it is recommended to drink fennel infusion to improve digestion. Mint is also recommended, which you will find in the organic herbal tea Mint Garden at a favorable price on the Medonet Market. We also recommend Trzy Mint – freeze-dried organic tea.

Intestinal colic – management

Intestinal colic is a condition that goes away on its own and does not require specific treatment. There are times, however, when the pain becomes unbearable and patients look for an appropriate method to relieve it. Here are some effective tips.

1. In the fight against intestinal colic, a massage of the abdomen or back is helpful, preferably performed with circular movements.

2. During a colic attack, it is worth loosening the clothing at the waist by undoing the belt.

3. It is also helpful to lie on your stomach or with curled legs.

4. Warm compresses applied to the abdomen help with abdominal cramps. It can be a towel dipped in warm water or a hot water bottle. You can buy a rubber hot water bottle in a fluffy cover today at Medonet Market.

5. You can also drink infusions of mint, lemon balm, chamomile or fennel (the latter helps especially with gases; dried fennel fruit and a basket of chamomile can be bought at Medonet Market).

6. A warm bath – also has a relaxing effect.

7. It is worth taking a drug that contains simethicone to reduce flatulence and superficial tension of gas bubbles.

8. Other preparations effective in the fight against intestinal colic are drugs containing trimebutin, which improves gastrointestinal motility.

9. You can also take diastolic medications.

Do you suffer from intestinal colic and need medical advice? You don’t have to leave your home to consult a specialist. Register for an appointment online and you will get an e-prescription even in 5 minutes.

Prophylaxis in intestinal colic

There are a number of ways that can help prevent intestinal colic:

  1. eat regularly, it is better to eat meals more often, but in small amounts;
  2. follow a healthy diet: it should not contain heavy, fatty and fried foods (e.g. onion, plums, cabbage, sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks);
  3. do not drink with a meal, but only after;
  4. lead an active lifestyle;
  5. take your time when eating, eat in small bites and chew thoroughly to avoid swallowing a lot of air;
  6. drink plenty of fluids to avoid constipation;
  7. take probiotics and prebiotics that complement the physiological flora of the digestive tract and improve its functioning;
  8. do not engage in physical activity immediately after eating;
  9. if you have food intolerance, absolutely eliminate products that sensitize you from your diet;
  10. if you are allergic to lactose, use preparations containing lactase;
  11. take care of the treatment of conditions causing intestinal colic, e.g. gastroesophageal reflux.

In children and infants, it is additionally recommended:

  1. remembering to hold the bottle properly while feeding – the baby should not swallow air, the teat must be constantly filled with food;
  2. feeding the baby in an upright position and in a place where there are no distractions;
  3. carrying your baby upright after feeding to make him belch;
  4. the use of an appropriate diet by women who are breastfeeding (nursing mothers should not eat hard-to-digest or spicy products during the feeding period);
  5. using special anti-colic baby bottles (designed in such a way that the baby does not gulp the air while feeding).

It should also be remembered that abdominal pain may indicate gastrointestinal hypersensitivity, therefore diagnostic tests are recommended.

Also read: Abdominal pain

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