Interruption and withdrawal from binge at home

A viscous, unsteady morning with muddy outlines returns consciousness to the dense layers of the atmosphere of hateful reality. The soul is slowly filled with the blackness of heightened loneliness and an unbearable feeling of guilt before the entire universe. The inverted space shimmers with faces of twisted faces and images from the underworld.

Between the loop and the glass, as between the bridges along which millions of people escape from the human zoo called “social society”, you stop at the glass for now. This is how hard drinking begins – a sure sign of clinical alcoholism and a common occurrence in our native vast expanses, which claims hundreds of human lives every day.

Drinking and its consequences

Interruption and withdrawal from binge at home

Booty – this is a long continuous process of drinking alcohol, which the alcoholic cannot interrupt on his own. Due to drunkenness over many days, weeks or even months, a severe poisoning of the body with ethanol decay products develops. The result of such poisoning is often a stroke of the brain, delirium tremens, myocardial infarction and even death. Patients with alcoholism sometimes consume up to 3 liters of vodka per day, thereby exposing themselves to mortal danger. During the period of hard drinking, they drink a lot of water and eat almost nothing, as a result of which severe alcohol intoxication develops, which results in physical and mental exhaustion.

Without taking another dose of alcohol, a person experiences physical suffering, his blood pressure rises, the load on the heart increases greatly, sleep and appetite disappear, sweating increases, hand trembling is observed, anxiety, fear and nightmares appear. In severe cases, it is possible to develop an epileptic seizure and the so-called “white tremens”. However, the listed symptoms disappear after taking the usual dose of alcohol, while intoxication and exhaustion of the body only intensify, the person falls into a vicious circle – you can’t drink, and it’s impossible not to drink. That’s why there are methods of stopping alcohol binge.

Conclusion from binge at home

Interruption and withdrawal from binge at home

So, you can stop drinking on your own at home, but it is better and safer to do it in a specialized clinic, or invite medical specialists to your home. However, this is often hindered by various factors, such as lack of funds (it’s no secret that getting out of binge costs money), or the fear that neighbors or acquaintances will find out about it. More often, a person is simply ashamed to seek help from a doctor or a drug treatment clinic. And just for such people, the following method of getting out of hard drinking at home, described below, may be useful.

To get a person out of hard drinking at home, he himself and his family members must adhere to ten simple rules:

  1. The last drink should take place the night before, since starting to get out of the binge in the afternoon, after a morning hangover, is not a good idea.

  2. The longer the binge was, the more gradually it is recommended to get out of it. If a person has been drinking hard liquor for a week or more, then before starting to withdraw from hard drinking, he is recommended to limit himself to a few bottles of beer for a couple of days.

  3. You need to try to fall asleep as early as possible, at 9-11 pm, and before going to bed, drink half a glass of water with 20-30 drops of mint tincture.

  4. It is absolutely impossible to get drunk after waking up. Instead, during the day the patient needs to drink about 3,5 liters of liquid in the form of mineral water with lemon, kefir, mint tea, brine, berry juice.

  5. Deliberately doing a gastric lavage is not necessary, but if a person is sick, then this is even good. Try to induce vomiting, and then take enterosorbents (activated carbon, polyphepan, white coal). After another 2-3 hours, it is necessary to achieve bowel emptying. If this does not happen, you need to take a laxative or do an enema.

  6. From the first day of withdrawal from binge, it is recommended to start taking hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Essentiale, Essliver Forte).

  7. If the patient is constantly sick, you need to drink tea with lemon, honey and mint as often as possible. It would be nice to add to this the intake of succinic acid, which helps to neutralize alcohol toxins, as well as a light sedative – glycine.

  8. It is impossible to take antiemetics during the exit from the binge. Tolerate nausea is also not worth it, let everything come out. The main task is to prevent dehydration of the body, and for this, see paragraph 4.

  9. Lack of appetite at the first stage of withdrawal from a drunken state is quite normal, the patient may be limited to drinking plenty of water for 1-2 days. When the appetite appears, you need to offer him a simple but nutritious food, for example, chicken broth with bread.

  10. On the first day, the patient is shown bed rest: let him sleep more, and when he wakes up, he takes medicines and vitamins (C and group B), drinks tea and dissolves glycine tablets, which will help him fall asleep again. The room in which a person sleeps should be well ventilated. In the intervals between sleep, it is recommended to lie for 15-20 minutes in a bath with comfortable, slightly cool water. This is an additional protection against dehydration and another way to remove toxins is through the skin.

The first signs of getting out of binge are the normalization of sleep and the appearance of appetite. Let’s hope that the described method will help many people who are in such trouble. But I would like to say that the best and most effective way to get out of binge is not to enter into it! Good luck to you!

Treatment methods for alcoholism in clinics

There are two methods of treatment for alcoholism: treatment based on fear and treatment based on self-improvement.

Treatment based on fear implies the presence of “taboos”: drugs, coding, implantation of ampoules under the skin – all these methods express the strategy of violence in the fight against alcohol. In this case, a person is deprived of subjectivity, since rehabilitation becomes the merit of a “taboo”, and not the person himself. Fear and violence can keep a person from doing something. But they do not answer the question: “why?”. If the meaning of life was drinking, and now it is gone, then how to fill the void that has formed? This is the main imperfection of the methods of treatment of alcoholism, based on fear.

For barely adults and young people, such methods are generally not effective. Due to the peculiarities of their age, they still do not have the fear of death, the fear of losing health.

Methods based on working on oneself reflect a positive strategy that answers the question: “why do we need a sober life?”. The purpose of this strategy is to help a person find the meaning of life; to realize where and why he should go further; learn to resist your anxiety, anger, boredom; learn to relieve mental tension without alcohol. I would also like to add that the process of rehabilitating an alcoholic is very long and difficult, and failures and returns are possible along the way.

Conclusion from drinking This is the first step in the treatment of alcoholism. To interrupt the binge, first of all, the consent of the patient himself is required. If there is no consent, then it is better to contact the clinic to specialists. Narcologists use effective methods to return the patient to a normal lifestyle. Individual methods are selected for each patient, but most often these are detoxification droppers, painkillers and vascular drugs, sleeping pills, vitamins, etc.

Complex treatment of alcoholism

After an alcoholic stops drinking alcohol, he develops symptoms such as feelings of fear and anxiety, irritability and fussiness, as well as trembling of the hands (in some cases even of the whole body). Remember that quitting drinking is only the first step in alcohol addiction treatment. It is necessary to remove the patient’s psychological craving for alcohol. For this, either alcoholism coding is used, which is done by a narcologist, or psychological treatment and a visit to the club of anonymous alcoholics.

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