Intestinal cleansing – diet, exercise, enema. Drugs and supplements for cleansing

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The gut is said to be the “second brain” in the human body. This is not a joke – it is in them that 90 percent. serotonin, or the happiness hormone. For this reason, the proper condition of the intestinal microflora can protect against worse mood, anxiety and even depression. It is also responsible for the production of vitamins and the removal of food debris. The intestines also have a complex nervous system, are involved in the absorption of nutrients and produce enzymes. Their bacteria, among other things, have an influence on immunity. This amazing organ needs good care to enjoy health and vitality.

Intestines – structure and functions

The intestines are part of the digestive tract and they play a very important role in our body. They perform many functions, such as digestion, absorption (vitamins, minerals, drugs, fats, proteins, sugars), as well as the production of end elements of metabolism. We distinguish between the small intestine and the large intestine.

The so-called probiotic bacteria of the genus Lactobacilluswhich are responsible for digestion and the body’s resistance. If we are talking about the large intestine, it is there that secondary resorption takes place, i.e. the absorption of water and minerals, and the formation of stool.

See also: The secret of a healthy gut

What our intestines don’t like

The intestines play a very important role in the human body – they cleanse the body of toxins and metabolic waste products. Their health ensures the proper functioning of the entire body. Intestinal problems are influenced in particular by diet – too little water, sugar, preservatives, trans fats, artificial colors, low-fiber meals, flavor enhancers, pesticides.

All of this causes undigested food to accumulate in the intestines, known as fecal deposits. These, in turn, soon begin to release toxins and become the cause of unpleasant ailments – migraines, constipation, autoimmune diseases, depression, abdominal pain, obesity, lack of appetite, constant fatigue, skin problems, decreased immunity, and even changes in the oral cavity (e.g. unpleasant smell from the mouth, white coating on the tongue or tartar). They can lead to very serious diseases such as colorectal cancer.

In order to cleanse the intestines, it is worth drinking Pukka Feel New – detoxifying tea regularly. We also recommend CistusHerbs Pure Body – a mixture of selected herbs.

Also read: The five worst bowel diseases

Intestinal cleansing – diet

There are many natural ways to clear the intestines of deposits, but you need to start with the basics. Without water, there is no detox – thanks to it, the body is able to excrete toxins. A good way to wake up the body in the morning, and at the same time support our intestines, is to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice. It is also worth reaching for cleansing teas, which additionally support the work of the digestive system. On Medonet Market you will find, among others Detox Bio Yogi Tea and Detox with Lemon Bio Yogi Tea, which you can buy at promotional prices. Also try Cleansing – a freeze-dried organic tea that contains elderberry, nettle and violet.

In order to cleanse the intestines with home methods, you can also prepare other drinks – water with lemon and ginger, with linseed, fruit and vegetable smoothies and dishes made of groats, whole grains, brown rice. For dessert, it is worth reaching for dried apricots and plums.

Flaxseed is particularly rich in fiber, thus preventing constipation and helping to get rid of extra pounds. They can also be eaten in inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and digestive system. It is worth adding these precious seeds to kefir and drinking one glass twice a day. Lactic bacteria contained in kefir have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. In addition, kefir strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism and is rich in protein. This treatment should last about a week, after which you should take a break.

The active ingredients present in the Daily Cleanse ° detox supplement have a supportive effect on the digestive system. You can buy it at a promotional price on Medonet Market. After holding the phone to the designated place on the packaging of the preparation, you will be able to personalize the supplement.

It is also good to rebuild our entire diet, which should be rich in whole grains (e.g. whole grain bread, brown rice, groats, bran, whole grain pasta, cereals), vegetables and fruits (both fresh and dried), legumes (e.g. peas, lentils, chickpeas), and peanuts. It is also a good idea to eat pickles (sauerkraut or pickled cucumbers), because they have a high content of live bacteria cultures that contribute to the proper development of the intestinal microflora.

Coming back to the fruit, when it comes to cleansing the intestines, it is worth taking an interest in apples. They are one of the best natural colon cleansers, so it’s good to eat at least one apple a day. If we want to cleanse our intestines, we can eat more of them for three days.

It should also be mentioned here what we should avoid in the diet and what has a very bad effect on the functioning of our intestines, that is: white flour and everything that has been baked from it; potato flour; light (white) bread; white rice; pasta; sweets and fast food; instant food; salty snacks; fat meat; alcohol; bananas; dry food; cocoa and products with its addition (chocolate).

In cleansing the intestines, it is worth helping with herbs, e.g. violet tricolor, nettle, horsetail, dandelion, algae, burdock. You will find them in the DETECTION TABLE – herbal and fruit tea from Herbapol in Krakow.

Find out more about it: Intestinal cleansing diet – how to do it effectively?

Intestinal cleansing – physical activity

The intestines are adversely affected not only by an inadequate diet, but also by low physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress. Movement greatly supports the body – it causes the release of endorphins, allows you to lose unnecessary kilograms, strengthens the condition, reduces tension and prevents the intestines from becoming lazy. Their work is faster, for the benefit of us. Fortunately, you don’t have to do strenuous exercises right away. At the beginning, longer walks are enough, for example with your pet, friends or partner.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

Intestinal cleansing – medications

Diagnostic tests, such as colonoscopy, are also associated with intestinal cleansing. However, before the colonoscopy is performed, it is recommended to use an agent containing macrogol and mineral salts with osmotic action. However, bowel cleansing in this way is prescribed by a doctor who has specific reasons for it.

