Is it difficult for you to guess the mood of this girl? By what gestures did you feel it?
They can speak without words, and they will understand everything. They have gestures!

Human gestures are very diverse. In order to learn how to interpret them, it is necessary to understand for what purposes this or that movement serves. Gestures in the process of communication perform four main functions.

Film «Bluff»

Gestures can say a lot, gestures can express your attitude better than any words.

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First, they replace words with signs. You will probably understand the interlocutor if he wants to say “OK” to you without words, showing you the connected thumb and forefinger.

The Devil Wears Prada movie

Miranda doesn’t walk like a woman, she walks with her head. Her secretary has to go the same way…

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Secondly, they control the attention of the interlocutor and clarify what was said. If you need to show where the store that a passerby asks you about is, instead of long explanations, you will show with your hand the direction in which he needs to go.

Third, they illustrate and reinforce what has been said. When a fisherman shows what kind of fish he has caught, he will show it to you with his hands, and whether you believe the swing of his hands is up to you.

You can see a detailed catalog of the most expressive gestures here…

Well, and fourthly, gestures adapt the human body to the process of communication or simply express the state of a person. Crossed arms create a state of security for a person, and lowered shoulders signal that a person is tired or has lost faith in himself … It is these gestures that are most interesting for interpretation, and they are the most difficult to interpret, since many of them are individual and often unconscious.

However, it is quite possible to give some hints. The fact is that the human body does not move randomly. It is subject to impulses that direct movement from a certain point. Points — impulses are usually classified into female and male. This classification is based on the definition of gestures that are more characteristic of women or men.

Film «Liquidation»

Compare the walk of David Gotsman with all other figures. He walks with his head and freely flying legs, the body is carried by the center of the Smite. Other characters walk on their knees, some on their heels, all gaits are less collected and energetic.

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Film «Bluff»

Celentano easily throws his knees, but in fact — he goes

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The following can be observed in the human body dots — impulses of movement:

Fingers and toes

This point is responsible for the feeling of lightness. Playing with fingers in the process of communication conveys the ease of conversation. A gait «on tiptoe» is traditionally associated with a feeling of weightlessness. Women often play with their fingers, and that is why the emphasis on this “point” is a female accent.

Wrists and ankles

These points convey a feeling of smoothness and flexibility, and these are also female points. It is no coincidence that circular movements of the wrist are characteristic of many oriental dances. Engaging the wrists while speaking adds softness to the speech and creates a sense of calm and peace. Ankle-moving gait («water gait») also creates a sense of fluidity.

Elbows and knees

The function of these points is courage and energy, and these are more often male points. Walking «from the knee» shows impatience, interest. Throwing the leg forward from the knee, the person himself increases his energy. When stopped, this gesture can be transformed into a characteristic tapping of the heel. Elbows set wide apart from the body also convey a feeling of powerful pressure and energy. It is no coincidence that one can observe how energetic people talk on a cell phone with the elbow of the hand holding the phone wide apart.



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