Intestinal cleansing diet – indications, rules and menu

A colon cleansing diet is a detox-style diet that allows you not only to lose weight, but also to detoxify the body and cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste products. A diet cleansing the intestines restores the proper functioning of the body, improves well-being and health. It is recommended, among others, as a preparation for a classic slimming diet.

Indications for the use of a bowel cleansing diet

A colon cleansing diet is a good idea for all people with poor nutrition on a daily basis. As a result of an improper diet, low in fiber and largely composed of highly processed products, so-called fecal deposits form in the intestines, which narrow and block the lumen of the intestines, disrupting their work. In addition, toxins are released from the remnants of metabolism in the intestines, which poison the body and adversely affect health and the work of many organs and systems. Intestinal cleansing diet it is therefore recommended for people who want to take care of their health and at the same time reduce their body weight a bit.

Bowels they play an extremely important role in the human body. The small intestine is the part of the digestive system where digestive processes take place and the absorption of nutrients from food takes place. The large intestine, in turn, is the place where the food content and absorbed water are stored. It is also here that the process of cleansing the body of unnecessary metabolic products takes place. If the intestines do not function properly, your entire body starts to deteriorate. Metabolic processes are slowed down, resulting in weight gain despite consuming the same amount of calories. The intestinal microflora is also responsible for the work of the immune system – when the intestines are contaminated, the bacterial flora in them changes in an unfavorable way, disrupting the functioning of the immune system. An efficient digestive system means good health, optimal weight and well-being.

In order to cleanse the intestines, it is worth drinking DETECTION DECK – a herbal-fruit tea that supports the work of the kidneys and the removal of toxins from the body. You can also use dietary supplements for cleansing and detoxification. Check the offer of preparations available on Medonet Market. We recommend, for example, Cleansing the body – Pharmovit drop extract, which contains, among others, milk thistle seed extract. Also CistusHerbs Clean Body is a natural dietary supplement consisting of detoxifying herbs.

Intestinal cleansing diet it is especially recommended in cases where symptoms have already appeared, indicating the presence of fecal deposits in them. These complaints are as follows:

  1. constipation or diarrhea;
  2. skin problems such as acne lesions and eczema;
  3. bad breath, tongue coating, tartar and other oral lesions;
  4. frequently recurring infections;
  5. headache, malaise;
  6. sleep disturbance;
  7. general lack of energy and weakness.

These problems may indicate bowel problems. Deposits formed in the intestines make nutrients less absorbed, weaken immunity, as well as physical and mental condition.

For cleansing the body try Na deacidification – herbal and fruit tea from Herbapol in Krakow. We also recommend Herbs à la Essiac – a mixture of herbs from which you can prepare an infusion with detoxifying properties.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

What foods to eat while on a gut cleansing diet?

Intestinal cleansing diet it is based primarily on foods rich in fiber, and therefore should include vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Order the Cleansing Nuja Vegetable Juice Diet at a promotional price on Medonet Market. The diet covers 3 or 5 days depending on the chosen variant.

Intestinal cleansing treatment however, it should not last longer than three days and requires proper preparation before starting it. Before start a bowel cleansing diet you should change your diet, that is, limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods, sweets, highly processed foods, and increase the amount of fluids you drink. As an aid, it is worth using Daily Cleanse ° for detox – a dietary supplement with active ingredients supporting the functioning of the digestive system.

Also after the end diet you should remember about healthy eating habits and do not go back to the old (incorrect) diet.

During a bowel cleansing diet it is recommended to eat vegetables such as peppers, zucchini, lettuce and tomatoes, and fruit – especially apples and citrus. Preferably for the intestines Dried fruit also affects bowel movements, and thus the removal of waste products from the body. It is especially recommended to eat prunes, figs and dates.

In use a bowel cleansing diet you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid (preferably water) a day. You can also drink lemon juice diluted with water in the morning – it will improve intestinal peristalsis and help to acidify the body. Herbal infusions are also beneficial, as they improve digestion and the functioning of the digestive system. For this purpose, mint, fennel, dandelion and ginger infusion are good, which additionally speeds up metabolic processes. You can also use ready-made herbal mixtures. Buy for example:

  1. Intestinal tea consisting of, among others plantain leaves, knotweed herb, St. John’s wort, marigold flowers;
  2. Pukka Mint Refresh – cleansing and refreshing tea with mint leaf, licorice root, fennel seeds, hibiscus flower, rose flower and coriander seeds;
  3. Cleansing – freeze-dried organic tea, which includes elderberry, nettle and violet;
  4. Pukka Feel New – Detoxifying tea that contains anise seeds, fennel seeds, cardamom seeds, licorice root, coriander seeds and turmeric root. 

It is worth trying the laxative effects of aloe vera, e.g. in the form of 100% Natjun aloe vera juice, which is available at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

Other ways to cleanse the intestines

One of the proven ways to cleansing the intestines, helpful during application a bowel cleansing dietthere is an enema. In order for it to be effective, it should be performed for at least a week.

One of the varieties a bowel cleansing diet is the apple diet that helps cleanse and detoxify the body. It can be used for 1-3 days. It consists in eating about 2 kg of apples a day, divided into small portions.

Another version a bowel cleansing diet is to eat raw vegetables that remove deposits and toxins from the intestines. This diet can also be used for a maximum of 3 days. It is also possible cleanse the intestinesby drinking kefir.

To improve the digestive system, get rid of flatulence and constipation, try the Harmonix 500 ml dietary supplement. It contains extracts of 10 herbs such as lemon balm, lavender, valerian and rosemary, and chokeberry juice. You can order the product at We also recommend Detox – a Panaseus dietary supplement, the regular use of which will help get rid of toxins from the body.

The iodine-bromine spa salt for the Zabłocka bath will also support the body in cleansing it of toxins, which additionally relieves muscle tension and even supports the process of burning calories.

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