International Anti-Corruption Day 2022: history and traditions
In December, the world celebrates International Anti-Corruption Day. We tell you what traditions accompany this date in 2022

Corruption is a topical problem in many countries of the world, regardless of their level of socio-economic development. It is not surprising that opposition to the use of power for personal gain has grown to a worldwide scale and is marked on the international calendar by its memorable day. This was done, of course, to draw attention to this negative phenomenon of today. ” Healthy Food Near Me” tells about its date, causes and traditions laid down by those who resolutely oppose this disease of modern society.

When is International Anti-Corruption Day celebrated in 2022?

International Anti-Corruption Day 2022 will be celebrated 9 December. In Our Country, the Anti-Corruption Day (a fixed date on the calendar) is also included in the list of memorable, but, of course, working days. The day was initiated by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The goal is to draw public attention to the problem of corruption throughout the world, to prevent and combat this social evil.

Of course, the date established by the UN is celebrated in all countries that are members of this world organization. True, the December 9 events are held only in those states that have signed the UN Convention against Corruption. Today, the document is signed by 172 states of our planet. Our Country signed the Convention exactly on December 9, 2003, and ratified it on March 8, 2006. Most countries in the world have also ratified the UN Convention. The exception is North Korea, tightly closed from external influence, Somalia and Eritrea, which have been at war for decades, a number of Caribbean states, the European principalities of Andorra and Monaco, the Republic of San Marino. The Syrians and another island state, Barbados, have signed but not ratified the Convention.

History of International Anti-Corruption Day

In the autumn of 2003 in the city of Merida (Mexico) the UN Convention against Corruption was opened for signing. The reason for the emergence of this Convention was the concern of the world community about the growing corruption of political elites. By the way, Mexico is one of the states where corruption has reached enormous proportions. Day 9 December next year 2004 was declared International Anti-Corruption Day. The UN General Assembly resolution requested the Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to act as the secretariat of the Conference of the States Parties to the Convention. The UN Convention entered into force at the end of 2005.

Since its inception, International Anti-Corruption Day has had its own motto each year. This memorable date in the world calendar started with the motto “Everybody pays against corruption”. 

2005 and 2006 were held under the theme “You Can Stop Corruption”. The next biennium had the theme of the day “Corruption DOES NOT Count”. It was the same in 2010, giving way a year earlier to the expression “We will not allow corruption to undermine development.” 

The theme of December 9, 2011 looks intricate. It was simply marked with three Latin letters ACT. This is how the expression “Against Corruption Today” was deciphered, which means “Against Corruption Today” in translation. 

The next topic of the day is “Corruption. Your ‘NO’ counts” was translated as “Corruption. Your “NO” matters.” 

In 2013, the theme of the Anti-Corruption Day was “Zero Corruption – 100 Percent Development”. 

After that, the topics of the day returned to consistency. If the theme “Break the chain of corruption” was delayed by only two years, then four consecutive days of the fight against corruption (2016-2019) had the same theme: “Let’s unite in the fight against corruption for development, peace and security”. Finally, last year’s International Anti-Corruption Day had a new theme that sounded simple: “Restore Integrity.”

The theme of the next International Anti-Corruption Day 2021 was the expression “Restore in good faith”. The United Nations could not stand by in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The motto of 2021 was a reminder of the need for transparency in the distribution of funds in the fight against coronavirus.

Traditions of International Anti-Corruption Day

Every year, Transparency International, a non-governmental international anti-corruption organization, publishes its report by December 9th. It’s called the Global Corruption Barometer. In the modern world, the importance of social networks on public opinion cannot be overestimated. Therefore, since 2015, the UN and its subordinate structures have initiated a social media campaign through the use of the anti-corruption logo, the placement of UN materials and the use of anti-corruption hashtags when publishing. The international campaign against corruption was in tune with the theme of the day in 2014 and 2015 – “Break the chain of corruption”.

The December date has its own peculiarity in the hierarchy of the chiefs of the United Nations. While other international dates are usually addressed by the UN Secretary General, the Director of the Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) delivers his message on Anti-Corruption Day. For the past decade, the diplomat Yury Fedorov has served as director of UNODC. 

On the International Anti-Corruption Day in many countries, including Our Country, the activities of human rights organizations are activated. For them, December 9 is a good occasion to remind about themselves, to hold a resonant event, to print propaganda literature. It is extremely important that actions take place all over the world on this day. After all, corruption is the scourge of modern society, which can only be curbed together.

Popular questions and answers

What is the structure of the UN Convention against Corruption?

The United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) consists of eight chapters that combine seventy-one articles. The articles of the UN Convention imply the implementation of countering corruption not only by the state, but also by society.

Which country has the least manifestations of corruption?

According to Transparency International, Denmark has the lowest level of corruption. This rating is closed by North Korea and Somalia, which have not ratified the UN Convention.

What is the name of the international body created to effectively combat corruption?

For this purpose, a permanent Conference was created. The conference takes place every two years. From the states that have ratified the Convention, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Investigative Committee, the Accounts Chamber, the Economic Security and Anti-Corruption Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Labor take part in the work of the Conference.

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