Interior items that look old-fashioned and give away your age

You look good, you feel younger than your age, but acquaintances for some reason perceive you as an older person. Check your interior, it may hide things that give you away.

It never occurs to you that things you are used to for a long time behave like real traitors. A new acquaintance comes to visit you and on a subconscious level feels that you are from an older generation. Find markers of your age in your home and get rid of them.

Landline phone

Previously, apartment telephones were in every apartment. And those who did not have, dreamed of acquiring such a device. Now, when everyone has a mobile phone, few people use a landline telephone. Just remember, how long have you heard the phone ringing, which is gathering dust in your corner? A couple of weeks ago, suddenly rang, and even then the wrong number? Or just phoned all the numbers in a row to conduct a poll? Young people today do not start home telephones, but get rid of the inherited ones. So consider whether you need this attribute of the recent past. If you practically do not use it, write a statement to deactivate the service, and remove the device or throw it away altogether. Unless, of course, you call up on it every day with your beloved grandmother. The habits of loved ones are a good reason to leave things as they are.

Carpet on the wall

Now, carpets are not very much laid on the floor, and hanging on the wall is definitely the last century! Then the cherished three by four meters of the pattern on the whole wall was a sign of prosperity and well-being. They stood in queues for carpets, brought them from other cities, and after hanging them, took pictures against the background of the acquisition by the whole family for many years. In modern interiors, wall hangings are a rarity. If you still have not got rid of this cute retro, do not be surprised if others, when asked about your age, give out something completely different from what you would like to hear.


Beautiful fabric or just oilcloth – it doesn’t matter. It used to be necessary to cover tables. Modern materials from which furniture is made allow both to put hot plates, and to test the strength of the table surface for other everyday circumstances. At the same time, do not worry too much about scratches and cracks, the likelihood of their appearance is extremely small. Therefore, it is not surprising that all kinds of tablecloths are a thing of the past. Young people do not use them, and, if necessary, replace them with stylish napkins – they can be plastic, cork, woven from a vine or something else, depending on the style in which the interior is sustained.

TV in the kitchen

This is usually the second or third TV set in the house. A smart TV with a large screen in the living room looks quite modern, but a small old one, stuck somewhere on the refrigerator, will immediately “mature” the owners of your apartment. The habit of constantly turning on the TV in the background is clearly from the past, young people now completely manage with a laptop or telephone. And then, talking at dinner or lunch with loved ones is much better than chewing silently while listening to a TV series or news.

First aid kit in a conspicuous place

Of course, we all get sick, and at any age. But it’s one thing when you are being treated for a cold, and another thing when you take pills systematically. With age, the number of such medications increases, as does the risk of forgetting to take them on time. Therefore, keeping a voluminous first aid kit in sight is one of the signs of past years. If you do not want it to give out your age, find a place in a closed cabinet so that the necessary pills are at hand and are not rushed into your eyes.


The fact that you brew tea in the classical way characterizes you only positively. So it is more useful, and the subtleties of taste are fully revealed. Not like tea bags! These young people are all running somewhere and in a hurry just pour boiling water over them … That’s just it! Young creatures for the most part do not yet think about the intricacies of a tea bouquet, although, of course, there may be exceptions. And leisurely porcelain teapots usually live in the interiors of older people. However, you don’t have to give up a good habit. Choose a kettle that does not resemble Soviet sets, which will look stylish and fashionable.

Crystal in the sideboard

Wine glasses, wine glasses, vases … All this sparkled with facets behind the glass doors of our grandmothers sideboards and was taken out on holidays for the arrival of guests. Now there are many other more modern and beautiful tableware. It is not so fragile and allows you to make any serving – original, fashionable and allowing you to express your taste and personality. Can’t part with your family crystal salad bowl and a set of glasses? Tuck them away and reach only with your family and closest friends.

Knitted napkins and rugs

Women who know how to do something with their hands have always been appreciated. But even if you are able to crochet dozens of napkins and meters of rugs, you should not put all this in your interior. Perhaps to the dacha – and then if they have conceived an ingenious stylization. Take up more modern types of needlework or give, for example, knitted hats to your girlfriends.

Drying rope

Nowadays it is not difficult to buy a tumble dryer, and current washing machines give you almost dry laundry. Yes, and washing is not difficult, it is not necessary to start a big process on the weekend, you can throw in and scroll the laundry any day, in small portions. So stretching in several rows of ropes under the ceiling somewhere in the corridor is more of a habit than a necessity. And when did you get used to it, if you are very young? That’s just it.

Old fashioned curtains

Perhaps your mother has inspired you from childhood that white tulle with a border, complete with shadow curtains made of dense expensive fabric, should hang on the windows in the living room. And in the kitchen – by all means flowered curtains, tied up on the sides with ribbons. Although my mother will not teach bad things, it is time to forget this science of hers. It’s just that in the years of her youth, no one could have imagined how many different options for window decoration would be at our disposal. Roman blinds, roller blinds, all kinds of threads, pendants and beads. And the classic curtains have changed in the sense of a combination of textures and colors, cut and shape. On sites with fashionable interior solutions, you will surely find something that you like and will replace the very “ageless” classics, which have long turned into retro and, yes, give out your age.

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