International Day of Culture 2023: history and traditions of the holiday
In spring, Our Country and the world celebrate the International Day of Culture. We talk about how the holiday arose, what is its essence and who can celebrate it in 2023

Why do we love to travel so much? Because of a change of scenery? Need a break from the office routine? Or because of the opportunity to see new things, meet people from different countries and cities, see the world? All assumptions are partly true, however, most likely, it was the last point that made your heart beat faster.

We live in an era of open borders and cosmopolitanism, so traveling for the sake of learning new experiences does not seem to us something unusual, although this state of affairs has strengthened more recently.

The essence of the Day of Culture is international cooperation, cultural exchange and protection of human heritage. All this at the everyday, non-professional level is provided by you and me – simple tourists who are interested in something new and unknown. We get acquainted with the traditions of the most remote corners of the world, thereby preserving the memory of them. We are engaged in cultural tourism, thus stimulating the protection and restoration of monuments and elements of historical heritage. We expand our horizons, learn to be sensitive to representatives of other cultures, thereby contributing to the establishment of peace on Earth, which in its essence is the highest form of manifestation of culture.

When is the Day of Culture in Our Country and the world

Culture Day coincides with the middle of the calendar spring – 15 April. In 2023, the holiday will be widely celebrated in Our Country and the world.

History of the international holiday

The International Day of Culture owes its appearance to our compatriot Nicholas Roerich – an artist, philosopher, writer, humanist. Culture, in his opinion, is the main engine of the progress of society, something that unites people regardless of nationality, age and religion.

Being a figure already widely known and having special authority in various circles, in 1931 Roerich took the initiative to establish the World Day of Culture. At an international meeting dedicated to the issues of historical heritage, the artist outlined the main goal of this holiday – a call for knowledge, cultural exchange and the preservation of beauty. And although the idea of ​​the holiday was voiced, yet this was not the main goal of Roerich that day. In Bruges, he also presented to the general public a draft international law regulating the protection of historical monuments, objects of culture and art, and everything beautiful that has ever been created by mankind. The Roerich Pact project was a resounding success largely because it was the first such precedent in history – no one had previously tried to embrace the immensity and unite on the basis of love for culture and the desire to preserve literally the whole world. The most prominent figures of their time spoke in support of the Roerich Pact: Einstein, Mann, Wells, Shaw, Maeterlinck, Roland, Tagore and others. And already in 1935 – April 15 – the document was signed.

During his lifetime, Nicholas Roerich did not have time to achieve the official establishment of the Day of Culture. This, in general, is understandable – he concentrated most of his energy on promoting the Pact. However, the artist’s idea of ​​an international holiday was still destined to come true, albeit more than half a century after his death.

Public discussion about the introduction of such a holiday resumed in 1998. The International League for the Protection of Culture took the initiative to establish the World Day of Culture, and proposed April 15 as the date for the signing of the Roerich Pact. Since then, it has been celebrated in dozens of countries around the world, the number of which is growing every year. In our country, by the way, the Day of Culture began to be celebrated even earlier – in several cities, festive events have been held since 1985.

International holiday traditions

Culture Day is celebrated on a worldwide scale. Concerts and theatrical performances, exhibitions and days of national cultures, musical evenings and poetry readings, conferences and lectures, thematic lessons in schools and universities – this is just a small list of events that are held in the world and in Our Country. International cultural organizations arrange educational days, and charitable events dedicated to the protection and restoration of historical monuments are often timed to coincide with April 15th.

Culture in the broadest sense is everything that has ever been created by man. Therefore, the International Day of Culture in 2023 has the right to celebrate literally any inhabitant of the planet.

The full name of the holiday, which, however, is rarely used, is the World Day of Culture under the Banner of Peace.

This Banner was proposed by Roerich at the beginning of the XNUMXth century as a symbol of international cooperation in the preservation and enrichment of culture. It is a white canvas, on which three scarlet circles are depicted – the present, past and future achievements of mankind, enclosed in a scarlet ring – the symbol of Eternity. This international flag can be seen over the buildings of the UN headquarters and government agencies in various cities around the world – from Moscow to New York. The banner was raised to Everest, it visited both poles of the Earth and even the ISS.

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