International Day of Monuments and Sites 2023: the history and traditions of the holiday
Healthy Food Near Me talks about the Day of Monuments and Historical Sites – a holiday that calls on all those who are not indifferent to pay attention to the need to preserve the unique culture of the peoples of the world

Today, when the world is developing more rapidly than ever, the words of Mikhail Lomonosov come to mind: “A people that does not know its past has no future.” In the pursuit of innovation, it is important to be able to stop in time and look back. The new world should not be built on the ruins of the old. That is why it is necessary to respect the cultural heritage of our ancestors, both physical (buildings, monuments) and intangible (literature, music, folklore).

When is the Day of Monuments and Historical Sites in Our Country and the world

International Day of Monuments and Historic Sites is celebrated every year 18 April. Many festive events will be held in Our Country and around the world in 2023.

The history of the world holiday

The issue of preserving historical heritage has been of concern to people and the state since ancient times. In the Empire, a useful innovation in the preservation of monuments belongs to the main reformer – Peter I. He signed the first decree in the history of the country on the protection of architectural monuments in 1722. The object of the decree was the ancient city of Bulgar, the capital of the medieval Volga Bulgaria, now a historical and revered place on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. Peter ordered to carry out security work and make copies of the monuments of the Bulgar settlement for their further study. The Decree served as an impetus for other measures to preserve the cultural heritage, thanks to which numerous monuments of nature and architecture have come down to us.

The Day of Monuments and Historic Sites as such arose recently – at the end of the 50th century. The initiative for its introduction was put forward by the International Council for the Protection of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). This organization has been successfully functioning for more than 150 years, and it has offices in XNUMX countries around the world. The activities of the Council are based on the principles of the Venice Charter, a document that sets out international standards in the field of conservation and restoration of historical sites.

The date – April 18 – was assigned to the holiday by the UNESCO Cultural Heritage Center. And since 1984 this day has been widely celebrated in many countries of the world.

World holiday traditions

Every year, ICOMOS proposes a main theme for the celebration. In recent years, the following areas have been chosen:

  • historical heritage and tourism;
  • historical heritage and connection of generations;
  • sports heritage;
  • common cultures, common heritage, common responsibility.

The chosen theme becomes the central one at all professional and mass events unfolding on this day.

On April 18, many museums traditionally open their doors to visitors free of charge, and also reopen some architectural objects and historical buildings that are normally closed to the public.

The best museums in the world that you can visit without leaving your home

It is no secret that the main agents for the preservation of historical heritage are museums. Large and very tiny, state giants with an extensive network of branches and private ones, created at the expense of enthusiasts and often dedicated to a narrow topic. Let’s talk about several interesting museums that offer virtual tours and the opportunity to visit expositions without leaving your apartment.

Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Our Country

Let’s start with native. The Hermitage is included in various tops of the most visited places in our country. And no wonder – after all, there are so many testimonies of the greatness and uniqueness of culture here that it takes your breath away. Read more about how you can make a virtual visit here.

State Museum of Architecture. Shchusev, Moscow, Our Country

A separate online project (1) was prepared by the Moscow Shchusev Museum. At the virtual exhibition, you will follow the development of architecture from antiquity to the present day. So get comfortable and get ready to learn a lot about the history of our country.

National Archaeological Museum, Athens, Greece

The real history of this country in its complexity and plot will give odds even to the incredible ancient Greek myths about gods and people familiar to us from the school curriculum. The museum website (2) provides an interesting and detailed description of the history of ancient times (but only in English).

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands

A genius unrecognized in his time, whose life ended so undeservedly sad, today is the favorite of the educated public. Everyone has heard the legend of the severed ear, and Starry Night and the famous Irises cannot be confused with the work of any other artist. Van Gogh is dedicated to a huge five-story museum (3) in the capital of the Netherlands, which also offers the opportunity to get acquainted with the master’s work remotely.

Louvre, Paris, France

Not the only Mona Lisa – virtual tours in the Louvre include walks through the ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek halls, acquaintance with the work of Renaissance artists and the works of modern creators. A complete list of halls can be found on the museum’s website. (four)

Sources of

  1. Virtual Museum of the State Museum of Architecture. A. V. Shchuseva. URL:
  2. National Archaeological Museum. URL:
  3. Van Gogh Museum. URL:
  4. Louvre Museum. URL:

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