International Artists Day 2022: history and traditions of the holiday
In December, a creative holiday is celebrated – the Day of the Artist. This event is related not only to professional workers in this field, but also to all art lovers.

The profession of an artist dates back to the time when our distant ancestors made the first cave paintings in order to attract good luck in the upcoming hunt. Already at that time, painting performed important functions in society, it not only pleased the eye of a primitive person, but also contributed to the unification and development of people, performed the function of transmitting information.

Communication with art objects favorably affects the well-being of a person. Outstanding canvases carry a large supply of positive energy, vitality and optimism. Their contemplation is accompanied not only by an improvement in mood, but also by a decrease in anxiety, and even an increase in stress resistance. 

Therefore, today we will talk about those who create beautiful creations – about artists and their professional holiday.

When is Artist’s Day celebrated in 2022

Our Country celebrates Artist’s Day 8 December, 2022 will be no exception. All over the world, on the same day, the International Day of the Artist is celebrated, which was established in 2007 by the International Association “Art of the Peoples of the World”.

By the way, in different regions of Our Country, the Artist’s Day is celebrated on different days. In the Lipetsk region – this is December 25, in the Kursk region – August 9. A number of creative associations came up with a proposal to consider October 25, the birthday of Pablo Picasso, as the date of the holiday for all artists. Thus, there are some discrepancies in the dates, however, December 8 is considered the official International Day of the Artist. 

history of the holiday

This celebration was proclaimed by the International Association “Art of the Peoples of the World”. Its founder in 1988 was N. I. Kornilov, an outstanding artist, artist and writer, who made a great contribution to the development of modern painting. For many years he collected collections of paintings and subsequently donated them to various museums in Our Country. In addition, Nikolai Izosimovich opened art galleries, organized exhibitions, and provided assistance to young novice artists.

Initially, the International Day of the Artist was considered as a narrowly professional holiday, but over time it outgrew this framework and turned into a major social event celebrated in many countries of the world.

Holiday traditions

New thematic exhibitions and vernissages open on the Artist’s Day. A number of art galleries provide art lovers with the opportunity to visit and experience outstanding works free of charge. 

On this day, art connoisseurs can purchase their favorite paintings, as international auction houses hold traditional sales of paintings by famous artists. In addition, the public can get acquainted with previously unknown works.

A good tradition of the holiday was the renewal of expositions of museums and art galleries. Young artists organize special flash mobs, where everyone can become a canvas for drawing or a model. 

In Our Country, the Artist’s Day is especially actively celebrated in large cities, such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and some others, as well as in centers where folk crafts are widespread (Arkhangelsk, Crimea, the cities of the Golden Ring). 

Popular questions and answers

What to give on Artist’s Day?

Artist’s Day is a great opportunity to present a wide variety of gifts not only for professionals in their field, but also for all art lovers. For your choice:

– Literature and courses on teaching drawing,

— diaries of artists-naturalists,

– books on zoology, botany or anatomy,

– sketchbook,

– a tablet for watercolor,

– a set of markers,

– watercolor paints,

– oil paints,

– books and albums with reproductions of works by famous artists.

How to become a professional artist?

You have to go a long way to become a professional artist. The ability to draw is manifested already in childhood, so parents should notice this in time and begin to introduce the child to artistic creativity. 

Learning to draw begins with a circle of fine arts. Then – an art school and admission to a university in the chosen profile of artistic activity. Painting academies train real masters of their craft.

A professional artist must decide on the direction of his work: oil, acrylic or watercolor painting; portraits, still lifes, seascapes, landscapes or abstract art. 

Professionalism involves constant self-education. Numerous refresher courses can help with this.

How much does an artist earn?

If we are talking about freelance artists who paint portraits to order, create their own canvases and sell them through galleries, then their average monthly salary in Our Country is about 40 thousand rubles. The amount of payment largely depends on the fame and skill of the artist.

An illustrator who makes drawings for books and magazines, as well as collaborates with advertising agencies, design bureaus, knows how to work with various computer programs, receives about 50-60 thousand rubles a month. But a good professional in this field can earn 90 thousand rubles or more.

A graphic designer or decorator is engaged in the design of shops, cafes, offices, residential premises. On average in Our Country, his income is about 50 thousand rubles a month. However, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where this profession is especially in demand, the salary of a specialist can reach up to 150 thousand rubles a month.

1 Comment

  1. Мен 9-дайын. Бос уақытта сурет саламын. Отбасым яғни ата—әжем оның бәрін не үшін саласың дейді. Мен оған қарамастан сурет саламын. Сол дұрыспа.

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