Interval nutrition 16/8, intermittent fasting for women: results, reviews
Will such a regimen really help you lose weight?
The fractional nutrition, the keto diet and other fashionable “slimming” trends are now being replaced by the so-called interval nutrition. Or intermittent fasting – as you like. The essence of this mode is simple: the day is divided into two parts. During one of them you can eat whatever you want, and during the other you need to starve. Only water, tea and coffee without sugar are allowed.
This is the principle of nutrition that many Hollywood stars practice – from Miranda Kerr to Jennifer Aniston… And they look just great. But is this system suitable for everyone?
The whole world started talking about intermittent fasting (fasting) after the Japanese scientist Yoshinori Osumi discovered that during fasting our cells get rid of all harmful and unnecessary toxins and literally rejuvenate. After that, well-known biohackers from Silicon Valley were carried away by “curative fasting”. And then celebrity nutritionists began developing Intermittent Eating Systems for their famous clients. And, of course, all this went to the people.
Interval meals quickly began to gain popularity. Those who want to lose weight on such a diet are tempted by the simplicity (no need to calculate calories and the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in a particular dish). But the main thing is the ability to eat any food. Pizza, sweets, French fries, fried wings … Anything is possible! True, only for a limited period of time.
There are several varieties of this diet.
14/10 – 14 hours of hunger and 10 hours when you can eat.
16/8 – complete refusal of food for 16 hours and 8 hours, when you can eat.
20/4 – 20 hours of hunger, and two meals within 4 hours.
24 – one fasting day a week when eating is not allowed. For the remaining 6 days, you can eat as usual.
The most common fasting option is 16/8. In order to adhere to this regime, it is enough to refuse late dinner and early breakfast. For example, have dinner at 19 o’clock, and in the morning eat no earlier than 11.
With intermittent meals, you will have to eat strictly by the hour.
Stellar method
Many Hollywood beauties admit that it is intermittent fasting that is obliged to a slim and fit body. For example, partners in the series “Morning Show” Jennifer Aniston и Reese Witherspoon stick to fasting 16/8.
According to Aniston, her day usually begins with a glass of celery juice, meditation and training: “I fast periodically, so I don’t eat in the morning. I noticed a big difference in my appearance when I started to abstain from food for 16 hours. ” And Witherspoon prefers a glass of green juice and coffee for breakfast.
A similar food system is also adhered to Courtney Kardashianwho does not eat after 19:00 pm: “The next meal I have only happens the next day: at about 11 am, after training.” BUT Halle Berry and does not touch food at all before lunch (14:00).
But if this system were ideal, then all the girls in the world would have walked with parameters 90-60-90. We understand the pitfalls together with a nutritionist and nutritionist Irina Savelyeva.
Nutritionist and Nutritionist
– Intermittent fasting (or just a couple of fasting days) can be helpful for certain health problems. Within reason, of course. For example, dietary restrictions slow inflammation, normalize blood pressure, and regulate insulin levels. But all this should take place only under the supervision and on the recommendation of a doctor. Well, the withdrawal of toxins and toxins is generally weakly related to the fasting regime. We have already written about this here.
When it comes to fasting as a way to lose weight, this is a little craftiness of celebrity nutritionists. First, there is nothing fundamentally new, except for the name, in this approach. It is logical that if a person does not eat, he will lose weight anyway. All diets and nutrition systems are built on calorie restriction (spending more than you get). It’s just that now they called it the buzzword fasting and they figured out that you need to fast by the hour.
Secondly, it turns out that interval eating needs to be turned into a way of life. And follow it not for a week, not two, but for years. After all, as soon as you stop the “hunger strike”, the body will start storing fats for future use: what if he will be presented with such stress again? And you will very quickly gain more than you lost.
It is also doubtful that during the “snack” intervals you can eat whatever you want. Hamburgers, cakes, grilled chicken have never contributed to weight loss, even if after them fasting for 16 hours in a row.
If you are actively exercising in the gym, you will have to choose a time in the middle of the “window” when you are allowed to eat. Have you ever tried to come to an intensive class without having breakfast? At the very least, weakness and dizziness are provided.
And most importantly: during fasting, especially if it is associated with physical activity, women experience a sharp release of cortisol. And its excess leads to swelling and fat deposition. Such is the vicious circle.
In addition, this style of eating is strictly contraindicated in many diseases: diabetes, metabolic disorders, kidney problems, cholelithiasis, and eating disorders. And this is not a complete list. So think carefully about whether it’s worth torturing yourself with newfangled diets or it’s easier to adhere to simple rules of healthy eating.
Lida Buslaeva, Daria Vertinskaya