Internet: where is the truth, and where is just marketing

It’s no secret that women’s sites offer a huge amount of diverse information about a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. Advertising on women’s sites allows you to find out about new products for weight loss and the latest diets. How to make sense of this sea of ​​information without harming yourself? How to make smart choices, choosing what will really benefit you and the desired result?


Stop believing in miracles

First of all, you should stop dreaming about the fate of Cinderella, who, with a wave of a magic wand, turns from a donut into a slender woman. Remember what happens after 00:00. Miracles tend to cancel, so you shouldn’t believe magic promises to solve the problem of excess weight easily, quickly and in the simplest way – by taking one pill a day. Rather, you should trust proven methods – counting calories, switching to healthier cooking methods, increasing physical activity, etc.


Start to believe in psychology and cunning

On the other hand, women’s online magazines offer a lot of advice that can help you outwit yourself or change your eating habits. Such techniques are very often effective. For example, it will always be helpful to learn how to relieve stress without eating, so as not to pounce on candy at the slightest quarrel with a loved one or a colleague. Going to bed earlier can help to avoid late snacks. Refusal from “hungry” shopping trips will make it possible to refrain from buying harmful products, and in their absence at home, you will have to do with a sweet apple instead of a sweet candy.

Check health news

When reading this or information about what is useful and harmful, do not forget to check the health news on news portals. Better yet, read them regularly to be aware of what conclusions scientists have come to after conducting a particular study. For example, from such news releases, you can learn that low-fat foods do not help you lose weight and threaten diabetes due to the high content of sweeteners, which are generously added by manufacturers to compensate for the “cardboard” taste. On the contrary, eggs and butter in moderation are very healthy and do not threaten the figure. Red wine does not prolong life since resveratrol has nothing to do with its duration, etc.

Pay attention to the fact that reliable news always mentions who conducted the research (indicating at least the name of the scientific institution). Believe such reports more than simple “scientists believe.”


Seek advice from consultants, not users

On women’s sites, you can see posts like “girls, tell me,” where there is a question claiming to be an authoritative answer. For some reason, people trust the Internet audience without looking back. But you don’t know all these people! It’s the same as going out and asking, “People, can you tell me why a low-fat diet doesn’t help me?”

So if you really ask, do it in consultations, where all the regalia of specialists are written. Take the time to spend ten minutes reading the consultant’s biography, studying their degrees, work experience, etc. All this is a guarantee that you will receive professional advice, and not a “linden”.


Women’s magazines are invaluable libraries of information, but every library has both “golden classics” and low-quality reading materials. Know how to use information for the benefit of your health and shape.

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