Internal hemorrhoids cause a woman physical and psychological discomfort and can cause serious complications. Many patients are ashamed of their problem and underestimate the danger of the disease, so they go to the doctor when their health has deteriorated significantly. Meanwhile, hemorrhoids respond well to treatment at an early stage with the help of conservative therapy and minimally invasive methods.
What are internal hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids are a pathology in which the cavernous vessels located inside the lower rectum expand. Dilated vessels look like knots or bumps. They accumulate blood and can form blood clots – blood clots.1 If the disease progresses, the pathological tissue grows. The knots exit the anal canal and are compressed by the sphincter muscles, causing pain, swelling, bleeding, and inflammation.1
Internal hemorrhoids worsen the quality of life of a woman and can cause complications – anal fissure, thrombosis of hemorrhoids, paraproctitis (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue in the anus).
Internal hemorrhoids can be acute or chronic.1 The chronic form of the disease has 4 stages, the acute form has 3. Hemorrhoids at stages 2-4 often require surgical intervention.1
Causes of internal hemorrhoids in women
The most common causes of internal hemorrhoids in women are pregnancy and childbirth. During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood in the body increases, and the connective tissue becomes softer. In addition, the growing uterus is located next to the rectum and constantly presses on it. Under the influence of all these factors, blood stagnation occurs in the small pelvis, internal hemorrhoidal plexuses overflow with blood with the formation of nodes. The situation is exacerbated during childbirth, when attempts create an excessive load on the veins of the rectum.
Other causes of internal hemorrhoids in women include:
- a sedentary lifestyle that causes stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs2;
- lack of fiber and water in the diet;
- weight lifting and power sports;
- frequent constipation and diarrhea;
- anal intimate contacts;
- overeating, passion for fried and fatty foods, which causes the formation of an “aggressive” stool that irritates the rectum.
Most often, hemorrhoids develop over a long period of time, and it can take several months or even years before the first noticeable symptoms appear.
Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in women
Isolation of blood from the anal canal – that symptom of internal hemorrhoids, which most often makes a woman see a doctor. In this case, there is slight bleeding in the form of drops or smears on linen, feces and toilet paper.
In more serious stages of the disease and when complications develop, bleeding can be intense and do not stop without medical attention. But even the regular loss of a small amount of blood can cause anemia.2
Pain, itching and burning in the anus, a feeling of heaviness and incomplete emptying during bowel movements are other common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in women.
At the 2nd stage of the disease, hemorrhoids begin to fall out of the anal canal.1 This symptom is hard to miss. At first, the nodes come back on their own, about 15-20 minutes after a bowel movement.1 At the 3rd stage, they have to be set with the help of fingers. In the 4th stage, the “bumps” are constantly outside, and the pain becomes very intense.1
Effective treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women
Treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women begins with a comprehensive diagnosis. First, the doctor examines the anus, assesses the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, the shape of the anus, the degree of prolapse of hemorrhoids.2 Anoscopy is used to examine the rectum and distal sigmoid colon.2
Another research method – sigmoidoscopy – allows you to identify or exclude concomitant diseases of the rectum and sigmoid colon.2 With symptoms of intestinal inflammation or oncology, irrigoscopy or colonoscopy is prescribed.
Also, all patients with hemorrhoids need to pass a general urinalysis, a general and biochemical blood test, a hemocoagulogram.2
Treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women can be conservative and surgical. Conservative methods help to slow down the development of the disease and stop the exacerbation. Surgical methods are usually used for complications and in the later stages of the disease.3
For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, a woman may be prescribed phlebotropic drugs, such as Detralex, Phlebodia, MOFF.3 They increase the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and reduce the risk of thrombosis.3 When taken regularly, the pills help prevent exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease.
Candles are most often prescribed during an exacerbation – when the hemorrhoid is inflamed or a blood clot has formed in it. For the treatment of internal hemorrhoids in women, rectal suppositories with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and thrombolytic effects are used.4 The doctor may prescribe drugs such as Procto-Glivenol, Relief, Hepatrombin G, Natalsid.4
Rectal ointments, creams and gels are popular dosage forms that can relieve an exacerbation of hemorrhoidal disease. The composition of the drugs may include anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, healing and analgesic components.
