Interior decoration with posters. Video

Interior decoration with posters. Video

In the modern world, interior design issues are becoming quite acute. After all, there is a huge amount of materials, techniques and much more, with the help of which you can easily make the interior of the house interesting and non-standard. One of the most popular design trends is wall decoration with posters. Experts assure that there is a reason for this. After all, the use of posters greatly simplifies the task. Plus, you get the opportunity to change the design of the house if you are already tired of the old pictures.

Interior decoration posters

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​decorating walls with posters is not new, today it is extremely popular. This is due to the fact that modern trends in design are set for maximum democracy. In casual style, people not only dress, but also decorate their homes. After all, it contributes to the creation of the most comfortable, stylish, bright and unusual style in the interior. In addition, posters help to make the original interior cheap – after all, you do not have to spend as much money on posters as on high-quality wallpapers.

You need to start decorating the interior with posters with their correct selection. So, today designers divide posters into several types: – graphic; – photographic; – text.

For interior decoration, you can use any of these options. After all, whatever the poster, it should clearly reflect the character and lifestyle of the person who lives in this room. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether it is an office or an apartment.

True, quite often you can meet with a mixture of posters of different types in the same room. In this case, they are hung by zones: text – in the work room, photo – in the living room, etc.

Posters can be bought – in stores there are a huge number of posters suitable for any situation and interior. Or you can develop an individual batch of paintings and photos that will decorate your room. There are also no restrictions on the size of the canvases. These can be small posters, or there can be quite noticeable options.

What to look for when choosing a poster

With those posters that you will make yourself, everything is clear. You just need to choose any pictures that you like, place them on the blank and send them to print.

When creating your own posters, remember that images of the same subject are needed for one room. Don’t mix text and photo posters at once. It will create dissonance

If you decide to stay with ready-made options, you should consider a number of nuances that will help you make the right choice.

The poster looks organic if it is correctly matched to the color type. After all, if you hang yellow pictures in a bedroom made in cold tones of blue and gray, it will look ridiculous. The harmony of your premises will be disturbed. It is better to heed the advice of professionals and in rooms, for example, with an abundance of wooden objects to hang posters in warm coffee colors. Minimalistic interiors, on the other hand, require brighter spots.

Be sure to remember that posters are not the main decorative element. On the contrary, it is simply a connecting component between furnishings and the space of the room. Do not hang the entire room so that only posters attract the main attention. Their task is to serve as an integral and logical addition to the entire interior as a whole.

When choosing the right posters, don’t forget about the lighting. After all, without it, they will look dull and dreary. Do not rely on natural light from the sun to illuminate them. Experts say that natural sunlight is harmful to posters, especially if the rays hit directly on the surface of the posters. Pictures fade, posters darken and become unusable. The best option is to choose special spotlights that will be directed directly at the poster. Halogen lamps are especially good for this purpose.

In general, there are no clear restrictions regarding the placement of posters around the apartment. You can place posters wherever you want. However, it is advisable to take into account the size, as well as the purpose and lighting of the room where the posters will be hung. For example, designers do not recommend hanging bright and dynamic posters in the bedroom, as this is a room for sleeping and relaxing.

In the living room, it is better to use universal options with a life-affirming and beautiful image, since this is a reception area. It is necessary that everyone can appreciate the poster, and they do not cause negative associations and emotions in him.

What the posters are made of

Posters can be completely different. Traditionally, they are, of course, made on special paper. But, as an option, you can make them on fabric or ceramics. There are also situations when the picture is applied directly to the furniture.

New design direction – posters

The main thing to consider is proper maintenance of the posters. So, for example, it is imperative to regularly dust them off. It is best to do this with a special brush. But if the poster is protected by glass or plastic, it can be wiped clean with a damp, clean cloth.

Replace posters in time if they have already become unusable – faded, spots appeared, etc. After all, even one untidy poster can spoil the overall impression of the entire interior as a whole.

The benefits of decorating a room with posters

The main advantage of poster design is that it is economical. This is due to the fact that you can always easily change the interior in a matter of minutes. Plus, it will be easy for you to create themed decoration of the room, for example, before some holiday. If the New Year is coming, the main theme can be Christmas trees, Santa Clauses or Santas, deer, gifts, fireworks, etc. If it’s March 8th, you can easily turn your room or office into a flower greenhouse with just themed posters on the walls.

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