
Inner tension is a feeling of inner tension, tension of the soul.

On the one hand, it is clear that if life is tense in itself, there is no escape from internal tension. On the other hand, there are people who know how to live without straining. How to treat it? Need to figure it out.

Internal tension, depending on the type of personality and the reasons that caused it, may have a different internal picture: be explicit and hidden, stay stable or roll in waves, live facelessly or have a pronounced form of aggression or sexual tension.

The main thing to know is that internal tension is not a direct consequence of external circumstances. Internal spiritual tension is a habit that we ourselves developed in our childhood, although not without the help of others. We were given an example of internal tension, and we ourselves saw that internal tension was once useful to us.

Sometimes the inner tension really helped us pull ourselves together. Sometimes our calm relaxation of adults irritated, but composure and tension pleased. And it happened that we successfully turned on our strong internal tension as a protest against the demands of adults, and this worked.

Ever since habit, inner spiritual tension lives with us, arising mostly involuntarily. When? It depends on the specific habits that we have developed in ourselves.

As a rule, internal tension turns on when something new is learned. In this case, additional efforts are required to turn on the head, which is unusual for many. Also, when learning something new, the number of mistakes made, which you usually don’t want to make, increases. Often, internal tension arises when you need to do something planned, what you should, and not what you want at the moment↑.

On the other hand, we are used to “letting go” of ourselves and relieving internal tension when we are surrounded by an atmosphere of support and positive, when everyone works together, everyone supports everyone, when there are no set-ups, reproaches, and sinking into the mud.

How to deal with stress?

Film «Get Through the Pain»

Arnold Schwarzenegger is ready for internal tension. For him, this is the natural norm of life.

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​​​​​​​Usually, for a person, rest and comfort are more pleasant than work and stress. Doing something that causes stress is not desirable.

It is more pleasant to watch the next episode of your favorite series, or to chat with friends for life, than to go to the gym or study English.

But without tension there can be no future. The future is our desires, goals, plans, which are still something new and unusual. And the operating voltage is that potential difference between the present and the future, which we need to overcome. This is an additional effort to set yourself up for work.

A certain, low level of internal tension is a natural, habitual background for the life of a modern person.

Any everyday experience is already tension. A low level of tension is harmless and often contributes to greater efficiency. It is useful to strain the lazy and irresponsible from time to time.

The operating voltage is normal and good, it is only important that it be in the acceptable range for you.

On the other hand, prolonged tension above a comfortable level provokes rapid fatigue, negative experiences and is harmful to health. Tension turns out to be a negative experience when it is caused by anxiety and fear (here is the situation of evaluation, possible deprivation, lack, etc.). Such tension is rather unhelpful. Hence the recommendations:

  • Set up rest. Rest is not idleness. This is the extra work that restores your body. Rest rules see →
  • Learn to release the internal stress that has arisen. The most harmless and effective means is physical pumping against a positive moral background. Serious training with physical activity, respiratory pumping, running, walking, sex are also quite affordable and proven means. See details →
  • Learn to live actively and efficiently, but without tension. Train yourself to perceive everything easily, without straining. Is there anything that can stress you out? Do what is internally consonant with you, work with your fears, resolve the issue with possible losses, accustom yourself to the position of an Angel — and you will begin to live inwardly easily.

It’s time to relax and go towards your goals cheerfully, collected, but without unnecessary stress!

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