😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! This article contains interesting facts from the life of famous people. Hope you learn something new about legendary celebrities.
Facts from the life of famous people
George Danzig
The father of linear programming in his youth was not particularly punctual and was very often late. Of course, this did not bring him joy, until, one day, being late for another lecture at the university, he saw several equations on the blackboard, which he took for homework.
The task turned out to be very difficult, but he completed it in just a few days. Only later did it become clear that these equations were an example of “unsolvable” problems in statistics, over which many bright minds of mankind had been struggling for many years.
Herbert Wells
One day, H.G. Wells fell from the roof of a garage and suffered a serious injury to his leg. Because of this, he had to spend a whole year at home, fighting the disease. To somehow escape boredom, he read a lot.
H.G. Wells. Lived: 1866-1946
Then this hobby turned into a serious hobby. Wells began writing himself, becoming, as we all know, one of the most famous writers in the world.
Alfred Nobel
In 1888, the newspaper mistakenly published an obituary about the death of Alfred Nobel. The ad was not shy in expressions, calling him “a merchant of explosive death” and other offensive words.
After reading this, Nobel was horrified, because he did not want to be talked about after death only as a terrible villain, the inventor of dynamite. And he bequeathed all his money for the establishment of a special prize in literature, chemistry, physics and medicine – the Nobel Prize.
Vladimir Dal
The author of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language was born in Lugansk, but was not Russian. His mother was German and his father was Dane.
Once he read a not quite decent telegram about the commander-in-chief of the fleet, during his service in the Black Sea Fleet, not understanding many of the words used in it. And he was arrested.
After that, the young man promised himself that he would learn Russian until he knew it “inside and out”. Which he actually did.
Betty Graham
Inventor of stationery putty, she was originally an artist. But, remaining a single mother, she got a job as a secretary in one firm because of the need. Once Betty spoiled a very important document, but here she was rescued by the artist’s ingenuity.
Correcting the typo with white tempera, she quickly got out of the situation, so gracefully that the authorities did not notice the mistake. So the idea of creating a practical stationery putty was born, which is used to this day.
Helen Keller
Helen from birth could not see and hear, however, this did not stop her from becoming a successful member of society. In her youth, she learned to read and write. She entered college and graduated with honors.
“When one door closes, another opens. But we often do not see her, staring at the closed door ”- said the philosopher.
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie began his career at the age of five. During one of his performances, his mother lost her voice. In order to somehow save her from an angry audience, Charlie himself went on stage and began to parody famous singers.
Suddenly the boy got a thunderous ovation. They even started throwing coins and bills on the stage, and the future great actor quickly realized his calling.
Isadora Duncan
Ballerina Isadora Duncan was only at the beginning of her career. While on tour, there was a fire in her hotel room and she lost all of her outfits. But this did not stop the ballerina from going on stage, throwing a translucent piece of fabric over herself, with bare feet.
Isadora Duncan. Lived 1877-1927
The audience in the hall liked the new style of performance. The girl herself became not only a successful ballerina, but also the founder of the modern dance school.
Konstantin Falberg
In 1879, chemist Konstantin Fahlberg, by pure chance, did not wash his hands after his experiments and went to dinner. Of course, this story could have had a different ending, but at the table the chemist realized that his bread tasted surprisingly sweet. It turned out that the whole thing was in the drug that remained in his hands.
As luck would have it, saccharin, or the benzoic acid sulfamide compound, was invented.
Joseph Bureau
He was an ordinary journalist and a caring father. Once, in 1938, watching his little son play in the yard, he noticed that a children’s ball, falling into a muddy puddle, was rolling and leaving a long trail along the road.
So the inventor dawned on the idea of creating a ballpoint pen, which will help to avoid blots in work and save himself from annoying blots.
Additional information and interesting facts from the life of famous people in this video
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