The “inner boss” is one of the most effective ways to increase personal effectiveness. It can be used both as a way of working at a distance, and as a way of life.
The essence of the technique is that a certain “Inner Chief” is created in the imagination — someone adult, efficient and responsible, observing my life from the side, who sees everything and who cannot lie.
If you play Tetris at work, then when your boss comes up to you, you stop doing it: in front of the boss, you can’t do stupid things.
You can lie to someone, because he won’t get into my head; but if the Inner Chief knows everything that’s in my head, you can’t fool him. And then a reliable external reference appears, then the internal lies stop.
At any point in time, you can introduce the Inner Chief and ask him a question: am I behaving right now? Am I using my time wisely? Am I going to do the right thing? — As a rule, there is a difference — how you want to do and how the Inner Chief says: as you need. Listen to the Chief.
The Inner Boss can give an impartial analysis of your day: what was worthy, and where you were doing nonsense or at least allowed some slack. He will give you recommendations on how to properly build tomorrow. And the Inner Chief can always give you a model of behavior: if you don’t know what to do, ask yourself the question: “What would the Chief do in my place?” You usually know what the Chief will do. This is how you do it.
Who can be this Inner Boss for you? This may well be a specific person whom you respect and next to whom you usually behave with dignity. If you are closer to a historical figure or a character of a myth, this is also suitable, if only his image would discipline you and save you from nonsense.
Sometimes such an Inner Boss is called conscience.
From the life of students of the University of Practical Psychology
Friday, evening, we go to the tavern with friends to drink beer, and at the same time share news and impressions. I think, in principle, you can do the same thing, only without beer, and even write down sensible thoughts, if any. I conclude that the guys will not understand and the proposal will not work, although you can practice persuasion skills. In the end, I decided to drink beer and not bathe.
After the tavern, at home, as usual, the right evening and going to bed. I sleep. I dream of a tavern in which I was a few hours ago. I’m sitting at the bar, and suddenly the noise subsides around me, I turn my head to the left, my comrades sit and communicate as usual, only they don’t pay any attention to me. I turn my head to the right, Nikolai Ivanovich is standing and looking at me, silently looking like that, only his lips are tightly compressed and reproachful in his eyes. I fidgeted, and Nikolai Ivanovich said, Tol, the fact that you are resting is great, but I see empty and almost empty mugs in front of you, WHY? isn’t one enough to have a good time? And what you think about studying is good, think about my words.
I wake up. I feel guilty for the second mug of beer, I think, yeah, the roof is going, I am only glad that it is going in the right direction.
During the day I remembered what happened in a dream and tried to understand why I showed myself this? I remembered an episode from the film “What else do men talk about”, where one of the characters had a conscience in the form of Leo Tolstoy, then everything fell into place!