Internal hemorrhoids in men
Internal hemorrhoids are more difficult to detect because the inflamed hemorrhoids are located inside the rectum. That is why many patients delay treatment

Hemorrhoids is a disease that affects at least 15% of the population. As of 2003, about 600 men and women were hospitalized with this diagnosis. Accurate statistics on the disease do not exist, because most patients either do not go to the doctor at all, or postpone treatment until the hemorrhoids reach the stage of prolapsed nodes. Men are especially embarrassed to turn to a specialist for help – and very in vain. After all, the effectiveness of the treatment of internal hemorrhoids depends on how timely the therapy is started.

What are internal hemorrhoids

If the balance between the outflow and inflow of blood in the vessels of the lower rectum is disturbed in the body, hemorrhoids develop. This disease is characterized by a change in the veins in the rectum and is accompanied by a pathological increase in hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can be external (external) and internal, depending on where the varicose veins of the hemorrhoidal veins occur. With internal hemorrhoids, nodes that are directly in the rectum become inflamed, and with external hemorrhoids, around the anus. Diagnosing internal hemorrhoids is more difficult because there are no external signs of the disease.

Causes of internal hemorrhoids in men

Usually a number of factors contribute to the development of internal hemorrhoids in men. This is a sedentary lifestyle, and malnutrition, and hormonal disruptions, and excessive physical activity, including weight lifting. Proctologists do not exclude hereditary predisposition to the disease.

One of the causes of internal hemorrhoids in men is a general circulatory disorder associated with various diseases of the internal organs. Hemorrhoids are often found in overweight patients and patients with diabetes mellitus. Also, hemorrhoids often develop against the background of increased vascular permeability and with a tendency to form blood clots.

Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids in men

The general manifestations of external and internal hemorrhoids are almost the same. Most often, patients report pain, burning and itching in the anus. A clear sign of the presence of inflamed nodes is blood during defecation, since the feces pass through the rectum and through the anus damage the thin walls of the hemorrhoid, causing blood to be released. Another symptom of internal hemorrhoids in men is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement after a bowel movement.

But, as we wrote earlier, many patients ignore these symptoms until the inflamed hemorrhoids begin to fall out. At an early stage of the disease, the nodes may fall out slightly in the process of defecation, but in this case they independently “reset” back.

As the disease worsens, at the 3rd stage of hemorrhoids, the nodes cannot be set without manual help. They begin to fall out with any load, even when sneezing and coughing. Over time, the fallen out hemorrhoids no longer return inside and are constantly outside.

Each stage has its own methods of treatment, which we will discuss below. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the lower the risk of getting a chronic disease requiring surgical intervention.

Effective treatment of internal hemorrhoids in men

The tactics of treating internal hemorrhoids in men is selected by a proctologist. Depending on the stage of the disease, this can be conservative drug therapy or surgery.1.


Tablets for the treatment of hemorrhoids help to normalize blood circulation in the body. Most often, these are venotonics, which increase venous tone, help strengthen the walls of blood vessels. They should only be taken as directed by a doctor. Among the recommended drugs, the most common are the following: Venarus, Detralex, Diosmin, Venamax and others.


No treatment for hemorrhoids is complete without rectal suppositories. This is a quick way to eliminate itching, burning, discomfort with internal hemorrhoids. Drugs usually fall into the following groups:

  • anti-inflammatory – to relieve inflammation and reduce swelling,
  • vasoconstrictor – to eliminate bleeding,
  • local anesthetics – to relieve pain
  • antiseptic – to prevent the infectious process,
  • antithrombotic – to reduce the risk of blood clots.

There are hundreds of types of suppositories in pharmacies, so it is recommended to consult a doctor to choose the right remedy. The doctor may prescribe Hepatrombin, Anuzol, Proctosan, Relief and other drugs.

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Of all the drugs that are on the market, proctologists consider ointments and gels the most effective for eliminating the symptoms of hemorrhoids at the initial stage.

