International Sons Day 2022: the history and traditions of the international holiday
Recently, the unofficial holiday of Sons’ Day has become more and more popular. We tell how it is celebrated in Our Country and the world

Family holidays are designed to strengthen the connection between generations, bring relatives closer and, importantly, participate in the formation of the personality of children. One of them is the Day of the sons. The official status was not assigned to him, and he appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to become part of our culture. 

When is Sons Day celebrated in Our Country and the world

In 2022, Sons Day will be celebrated 22 November, although there is a second option – 25 November. This is due to the fact that the official date of the celebration has not been set. Despite this, many prefer the first day.

history of the holiday

There are many versions about where this holiday originally came from. It is well known that sons throughout the world have always been considered more valuable replenishment of the family than daughters, so in many cultures there is a tradition of honoring male offspring. For example, in Japan before the Second World War there was a Boys’ Day celebrated in early May (since 1948 it has been officially approved as Children’s Day). At this time, koinobori are hung in front of the house on a special pole – multi-colored flags in the form of carps, symbolizing the number of boys in the family. 

Brazil celebrates Children’s Day on October 12th. Unlike Japan, this holiday has no gender and, in fact, it has only one purpose – to entertain the child, giving him a good mood. More sweets and games, less adult prohibitions. On this day, festivities take place all over the country, toy stores, circuses and amusement parks are overflowing with happy children and their parents. 

Since 2017, every second Sunday in April, Yakutia has celebrated Sons’ Day as a regional holiday. It is designed to “strengthen the family and family values,” according to the head of the republic. 

Holiday traditions

In Our Country, the traditions of the Day of the Sons as a holiday have not yet been fully formed. In our country, the appearance of a boy in the family is considered the happiest event in the life of parents. This is explained by the fact that the son is still considered, first of all, the heir, protector and successor of the family. Very often, behind these stereotypes, parents miss that he is first and foremost a child. We offer you some ideas on how to celebrate Sons Day so that only warm and happy memories remain about it.

Attractions. If your child is still at an age when a day on the rides is the ultimate dream, then this would be a great option. In November, few people are ready to go to open-air amusement parks, so attractions in shopping and entertainment centers and children’s rooms are a good alternative. Both boys and girls love trampolines and roller coasters equally. 

Go to the cinema or watch a movie at home. Joint viewing and subsequent discussion will definitely be remembered by your child. Choose a good movie or cartoon. Do not rely on the age rating – read the reviews, watch the trailer, ask the opinion of those of your friends who have already seen this picture. But best of all – ask your child what kind of movie he would like to see himself? 

Family dinner. Gather together all the relatives at one table and congratulate the sons and their parents. Delicious food and warm conversations will bring the family together and delight your child, no matter their age.

Give gifts. If you can’t figure out what to give your son, then a good choice would be an educational toy, a Lego set or an interesting board game that can be played with the whole family or with friends. For an adult boy, a family portrait is suitable.

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How exactly to spend Sons Day is up to you. The main thing is to surround your dear people with care and love, and you will see how this day will be filled with positive emotions. 

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