Among the popular drugs are Proctosan, Posterisan, Procto-Glivenol, Troxevasin. However, it must be borne in mind that ointments and other external dosage forms cannot remove formed hemorrhoids.
Means with dietary fiber
As an additional therapy, foods high in dietary fiber are prescribed – sea kale, flaxseed and wheat bran.3 They help to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate constipation. Mucofalk, Fitomucil and other drugs that retain moisture and help painless bowel movements can also be used.3
Classical hemorrhoidectomy is an operation to remove hemorrhoids using a laser, conventional or ultrasonic scalpel.2 Surgery is used to treat internal hemorrhoids at stages 3-4. This method is still considered very effective and is used if minimally invasive methods have failed or cannot be applied.2
Desarterization of hemorrhoids or HAL-RAR
This minimally invasive method of treatment is most effective for stage 2-3 hemorrhoids.4 During the procedure, using an ultrasound Doppler probe, the arteries that feed the hemorrhoids are found.4 Each artery is sutured with threads that dissolve on their own 1–3 months after surgery.
When the nodes fall out, desarterization is performed with mucopexy, when each node is fixed with special sutures.4
Laser hemorrhoidoplasty
The technique is used to treat patients with stage 2-3 hemorrhoids. The laser beam is able to “evaporate” moisture from the hemorrhoid and “disconnect” it from the blood supply. As a result, the node is significantly reduced in size.
Latex ligation
The leg of the hemorrhoidal node is fixed with one or more latex rings and thus its blood supply is stopped. After 2-3 days, the node dies and comes out with a bowel movement along with a latex ring.
The technique is usually used at 1-2 stages of the disease. A drug is injected into the hemorrhoids with a syringe, which causes the “gluing” of pathologically altered blood vessels. Due to this, bleeding stops, and the nodes are significantly reduced in size.
Prevention of internal hemorrhoids in women at home
Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. Hemorrhoids in this sense is no exception. Simple preventive measures will help to avoid the development of internal hemorrhoids and slow down the progression of the disease.
A complete and varied diet is an excellent measure for the prevention of internal hemorrhoids in women. The daily menu should have plenty of water and foods rich in fiber. But it is better to refuse fatty, fried and spicy foods altogether, as well as an excess amount of sweets and alcohol.
Physical activity
Moderate physical activity is another effective way to prevent internal hemorrhoids. Under the ban, only power sports associated with weight lifting. But yoga, swimming, oriental dancing, fitness, “Scandinavian” walking will be very useful. According to WHO recommendations, physical activity should be at least 30-40 minutes a day.
There are specific exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. They help strengthen muscles and ligaments, improve blood circulation in the pelvis and reduce the risk of hemorrhoidal disease. A simple complex should be performed daily, but you should first consult a doctor, since such exercises are contraindicated for some diseases.
Toilet Rules
Regular soft stools are the key to rectal health. Proctologists believe that going to the toilet should be short-term, and defecation should be one-time and without any effort. You can’t turn a toilet into a place to read or surf the Internet. After a bowel movement, it is better to use a hygienic shower or wet toilet paper.
Popular questions and answers
Our expert surgeon, proctologist Anastasia Repina answered popular questions from readers and told how to relieve exacerbation of hemorrhoids, how long the treatment of the disease lasts, and what constitutes an internal hemorrhoid.
What does a hemorrhoid look like?
How long do internal hemorrhoids last?
How to relieve exacerbation of hemorrhoids at home?
- clinical protocol. Haemorrhoids. Expert commission on health issues, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 12, 2013.
- Clinical recommendations of the association of coloproctologists of Russia for the diagnosis and detection of hemorrhoids. 2019, Volume 18, No. 1
- Clinical guidelines. Haemorrhoids. 2022 Association of Coloproctologists of Russia.
- Clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute and chronic hemorrhoids. Association of Coloproctologists of Russia. year 2013.