Many prominent personalities were born left-handed. According to the conclusions of psychologists, people with a dominant left hand have a strong character and creativity. However, the world is mostly adapted for right-handed people. Not so long ago in the world, left-handed children were seriously retrained to write with their right hands, which caused them inconvenience and stress. Now society is gradually opening its eyes to the problems of left-handers, slowly but surely creating an adaptive environment for them.
When is Left-Handed Day celebrated in Our Country and the world
Lefties Day falls on 13 August. In 2022, this unofficial holiday will be celebrated by left-handed people around the world.
history of the holiday
Lefties mostly use their left hand for writing and other daily activities. For a long time, left-handed people had to exist in a completely “right-handed” world. Such people were shunned, harassed, fired from their jobs only because, according to internal charters, certain actions must be performed with the right hand, and such employees used the left. Difficulties for people with a leading left hand are also encountered when using equipment in production, which is most often designed for right-handed people.
In 1976, the International Left-Handed Confederation was organized in the United States, which put forward the so-called “Lefty Bill”. It reads as follows: each person should be provided with the freedom of choice in using the hand that is convenient for him; goods for left-handed people should be freely available and at competitive prices; no one can oppress left-handers; the world needs to be adapted so that they don’t have to apologize for which hand they have. The last article of this bill was the commemoration of August 13 as the International Day of Left-handers, promoting the struggle for the rights and dignity of left-handers around the world.
Despite the fact that the problem of a totally “right-handed” world has not yet been completely eliminated, life has become easier for left-handed people. More and more manufacturers are producing products adapted to the left hand, which allows people to feel more comfortable.
It has long been proven that left-handers are often gifted and extraordinary thinking individuals. Left-handers were Albert Einstein, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Sergei Rachmaninov, Napoleon Bonaparte and many others.
Holiday traditions
There is a very interesting tradition on the Day of Lefties in Our Country. All right-handers are invited to pretend to be left-handed for one day. Slicing bread, typing a message on a keyboard, combing your hair, brushing your teeth – all with your left hand. In other words, look at the world from a different angle. It is worth trying and understanding how difficult and unusual it is.
Treat your left-handed friends with an interesting and useful gift. Now it is not so difficult to find products designed specifically for left-handed people: a computer mouse, a pen, scissors, etc.
Interesting facts about lefties and their perception by different nations
- In extreme situations, when you need to make a quick decision, a retrained left-hander at the level of instincts will act with his left hand.
- There are fewer left-handed people in the world every year. If in ancient times there were about 50% of them, now it is about 10%.
- A person who knows how to control the right and left hands equally is called an ambidexter. This is a rare and unique talent, how it arises is not clear, and the phenomenon itself is poorly understood. Scientists have found that if a left-hander injures his dominant hand, he will more easily and quickly learn to control the other hand than a right-hander.
- Left-handers have a more developed right hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for creative activity.
- In Japan, a wife could be divorced if it turned out that her leading hand was the left one.
- In the tribes of Africa, left-handers are considered poisoners and are not allowed to cook.
- In many countries, left-handers were treated as the devil’s accomplices. In Our Country, they were considered liars and did not give a word during the trial.