Human rights seem to be one of the fundamental elements of society, but at the same time so unstable and indefinite. On the one hand, we are all people and we want a good attitude towards ourselves and the protection of our rights (whatever they are). On the other hand, this, unfortunately, is not clear to everyone.
To protect human rights, there are now international communities that have been created to regulate the behavior of not only individuals, but also entire states.
When is International Human Rights Day in 2022?
International Human Rights Day is celebrated 10 December, 2022 will be no exception. This is a rather young holiday, it is a little over 70 years old. It was first celebrated in 1950, but the story began a few years earlier. Human Rights Day is closely associated with the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly in 1948. As you might guess, this declaration was adopted on December 10, 1948, and it is on this date that the international holiday is timed.
History of International Human Rights Day
Perhaps it is worth starting with an explanation of what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is all about.
- Firstly, the declaration is a recommended document, the implementation of the provisions of which is voluntary (conditionally).
- Secondly, the declaration is a text in which the rights of every person on the planet are documented for the first time. It has 30 articles that define and consolidate human rights.
This document has the same legal force as the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
The history of the creation of the Declaration, just like the holiday dedicated to the protection of human rights, is closely connected with world history, in particular with the Second World War. The horrific consequences of the war forced us to think about how to make sure that this never happens again, so that there is no doubt that people are equal to each other regardless of gender, skin color, religion, race, eye color, nation or other features.
Traditions of International Human Rights Day
The holiday has both common traditions for all states, and unique ones inherent in certain countries. Given the peculiarities of history, ways to celebrate the holiday have changed, but, in general, they have always existed.
Traditionally, the UN chooses a motto for each year, depending on the most pressing issues. For example, in 2006 attention was riveted on the fight against poverty, and in 2007 on the protection of human dignity. In 2004, the day was dedicated to the importance of access to education, and 2020 was dedicated to the importance of restoring the rights of every person against the backdrop of COVID-19.
Every 5 years, international awards are given to organizations and people who have made a significant contribution to the fight against human rights violations. This award was established in 1966.
On this day, large-scale events of various directions are held. Public, human rights, educational organizations hold press conferences, open classes, lectures and other events through which they raise awareness of human rights.