This liqueur known as the water of life symbolizes the passion that defines the Celtic man. The whiskey is a symbol that has accompanied the Gaelics throughout history as a male stereotype It represents strength and loyalty.
They were always unshakable in the search for the life’s sense. Even today the same motives of yesteryear make them stand up proud: homeland, love, friendship, alliances, and Traditions that make them unique like their whiskeys.
This drink was considered a gift from the gods that resurrected and chased away the coldest night, even today it gives some back the shine that seemed to be lost with grief.
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Although he already enjoyed prestige, Hollywood has been the great co-star in its universalization. He threw whiskey to stardom to the great role. The prodigy liquor of the Irish and Scots managed to transcend far beyond their natural borders with its appearance in the cinema.
Both actors and writers of great international weight affirmed their love for this Bourbon or Scotch liquor.
Before him, other drinks such as champagne, wine, cognac and port, among others, appeared on the big screen, however it was not until the appearance of whiskey in the great North American films that an important inheritance was left: The concept of luxury, the code of honor, eros and especially power.
No drink has better iconized the mystery that surrounds those who consume it. The lonely and pensive man and perhaps at some point melancholic, but never static. Beber whiskey in Hollywood cinematic language implies movement, the road to success. When you drink in company you are the witness of the union between men who close deals or talk about freedom.
The socioeconomic panorama was reflected in the consumption of the drink, the wealthy Irish drank whiskey and the poor beer. The water of life did not enter the stage of the alcoholism; Unlike the pints that the working class consumed in the bars that were associated with failure and social inequality.
The great film studios of Hollywood took advantage of the tension of the status quo of the Prohibition of 1919. This kept United States in anguish and tension, not only to placate the happy 20’s but also by the awakening of the organized crime.
Also known as the Volstead Law– prohibited the sale, manufacture and import of alcoholic drinks with a graduation greater than 0,5% – The whiskey among other spirits was under the shadow of the smuggling, unleashing strong internal violence until his cessation in 1935.
The Untouchables became a legend during this law, in which they carried out high-risk operations to unmask illegal liquor stores as well as the different supply routes of Al Capone.Eliot Ness led this group of 9 men at each of the raids in Chicago, where they almost always took place.
La American society She was very distressed by the rate of violence that was unleashed by this measure. People socially accepted the liquor consumptionin front of the success they reaped The Untouchables.
After social pressure in 1935 la Volstead Law it was unconstitutional, after the Federal Alcohol Administration was signed, in which all drinks with a graduation greater than 4% were once again manufactured, distributed and consumed freely.
This storyline added even more interest in the drink of the Yankees of Scottish and Irish descent, who were grouped in communities with a strong presence in the United States of America.
Admire the patriotic passion Gaelic leads to a collateral effect that inspires the consumption of the drink with more relevance in the cinema.
Its legalization restored social order. When the distilleries Jobs grew and with it organized crime decreased dramatically.
El International Whiskey Day it could be understood as a referendum on the epic of every human being who raises a glass with him. Paying homage to the great tradition and the stories that shaped great men since the beginning of this spirit in the XNUMXth century: Clans, the search for their identity, their territoriality and their freedom, both Irish and Scottish.
Whiskey is from the denomination of origin Whether it is rye, malt or corn, the iconic beverage of the greatest luxury of the human being: FreedomSo let’s toast to her, to life, to peace and to those who are leaving.