Healing ointments help damaged tissues recover faster. In addition, they have an analgesic effect, helping to reduce soreness and discomfort. Given that cracks and bleeding are associated with a high risk of infection, doctors select antibacterial ointments for local therapy. Another way to correct blood supply is local anticoagulants and venoprotectors.

Means in the form of ointments and gels improve the condition of the rectal veins and prevent blood clots from forming. You can use the following ointments and gels as part of the treatment of hemorrhoids: Relief advance, Proctosan, Proctosedil, Posterizan and others.


In the event that hemorrhoids worsen, become chronic, conservative treatment is no longer enough. To date, there are several types of operations to remove hemorrhoids.

  1. At stage 2, you can resort to sclerotherapy. During the procedure, a special solution is injected directly into the hemorrhoid, after which the blood vessels “stick together” in it. Without blood supply, the node quickly decreases in size and ceases to disturb the patient2.
  2. A classic hemorrhoidectomy is the surgical removal of inflamed nodes with a scalpel. The operation lasts an average of half an hour, and the hospitalization itself takes only a day.
  3. Laser vaporization of internal hemorrhoids is the “evaporation” of the nodes with a laser beam under local or general anesthesia. Suitable for removing nodes at stages 2 and 3 of the disease.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and most importantly, they are all carried out according to indications.3. It is better not to bring to surgery, and at the first symptoms, consult a doctor and pay attention to the prevention of hemorrhoids.

Prevention of internal hemorrhoids in men at home

A healthy lifestyle, daily physical activity is the key to health and longevity. You can minimize your risk of developing hemorrhoids by changing your diet.


To prevent internal hemorrhoids in men, it is important to consume as many high-fiber foods as possible. Fiber normalizes bowel function, relieves stool problems – constipation and diarrhea. It is also necessary to include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits in the daily diet, but it is better to refuse spicy foods.

 The drinking regimen is of great importance. On average, you should consume at least 30 milliliters of water for every kilogram of weight. Dehydration adversely affects blood circulation, stool consistency and general body condition.


Physical activity is important for the prevention of hemorrhoids. The load should correspond to the age and capabilities of the man. Do not use heavy weights during training without proper training. But light gymnastics is available to everyone. There are a number of exercises that help normalize blood circulation in the pelvic area. To warm up, you can imitate running and cycling, as recommended by proctologists. It will be good if the man coordinates the physical activity with the doctor.

Popular questions and answers

What does internal hemorrhoids look like and is treated in men, how to quickly relieve pain, and answers other popular questions vascular surgeon, phlebologist Aziz Suleymanov.

What does a hemorrhoid look like?

– It’s a small bump-like growth in the anus. The surface of the skin above the node is inflamed, red, swollen. Internal hemorrhoids are always bright in color, often dark red. The texture of the formation is smooth in appearance, but the touch is always painful.

How long do internal hemorrhoids last?

There are no exact dates, because everything depends on the size of the nodes, the degree of their prolapse, the condition of the mucous membrane and the skin around the anus. On average, the acute phase can be for 14 days. An exacerbation is interspersed with a period of remission, but with chronic hemorrhoids, one inflammation is replaced by another.

How to relieve exacerbation of hemorrhoids at home?

– The first thing to take care of is the prevention of constipation. Try to ensure regular and soft stools through nutrition. Do not use toilet paper to avoid mechanical damage to the nodes, and after defecation it is better to wash yourself.

Often, patients respond positively to therapeutic baths (for example, with chamomile) during an exacerbation. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor in time for effective treatment.


  1. The choice of the optimal method for the treatment of hemorrhoids on an outpatient basis, Maslennikov S. V., Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin, No. 4, 2013 usloviyah
  2. The effectiveness of minimally invasive methods in the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids II-III stages, Groshilin V.S., Ulyanovsk Medical and Biological Journal, No. 2, 2017. -chronicheskogo-gemorroya-ii-iii-stage
  3. Modern methods of treating hemorrhoids, Karpukhin O. Yu., 2003.

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