As for the use of medications for bowel cleansing, it is important to know that although there are laxative drugs, they are not suitable for the prophylactic cleansing of the intestines of intestinal deposits. It should also be added that there are certain contraindications to the use of medicinal products with laxative propertiesThese are, for example: intestinal obstruction (accompanying e.g. appendicitis), allergy to the active substance, inflammatory bowel diseases (e.g. Crohn’s disease), abdominal pain of unknown etiology (cause), significant loss of water and / or electrolytes.

It should be remembered that certain antimicrobial drugs should not be used in children under 12 years of age (e.g. plant materials with anthraquinones). Besides, the dosage of this type of preparations depends on the age and body weight (e.g. glycerin suppositories). Their effect is noticeable after a few hours, so it is recommended to use them in the evening hours (it is best not to use them for a long time). There are also rectal liquid preparations available on the market.

It is worth noting, however, that in the case of overusing laxatives to cleanse the intestine, it may lead to its laxation and significant loss of potassium and water, which in turn may intensify the effects of certain medications (e.g. cardiac glycosides).

Read also: Medicines, alcohol, red meat – what harms our intestines?

Intestinal cleansing – dietary supplements

In cleansing the intestines, you can also use dietary supplements containing, for example:

  1. psyllium and ovoid plantain, which have the properties of swelling under the influence of water, which in turn has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis and defecation (both plants can be safely used by pregnant and breastfeeding women);
  2. fiber, which is of great importance in our diet, because it stimulates the intestines to cleanse, form fecal masses;
  3. aloe, which has immunomodulatory properties, but it should be remembered that this plant contains hydroxyanthracene, a substance that should not be used for more than 7-10 days in the fight against constipation; You can buy 100% Natjun aloe juice on Medonet Market at an attractive price;
  4. probiotics, which are natural bacteria found in our intestines and prevent putrefactive processes in the intestines (they reduce the risk of flatulence);
  5. buckthorn buckthorn and bark that contain anthracompounds, i.e. substances that exhibit the aforementioned laxative properties.

As a support for cleansing the body, we recommend Detoks – a Panaseus dietary supplement, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market. You can also buy Body Cleansing – Pharmovit Drops Extract or try other detoxifying preparations available in the store. Check the offer.

In addition, to cleanse the intestines, you can also use plum juice, which is full of minerals and vitamins and has antioxidant properties, and, thanks to the content of pectins, has a positive effect on the work of the intestines.

Do you want to help with bowel cleansing? You can order intestinal tea or psyllium fiber in capsules by choosing these products from the Medonet Market offer. To improve the functioning of the intestines, get rid of flatulence and constipation, use Harmonix 500 ml – 100%. a natural dietary supplement containing 10 herbal extracts and chokeberry juice.

In cleansing the body of toxins, it is worth helping with the iodine-bromine spa salt for Zabłocka bath, which you just need to add to the water.

we recommend: Healthy intestines. How to do it?

Intestinal cleansing – enema

The situation in which the patient suffers from constipation is an indication for the use of an enema, which, however, absolutely must not be abused, it is performed only for strictly prescribed medical indications and absolutely cannot be used as a home method of cleansing the intestines.

Everything you need to know about bowel disease

Intestinal cleansing – side effects

The list of potential dangers of bowel cleansing is quite long.

  1. Dehydration

While some of the weight loss associated with bowel cleansing comes from waste disposal, it also removes fluid. Dehydration can, in extreme cases, lead to kidney failure.

  1. Electrolyte imbalance

A bowel cleansing can upset the body’s balance of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium. These substances carry electrical signals through the cells, and imbalance can lead to unconsciousness and damage to the kidneys.

  1. Bacterial imbalance and infection

A bowel cleansing has the potential to “invite” unhealthy bacteria into the lower digestive system along with medical instruments and fluids. Cleansing your gut can also remove healthy bacteria that can fight infection.

  1. Intestinal perforation

Bowel perforation occurs when a tear occurs in the wall of the lower intestine. This is considered a medical emergency. Although symptoms start with fever, pain, chills, and nausea, it can even be fatal.

As well as vomiting, nausea, cramps, dizziness, potential negative effects on drug absorption, kidney failure. Therefore, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a bowel cleansing process.

It should be remembered that when cleansing the intestines with invasive methods such as enemas, if you add a substance to the water during the procedure, there is a risk of an allergic reaction.

It is important to cleanse the body more safely, using natural methods. We recommend, for example, For deacidification – herbapol herbal and fruit tea in Krakow.

The risk of side effects increases if you have:

  1. diverticulitis;
  2. ulcerative colitis;
  3. Crohn’s disease;
  4. advanced hemorrhoidal disease;
  5. tumors in the rectum or intestine;
  6. there was a recent bowel surgery;
  7. heart disease or kidney disease.

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