Three participants on the Channel One show on the eve of March 8 answered Woman’s Day questions about the project, beauty, outfits and relationships with men.
Alexandra Vorobyova, 3rd season: I concede everything to the groom
Sasha has not yet realized her victory in Golos-3
About the “Voice”
I started a very hectic life after the “Voice”. I didn’t even expect it to turn out this way. After the project, the tour started, and for two months there are concerts! Crazy schedule. Now I write songs in various styles, but all in Russian.
Many singers and singers came out of the Voice. But I do not yet know how to find my place and not get lost among them. Too little time has passed to realize something! But I will do my best to break through and achieve success. I hope my mentor Alexander Borisovich will help me. I went to work at the Gradsky Musical Theater – his new brainchild, it will open in April.
Blind Audition Yellow Dress – Favorite
About clothes
On “Voice” my favorite dress is, of course, yellow, in which I was at the blind auditions! She chose the dress herself. It is bright, but liberating. In addition, it is not on the floor, and therefore does not hinder movement, it is convenient to walk around the stage! A seamstress friend of mine has just made a similar dress – also yellow, only some details are cut differently.
In everyday life, I like to walk in pants under my skin, in some kind of sweatshirt and without heels – in sneakers so that I can be worn everywhere! I hate shopping malls, they exhaust me. You walk for an hour – and your eyes close, your head hurts. Maximum – I can order something via the Internet.
About beauty
My beauty rules are simple.
1. Proper nutrition. There is less fast food, it affects both the skin and the body. 80% of slimness is nutrition!
2. 20% is sports. I left the gym because of the tour. Not enough cardio workouts.
3. I have been wearing blonde for a long time. And dyeing it white spoils the hair terribly. Therefore, I try to take care of them, buy masks. At the same time, there is absolutely no difference between expensive and cheap! I buy burdock oil at the pharmacy for 40 rubles, and my hair feels great.
Sasha and her Pasha
- Photo Shoot:
- social networks of Alexandra Vorobyova
About the secrets of family happiness
My boyfriend Pasha proposed to me, we are planning a wedding this summer. Everything will be as modest as possible. And our relationship is built on trust – where can we go without it now?
I always make concessions. I am soft by nature, docile Capricorn. Although my future spouse is also Capricorn, it is always easier for me to yield to him in disputes. I am never capricious: this is stupid. It’s easier to do something yourself than to be capricious and wait from a man!
Sasha on tour in Yekaterinburg
About gifts for March 8
Pasha and I are constantly together. And we agreed that we would not make surprises for each other, but rather go to the store and choose what everyone needs. I told him right away that I was not expecting anything on March 8, not even flowers. Let it not be wasted!
The most romantic gift that I received from him is a marriage proposal that he made to me when we flew in a helicopter in the suburbs. It was in the summer, in August. I thought: “Cool! I never rode a helicopter! ” The entire flight lasted 10 minutes. We sat down, fly, the view is gorgeous! After 4 minutes, he takes out the ring. I didn’t expect it, of course, but I agreed without hesitation!
Polina Konkina, season 2: I’m moody, but my husband loves it!
About the “Voice”
First of all, Golos gave me a mentor, Alexander Gradsky, who has been keeping me under its wing for several years now. I can call him at any time of the day or night, and he will always answer, help with advice. But he does the same himself: at 6 in the morning a call from Gradsky may sound. If a thought comes to him, he immediately wants to share it.
There is life after the Voice. I always dreamed of a theater and dedicated a year after the project to it. I passed the casting for the musical “Once Upon a Time in Odessa” and played the main role in it. I was recognized by the project and only after that I was invited to the casting.
All participants continue to take part in programs and filming. We are known, invited to holidays, corporate parties.
It is not difficult for me to find a place in the sun, because I knew why and where I was going. My task was to appear to the multimillion-dollar public. Some of the participants in the “Voice” go into writing their own songs, someone, like me, to the theater, someone goes on tour with mentors. And each has its own viewer!
Polina sang in the musical “Once Upon a Time in Odessa”
About clothes
In the “Voice” we did not impose dresses on us. We had stylists who brought 15 dresses to some girls. Everything was optional – no one would dress you in something that would make you uncomfortable. No, well, once it happened with me that I had to put on shoes two sizes smaller. I stood for 20 minutes on the set – nothing happened.
My favorite dress in “The Voice” is the one I wore to “Duels”: black, in sequins, in figure, emphasized and concealed everything that was needed. It has become my calling card. After that, I bought myself exactly the same. Alexander Borisovich did not even distinguish – he still thinks that this is the same dress.
In general, the mentor monitors our appearance – how and what we wear, how we will look. He hates one of my open dresses with fierce hatred. He categorically dislikes my open shoulders in him. Every time I convince him: “That’s it, I will never wear it again!” But suddenly I decide again, and he sees me in this dress, starts scolding again.
