Intervertebral disc cell transplantation is completely safe

Neurosurgeon, Dr. MuntherSabarini, MD, PhD is a pioneer in the method of transplanting intervertebral disc cells into changed discs in the spine so that the procedure is as minimally invasive as possible. The cells come from the sick patient, so there is no risk of serious complications.

The procedure, performed at the German Avicenna clinic in Berlin, turned out to be a safe method for patients after several years of testing. The material is collected from the patient by biopsy and immediately transferred to the laboratory, where the cells multiply to such numbers that the neurosurgeon can re-implant them into the patient by injection. The serum obtained from the patient is used to cultivate the cells. In the case of hernia treatment, the patient waits approx. 3 months until the amount of material is sufficient (several million cells) to be able to re-implant it into the intervertebral disc. If the change turns out to be smaller – about 8 weeks is enough. Thanks to the treatment, the intervertebral disc regains its elasticity, hydration and original height, which also has a positive effect on the adjacent intervertebral discs. The patient can use the multiplied cells during the year.

The advantage of the procedure is minimally invasive (no postoperative adhesions are formed) and the use of material from the patient himself, which does not cause the risk of complications. The procedure consists of two visits, during which a biopsy and injection of cells are performed. No growth hormones or artificial substances are used to multiply them.

Patients experiencing back pain due to wear of the intervertebral disc (degeneration), hernias, protrusions and discopathy may be treated.

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