So on stage you need to please not only yourself, but also the mentor and the audience! When choosing an outfit, I always start from the image, from my character, for example, in a short dress I will never go on stage.
Black dress in sequins from “The Voice” has become Polina’s calling card
About beauty
It is striking for everyone that I am very thin. I am often told that I have anorexia in some advanced stage. This is very funny because I eat like an elephant. My beauty recipes are simple.
1. Eat healthy foods and start doing so as early as possible. Not when your stomach problems begin, but now. Eat as much as you need, do not deny yourself, but do not overload on fast food. I do not allow myself to do this at all.
2. Fitness is my best friend. This is thanks to my husband Gleb, who taught me to study. We go to the gym together, to the pool, and recently we went to the climbing wall. Sports hobbies must be, because the energy must be splashed out somewhere.
3. You need to love yourself! Look in the mirror, look for some beautiful features in yourself, choose good makeup for yourself. Don’t overdo it with her. Natural beauty is now in the price.
4. In my life I do not dye a lot and do not style my hair at all. In the musical I play a purebred Jewish woman with very curly hair. There were performances every day, and they twisted these curls every day. Hair thinned twice. Restored only with purchased masks.
Polina sometimes allows herself whims. But Gleb forgives!
About the secrets of family happiness
I’m capricious as without it. There is nothing wrong with that. But everything should be in moderation, and whims should be feasible. Without this, there is no family life. True, my whims are not outrageous, I do not ask for diamond rings. I really love sweets, for example, I might want tiramisu at some unpredictable moment! And my husband sometimes admits that he loves when I am capricious.
About gifts for March 8
The problem is, I’m on tour that day. Gleb is very worried that I will not be there on this holiday. In general, March 8 is always accompanied by a bouquet of spring flowers – tulips.
I don’t like to order gifts, it’s strange. Therefore, if he even gives me a fitness membership, it will be great.
Once my husband gave me a trip out of town – we rode horses, which I adore. He saddled such a white, handsome, proud horse. And they gave me a little filly, because I am thin. There were a lot of impressions. There were also some goats, chickens, I fed them all. For me it was unlimited happiness.
Valentina Biryukova, 3rd season: I am a great debater!
Valentina’s life is in full swing!
About the “Voice”
Life after the “Voice” is seething, boiling. I have a lot of concerts, I go on tour, I record my songs. I strive to become not just a participant in the project, but an independent singer Valentina Biryukova. And the “Voice” gave a magic kick for this.
There is no need to think about the “girl from the project” train and get rid of it. What for? The whole country looked at me and was rooting for me. And I will always remember the project with warmth. Moreover, I met Alexander Gradsky. You just need to not dwell on the fact that you are a participant in the project, but move on.
There is enough place in show business for everyone. All the graduates of “Voice” have enough concerts – no competition. What kind of competition can we talk about when sometimes you don’t even have time to sleep?
In the “Voice” Vale, the mentor rarely allowed to dress up
About clothes
Our most important stylist on the project is Alexander Borisovich. We often argued with him, disagreed, but we always had to obey him. It seems to me that any of our girls will tell you this. I wanted to be smart, but he wouldn’t let me! I tried to be indignant, but then I realized that he was right, because he had great experience.
I go on stage in a feminine one. And in life I prefer “casual bum style” – sneakers, sweatshirts, ripped jeans … For me it is not necessary that the thing be in trend, I can wear the same thing for three years. But I go to sales in Milan, I follow the fashion. At the same time, I wear only what I feel comfortable in. Most often, disputes arise on stage about my appearance on stage with my husband Gore, who constantly wants to reduce my heel and lengthen my dress. But I defend my position. In general, I am a great debater!
Beauty recipe: get some sleep!
About beauty
My recipes are like this.
1. Get enough sleep!
2. Go to the sea once a year, which this year I did not manage to do because of the tour.
3. Be positive. The negative kills me and knocks me down. I love playing with my nephew, who charges me with positive emotions for a month ahead!
4. Less makeup in everyday life – it is very depressing for the skin!
5. Regular visits to the beautician.
Valentina and her husband Gore are very close
About the secrets of family happiness
Of course, my husband Gore and I love each other. But he also takes part in everything that happens to me, because he is interested in what I live with, and I am interested in what he does. Of course, Gore cannot go on some tours with me, he has a business and a job. But we call or text every two hours. He always knows where I am.
About gifts for March 8
To say that I don’t like gifts is silly. I’m okay with them. Of course, it’s nice when a person thinks about you and buys you something special! But I am a very light person when it comes to gifts. When asked “What to give you?”, People usually answer: “Yes, nothing is needed!” I can tell you exactly what I need! At the same time, it is easy to give gifts to me – I collect perfumes, I already have about 100 bottles.
When we first started meeting with Gore, he gave me a trip abroad, to Thailand. This was my first trip abroad, and this is perhaps the most romantic gift from him!